INCIDENT – Yearby, Narrow Escape.

Accreditation Redcar & Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 13/09/1872


     On Friday, 13th, September, 1872 and accident, which very nearly proved fatal, happened to a man named Brown, who was employed as a beater for, Mr. Newcomen and party whilst they were shooting over a field near Yearby. He was searching for grounded game when one of the keepers shouted. A bird rose and Mr. Rutherford fired, and Brown who was just raising himself up from the ground received part of the charge. Dr. Maury Dess, who was one of the party, quickly attended him, and though blood flowed freely, he was able to walk home, when it was found that the shot had riddled his hat and had grazed his skull. Fortunately, the injury sustained is not so serious as was at first anticipated, and the injured man is progressing favourably towards recovery.


dean July 26, 2011 Accidents