KIRKLEATHAM – Education in the Parish of Kirkleatham

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 25/01/1878.


Adjourned meeting of the ratepayers of the parish of Kirkleatham was held in the National School-room, Coatham, on Saturday afternoon last (19/01), to consider the desirability or otherwise of passing a resolution requesting the School Attendance Committee of the Guisborough Union. “to make bye-laws respecting the attendance of children at school.” At the former meeting, held on the 22nd ult, there was only a very small attendance, and on the motion of the Rev. E. Knibbs (Wesleyan), seconded by Mr. T. W. S. Locke, in order that statistics might be produced, showing the existing school accommodation and the number of children in the parish. The meeting of Saturday last was much better attended and the Rev. L. B. Towne again presided. Mr. A. Buchannan (clerk to the Guisborough Board of Guardians), produced statistics giving the number of children in the parish as 368, 60, of whom were not attending school at all; and also briefly explained the operation of the Education Act of 1870, and the Amendment Of 1876. The Chairman then put the following resolution to the meeting, which had been moved by Mr. Andrew Scott, and seconded by Mr. Thomas Bland:- “That this meeting requests the School Attendance Committee of the Guisborough Union to make bye-laws to take effect in the parish of Kirkleatham, respecting the attendance of children at school, under section 21 of the Elementary Education Act of 1876 and section 74 of the Elementary Education Act of 1870.” The resolution was carried by a large majority, there being only two pounds elder against it. The Chairman complainant of the action of those parties who had been instrumental in obtaining the adjournment of the last meeting for the production of statistics, for causing a great amount of trouble, and had afterwards not thought it necessary to put in an appearance. Mr. J. W. Smith said that in justice to Mr. Knibbs the ought to explain that he (Mr. Knibbs) had had to leave by an early train that afternoon for Robin Hood’s Bay, near Whitby, and was consequently unable to be present. Chairman remarked that this was a satisfactory explanation so far as Mr. Knibbs was concerned, and the meeting terminated.



Lol Hansom February 1, 2015 Kirkleatham, Meetings Other Places