Law & Order – Attempted Burglary Redcar
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 19/03/1874.
At the Guisborough Police Court, on Tuesday (17/03), John Newstead, labourer, Redcar, a strong built man, about 35 years of age, was charged with being found on enclosed premises, on the morning of the 15th armed with a bludgeon, with intent to enter the dwelling-house of George Mark Clay, Red Lion Hotel, Redcar, with intent to commit a felony therein.—Sgt Storey, stationed at Redcar, said that about half past one on the morning of the 15th inst, he was in Lord Street, Redcar, on duty, accompanied by Police constable Cook. On getting to the bottom of the Red Lion Hotel yard, they stopped in consequence of hearing glass rattle two or three times. They went up the hotel yard, and underneath the bar window. This saw the prisoner crouching down in the corner. Witness turned his lamp onto him and asked him what he was doing there. He did not speak at all. The bludgeon, which appeared quite new, was shaped like a policeman’s staff but was nearly twice as long, and was heavily loaded with lead at the end. He did not hit witness, and P.C. Cook run round and felled him. They then took him into custody, and on searching him, found the canvas produced in his possession. Witness examined the bar window, which had a mark on the woodwork. The window was fastened, but there was no shutter. He did not know the prisoner. He had never seen him before.—Cross-examined by the prisoner: I never saw you till I found you in the corner.—P. C. Cook corroborated the evidence.—Prisoner, in answer to the charge, said he had nothing to say.—Mr Duck: have you anything to say about this thing (the bludgeon)? —Yes. I had it in my pocket.—Prisoner was committed to take his trial at the ensuing York Assizes.
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 26/03/1874.
The Spring Assizes for the North and East Ridings of the county were commenced on Saturday (21/03). The number of prisoners for trial was 38, one of which was the attempted burglary at the Red Lion Hotel, when John Newstead (55 years) who pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment with hard labour.
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 26/03/1874.
Sgt Storey and police constable Cooke, officers of the North Riding Constabulary station that Redcar, have each received the badge of merit from Capt Hill, Chief Constable, in recognition of their courageous conduct in the capture of John Newstead, whilst attempting to break into the red Lion Hotel Redcar on the night of the 14th inst. The badge entitles the recipients to extra pay.
Lol Hansom August 26, 2013 Law & Order