LITERARY INSTITUTION – Redcar New Room and Library
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 16/01/1874.
The annual meeting of this institution was held in the Reading Room on Monday evening last (12/01), and we are glad to learn from the secretary’s report that there has been an increased number of members and more regular attendance at the Reading Room during the present winter. This is probably in some degree owing to the classes which the committee originated last autumn, one of which – the Short Hand Class— has been a marked success, as it has attracted a number of young men to whom the acquisition of Short Hand, is a desideratum, and under the efficient teacher, Mr. H. Simpson, considerable progress has, we believe, already been made. The Drawing and French classes having failed to attract any considerable number of pupils, but the Drawing Class, under the supervision of Mr. Robert Moore, is a source of pleasure and improvement to a limited number of members. The balance sheet for the year ended on the 31st ult, was very satisfactory, as after payment of all the current expenses a sum of £4 remained in the hands of the Treasurer. The Honorary Secretary, Mr. Bland, also announced that the Earl of Zetland has kindly intimated through Mr. Trotter, of Upleatham, that he will give the use of the Reading Room free of rent, which will be a great help to the funds. There was also laid on the table a handsome present of books from James Mackean, Esq., President of the Institution. We noticed in the report that the Committee expressed their regret that the Reading room was not more frequented, and this was supposed to be in some degree caused by the fact that it was little known. To remedy this, a Sub-Committee was organised to canvass for members, and those present were urged to bring the subject under the notice of their friends. We have much pleasure in drawing public attention to this room, which is large, well lighted, with a good supply of daily and weekly newspapers, and is in every respect a pleasant evening resort. We hope to hear that the camvas of the Sub-Committee will result in the accession of a number of new members, so that the room may be thoroughly utilised, and its advantages made fully known. The members have access to a Library, which comprises several hundreds of volumes of popular literature, and to which additions are made from time to time; and it may also be mentioned that, ladies and others unable to attend the Reading Room may, by becoming members, enjoy the full use of the Library, which in itself is fully worth the cost of the membership. In conclusion, we would invite those who need a place of evening resort to become members of the Reading Room; and we are certain that in the united populations of Redcar and Coatham, there are a large number of young men, who will have time at their disposal, which would be well spent in making the acquaintance of the books, obtained in this Library, in reading the current literature, which will inform them on the leading events of the day, and if they choose to profit also by the instruction given in classes such as those already mentioned, or others which would be commenced if the need arose. It is cheering to find that the number of members, although still comparatively low, is increasing, and we hope at the next annual meeting to be able to congratulate the Committee and indefatigable Secretary on the success of their further efforts, and when the room becomes too small to carry on the work of the Institution. We doubt not that friends will be forthcoming and funds raised to obtain a larger and more permanent building, suitable for the requirements of the growing population of Redcar and Coatham.
Lol Hansom August 23, 2013 Education, Classes, Clubs & Organisations