MILITARY – 1st Yorkshire Artillery Volunteers.

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 10/06/1875


            Last Saturday (05/06), the annual prize competition of the 1st North Yorkshire Artillery Volunteers took place at Redcar.

The members of the above corps marched from the Railway Station, headed by their brass band, which played an excellent marching step. When they arrived at the big guns, at the east end of the town, and the detachment told off, they commenced firing in good earnest, each man having two shots. There were ten men to each detachment, and each detachment was allowed twenty minutes to shoot their twenty shots.

The shooting was on the whole, creditable to the members, but none of them succeeded in hitting the target till Quarter-Master Sergeant Johnson went on, and the first shot he made knocked the target down, for which the officers and members gave him a cheer for hi good elevation. This is the first time since 1873 that the target had been knocked away.

Mr. Johnson belongs to No.3 Battery; he is a native of Redcar; and we are glad that his endeavours have been so successfully crowned as to be head scorer and obtain the prize.


Lol Hansom March 21, 2013 Military & War Years