MEETINGS Other – Ratepayers & Property Owners
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 17/02/1868
A meeting of ratepayers and property owners of the parish of Redcar was held on Tuesday (14/02) afternoon, in the infants school, to receive a report from the committee appointed about three months ago to wait upon the Lord Zetland, the property owners, and others likely to contribute towards expends of constructing a sea wall and promenade along the beach, and to verify the practicability and cost of the scheme produced by Mr Matthew Crabtree, surveyor to the Local Board of Health. The plan prepared by him provided a road along the beach aged 75 yards long, and 20 yards wide, at an estimate cost of £2169, from West Terrace to Granville Street for about £1464. There was a very large and influential attendance at the meeting, and the unanimity of feeling evinced by all present augurs well for the efficient and successful prosecution of the undertaking. Dr Horner occupied the chair, and after remarking that what might be called the provisional committee appointed to take the necessary preliminary measures towards procuring this acknowledged necessity for Redcar had completed their labours, and it would be for the meeting to receive their report, and then to appoint a permanent committee, need not tell them what is an indispensable auxiliary to the future prosperity of Redcar, he called upon Mr J. H. Webster, secretary, will make the statement of the proceedings of the committee from their appointment on October 10, 1867, to the present time. In the first instance, the property owners upon the north side of the town agreed to contribute at the rate of one pound per lineal yard, and at a meeting on 16 October committee of 16 persons was appointed to canvas the town: upwards of £600 had been promised. Circulars were also forwarded to the non-resident property owners, but only three fall made any reply. A deputation waited upon Lord Zetland with reference to the matter, and his Lordship promised to contribute £1000 if the plans were approved by an engineer. The plans are then forwarded to Mr John Anderson, and a fortnightly elapsed before his report was received. This report did not meet the views of the committee, and, with the assent of Lord Zetland, the plans were referred to Mr John Fowler, engineer to the Tees Conservancy Commission, who reported his approval. Lord Zetland expressed dissatisfaction with the report, but wished that Mr Fowler should also see the specifications and give an opinion upon them. Accordingly Mr Fowler was consulted the second time, and he then reported having a game gone all the plans and sections and also the specification and estimate, and that he had tested the accurately and more important portions of the work by personal observation. He proposed only to alterations on the specification, thinking it desirable to increase the thickness of the clay backing from 12 to 15 inches; and the angle of the finished slope from one and a half to two and a quarter. Mr Crabtree proposed to finish off the slope at an angle of one and a half to one throughout, proposed to increase to three and a half to 1 at the deeper parts, finishing off in the form of a whole curve. As to the desirability of reducing the width of the promenade from 60 feet to 30 feet between Graffenberg Street and Granville Terrace, Mr Fowler did not think the additional shelter games would be sufficient to induce the committee to curtail the promenade so much within what was thought ought to be the proper width. The saving by the reduction would be about hundred and £20. He proposed to continue with the straight line of the slope until opposite Mr Coulson’s house, and then to curve inwards to the corner of the retaining wall at Granville Terrace. With the addition is made by him self to the specifications, Mr Fowler thought the cost would be about £2400, and that it would be completed for the sum. This brought the committee’s proceedings to the present time. The plans were then exhibited by Mr Crabtree, who remarked that his original estimate was £2169, and that at the meeting in October. The cost might be increased to £2500. However, the estimate of Mr Fowler had corroborated his own, and Mr Fowler confidently stated that, with the addition made, it could be done for £2400. Mr Cowell proposed, and Mr J. Mallaby seconded, ” That Mr Fowler’s reports be received and that the committee be formed for carrying on the work.” Carried unanimously. Captain Tomlinson proposed, and Mr John Paul II did, ” that 12 responsible men of Redcar parish be appointed a committee,” with the suggestion that six should collect subscriptions and 6C after the work part of the scheme. The following were chosen as committee; – Messrs J. Cowl, Hedge. Gladders, John Harrison, Dr Horner, Messrs John Horner, Richard Johnson, E. W. Lennard, James Lynas, sen., Joseph Mallaby, H. Moore, Robert Moore, and J. H. Webster, (secretary). Capt Tomlinson next proposed, and Mr Hall seconded, “That the work be carried out to the satisfaction of Mr Crabtree, the engineer of the sea wall.” Carried. Capt. Tomlinson also proposed, “That the work should be left to the lowest tenders, and that the contractors be bound to time in doing the work,” otherwise ten years may elapse before it was completed. Regarding the connection of Mr Crabtree with the work, it was understood the Local Board would grant him permission to fulfil the duties of engineer. The reply to a question put by Mr Cowl, as to who would be responsible to contract is for payments, the Chairman said all moneys would be paid into the bank has received, and that checks would be given. There was £1000 from Lord Zetland, and between £600 and £700 promised by others; besides this money probable subscribers had not yet been seen; and some kind ladies had promised to get up a bazaar, if necessary. Beyond the £1000, the Earl of Zetland told them that if there was not sufficient, they might apply to again. (Cheers). The (the Chairman) thought the whole sum was now within reach, and that the sea wall would soon be an accomplished fact. A vote of thanks was given to the chairman.
Lol Hansom March 6, 2013 Meetings Other Places