Law & Order – Savage attack on Game Keeper near Redcar
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 05/11/1874
At the Guisborough Police Court, on Tuesday (03/11) before Adml Chaloner, Mr H. W. Yeoman, the Rev H. W. Yeoman, and Mr J. S. Ayrton, a man named Frederick Cox, miner, Upleatham, was charged with trespassing in pursuit of game, and violently assaulting a gamekeeper, named Hardcastle, on Sir Charles Lowther’s estate, at Wilton near Redcar, on Monday afternoon, (02/11). The prisoner and another man were observed by the watchers to shoot three hares, and on Hardcastle going towards them then ran away. He immediately gave chase, and succeeded in running down the prisoner, but he had no sooner done so than the prisoner kicked up a piece of slag, and threatened to smash him if he did not keep back. Hardcastle said, “I don’t want to take you into custody; all I want is your name, and you can then go away.” The prisoner throwing down the slag, reflected in a few moments, and said, “Well, they call me something, I have come from somewhere, and I am not going somewhere,” and he was about to go when Hardcastle laid hold of them by the collar and observed that he would have to go with him somewhere else. The prisoner said, “he would be – – – – – -if he would,” and taking hold of the barrel of his gun he aimed a swiping blow at Hardcastle’s head. Hardcastle stepped back and avoided it, but he was immediately afterwards struck on the shoulder and arm and a desperate struggle then ensued between them. In the course of the affray the gun went off, neither were hurt, and they continued their encounter until assistance came up, when the prisoner was removed to Redcar. Hardcastle now stated that he was so severely kicked by prisoner that he was unable to walk home, and have to be taken in a comments. The prisoner, in answer to the charge, said he was not aware he was trespassing, he thought that “the slems” on which he and his mate were shooting was Government land where anybody could go; and as to the assault he would not have struck the keeper had the keeper not struck him. Mr Yeoman (the chairman) said he had been guilty of a serious offence, and the bench would not be doing their duty if they did not find him severely. He would have to pay £1 and costs for the game trespassers, and £2 and costs for the assault on Hardcastle.
Lol Hansom August 15, 2014 Law & Order