MEETING – Government Inquiry Redcar Local Board
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 29/04/1876
The Government Enquiry to be held at Redcar on Tuesday next (02/05), the notice for which we append below, is to determine whether there is sufficient ground for including in the district of the Redcar Local Board of Health the portion of the town which lies in the parish of Upleatham, and certain portions of the parish of Marske which adjoin. The increased number of buildings at the South side of Redcar, and the probable rapid extension beyond the present limits of the district, render it necessary that its area should be increased, and with regard to the Upleatham portion it is perfectly obvious to all impartial persons that it should be under the same local governing body as the other part of Redcar. Why it was left out when the original order in Council gave Redcar a Local Board of Health, is now difficult to ascertain, but it was, to say the least, a gross and palpable blunder, and must have been caused either by negligence or design. For if a local governing body was needed at Redcar at all, it was cleanly as needful for one part of the town as another. Further than this, the water, gas, and drainage questions all point in the same direction, and if the matter is cleanly laid before the Government Officer appointed to make the inquiry, we have no doubt as to the result. Opposition is to be expected, but what scheme of sanitary reform or amendment, or indeed reform of any kind, as there ever been which has not had its opponents, but when the cause is good these will only serve to bring out its true lights. Now that Coatham has by an unmistakable majority declared in favour of a Local Board of Health, it will become more than ever a glaring anomaly if we are still to have within the area of the Redcar district a great number of houses and cottages over which no sanitary control is exercised, except from the distant village of Upleatham. If Coatham has at length discovered the inconvenience of government from a distant town, and the inadequacy of the Guisborough Urban Sanitary Authority to meet the requirements of the place, little argument is needed to prove that at least the whole of Redcar and all building ground adjoining should be under the comptroller of the Redcar Local Board. Besides all this, Dr. Thorne, the Government Medical Officer who inspected the whole district of Cleveland last year, expressly recommended that the outlying portion should be included with the Local Board area. In these days of sanitary reform it is most necessary that every effort should be used to make watering places thoroughly healthy, and we congratulate our neighbours at Coatham for declaring by a large majority in favour of sanitary reform. The following is the notice above referred to:-
Whereas by section 270 of the Public Health Act, 1875, power is given to the Local Government Board, by Provisional Order, to declare the whole or any part of a Room Sanitary District immediately adjoining a Local Government District, to be included in such last mentioned district;
And Whereas the said Local Government Board have under consideration a proposal that a Provisional Order shall be issued to declare that the whole or portions of the Townships of Upleatham and Marske, which are now included in the Rural Sanitary District of the Guisborough Union, shall be included in the District of the Redcar Local Board;
And Whereas any such Provisional Order may, if necessary, provide for the settlement of any differences, or the adjustment of any accounts, are the apportionment of any liabilities arising between the District of the said Local Board and the said Townships, in consequence of making of such Provisional Order, and may prescribe the number of Members to be elected for the District of the said Local Board if the proposed extension is made;
Notice is hereby given, that Arnold Taylor Esq., One of the Inspectors of the said Board, will attend the Office of the Local Board, Redcar on Tuesday, the Second day of May, 1876, at Ten o’clock in the Forenoon, to hold a Local Enquiry into the subject matter of the said Proposal and the other matters aforesaid.
And notice is hereby further given, and that any person interested may attend at such Inquiry, and be heard with reference to the said Proposal and the other matters aforesaid.
As witness my hand this Nineteenth day of April, 1876 at the Office of the Local Government Board, Whitehall, London.
JOHN LAMBERT, Secretary.
Lol Hansom October 8, 2014 Meetings Other Places, Redcar - Local Board