MEETING – Rate Payer’s Meeting

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 25/03/1870.


            On Thursday evening (17/03), a meeting of the rate payers was convened in the Infant School Room, for the purpose of “choosing fit and proper person’s” to be nominated at the forthcoming election of three members of the Local Board, to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of Messrs James Johnson, Cowl, and Richardson.

            Eight persons attended, and Mr James Johnson was requested to act as chairman. Mr Johnson declining the honour, owing to his connection with the Board, Mr Middleton was ported to the chair.

            The Chairman, having briefly referred to the object of the meeting,

            Mr Peter Jackson proposed Messrs. Blatherwick, James Johnson, and Richard Johnson.

            Mr James Johnson said he must decline being nominated, as he really could not attend to the duties of the position: besides, he was getting into years, and it required a man of some energy to represent them at the Board. He thought it would have been better if they had seen the parties whose name had been proposed, before bringing them fall. In reply to a remark from one of the audience, the speaker said he did not say at one time that if they could not get a better man, he would stand; but he had changed his mind again.

            The names of Messrs Henry Moore and Henry Denton were then mentioned as likely persons to represent them, but grave doubts were expressed as to the willingness of those gentlemen to accept office. Some one also said that Mr Blatherwick not stand. In this state of uncertainty, it was deemed advisable to adjourn the meeting, so that the parties might be seen on the matter. The meeting was consequently, adjourned till the following evening, Messrs. Middleton and Jackson being deputed to ascertain the views of Messrs. Denton, Moore, and Blatherwick.

            On Friday evening (18/03) the same number of persons met at the bottom of the church opening. When Mr Jackson reported that Mr Blatherwick was willing to be nominated: this was denied by another person, who said he had seen Mr Blatherwick that afternoon, when he said he would not sit on the Board any more. Mr Jackson, however, proposed Messrs. Blatherwick, James Johnson, and Richard Johnson: this item seconded by Mr Middleton, the meeting dispersed.
