MEETINGS (other) – Lodge Anniversary at Coatham
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 04/01/1878
The second anniversary of the Sea View Lodge (National Independent order of Odd Fellows, Cleveland District) was celebrated on Thursday evening, the 27th ult, in the Lodge-the room, Cleveland Hotel, Coatham. About fifty of the members and if few friends sat down to an ample and well served to supper at seven o’clock, which was done full justice to, and on the removal of the cloth Dr. Mackinlay (surging to the Lodge) was voted to the chair, and Mr. T. Wakefield to the vice-chairman. The Chairman proposed in succession the toasts of “The Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, and the other members of the Royal Family,” and “The And me, Navy, and Volunteers,” which were duly honoured, the latter being responded to by Bro. T. Jowsey. At this stage of the proceedings, Bro. the Rev. L. B. Towne (vicar of Coatham, and chaplain to the Lodge), who had been announced to take the chair, but had been unavoidably prevented from attending sooner, entered the room, and Dr. Mackinlay at one suffocated the place of honour in his favour. The Secretary (Bro. W. Bradley) then read the report, which showed that since the Lodge was opened 145 members have joined, 112 of whom were entitled to benefit; there had been received during the past year on account of Sick and Funeral Fund £92.3s.3d., in expenditure under this head had been £52.16s., Which left a balance in favour of the Lodge of £39.7s.3d. The income of the Management Fund for the same period was £32.7s.4d., ad the expenditure £22.6s.1d., Also leaving a balance on the right side of £10.1s.3d.; – this with a balance of £17.14s.3d remaining over from last year brought the total worth of the Lodge to £67.2s.9d. (Applause.) The Chairman then proposed “Health and Prosperity to the See View Lodge and kindred Lodges,” and in doing so, spoke of the great benefits derived from connection with such societies, in fostering habits of independence and prudence among workingmen. Bro. Bruce, in responding, mentioned that six months ago, when the Cleveland district was formed, there were only four Lodges in connection with it, having a total membership of 246; since then the number of members had increased to 450, and two additional Lodges had been started, which would sure that a progress made had been general throughout the District, and had not been confined to the See View Lodge. The subsequent toasts were “The Offices of the See View Lodge,” responded to by Bro. Hulett, and “The Members,” responded to by Bro. Gilligan and T. Liddle. At intervals songs were sung and recitations given, the evening’s proceedings being altogether of a most social and enjoyable nature, and the company separated about eleven o’clock, after drinking too “Our next Merry Meeting.”
Lol Hansom January 18, 2015 Coatham, Meetings Other Places