KIRKLEATHAM – Cleveland Hunt Presentation to Mr & Mrs Newcomen
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 09/11/1877.
On Thursday (01/11), the meet of the Cleveland Hunt, the residents of the popular master, A. H. Turner Newcomen, Esq., and it was made, the occasion of an interesting presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Newcomen, both of whom for some years past have done much in the way of supporting and encouraging the hunt. The movement to recognise in a suitable manner their efforts in this direction was due, we believe, to the late Henri secretary, Mr. J. W. Clarke, of Guisborough, and if you gentleman in that neighbourhood, and the whole of the members of the hunt empowering (63 in number) liberally subscribe to the testimonial which took the shape of a silver salvo and tea set for Mrs. Newcomen, and a silver home, and a beautifully-illuminated address in the highest style of the illuminators’ art, to Mr. Newcomen. The address was a long one, and recorded the congratulations of the members of the Cleveland Hunt to Mr. Newcomen on the birth of a son and heir; they hope that he might be spared many another hunting season to provide and enjoyed as good sport as he had invariably Sean; and that his son might be trained up to be as good a sportsman as his father. The salver bore the following inscription “Presented to Mrs. Newcomen by the members of the Cleveland Hunt, in acknowledgement of her universal kindness and courtesy, and in appreciation of the very prominent, and successful part she has taken in promoting the welfare of the home. November, 1877.” The various articles were beautifully ornamented heads and brushes. The presentation was made by Mr. Isaac Wilson in a neat and appropriate speech, and was suitably acknowledged by Mr. New common. There was a large company of the Mite of the district present in the yard where the presentation took place, including Mr. J. W. Pease, M.P., Ms. J. Lowther, M.P., &c.
Lol Hansom December 27, 2014 Kirkleatham, Kirkleatham - Local Board