LIFEBOAT – Teesbay Lifeboat Institution
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 22/09/1876
A meeting of the committee of this institution was held at Redcar on Saturday (16/09). Present: Messrs. Fallows, Trattles, Moore, Jackson, and Wetherill: also the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Holmes, the Collector of Customs, Stockton. Mr. Fallows presided. A letter was read from Mr. Lewis, the secretary of the National Lifeboat Institution, intimating that the Earl of Zetland had become a subscriber of five guineas to the society, and recommending the hon. secretary to thank him which has been done.
Ordered, that the secretary do remit £50 towards the funds of the National Institution. Deputation from the “Marine Lodge” of Free Gardeners waited on the committee, and stated that their society had resolved to build and fully equip a new lifeboat suitable for travelling and launching from the Redcar Sands, and to present the same to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, which they trust will be accepted as a free will offering from their society. Resolved, that this worthy and much valued offer be forwarded to the National Lifeboat Institution, with a recommendation that this honourable donation be thankfully received. The following sums were received from the acting boxes, viz. :- Coatham and Redcar boxes, the Lifeboat House box and private boxes at Saltburn £6.11s.7d. Ordered that the committee be called to meet Capt. Robertson, the travelling agent of the Patent Institute, on his proposed visit of inspection to Redcar.
Lol Hansom October 9, 2014 Lifeboat