ORGANISATION – Masonic Gathering at Redcar
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 04/08/1876
The annual gathering of the Freemasons of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire took place at Redcar on Wednesday (02/08), under the presidency of the right honourable the Earl of Zetland, R. W. Prov. Grand master who was supported by Dr. Bell, P. D. G. LM., Bros, Marwood, Hollon, and other distinguished brethren, about 200 being present. The various business meetings were held in the Central Hall, the room at the West End being used for the brethren assembling and forming into a procession, and that at the East End for the meetings, both been tastefully decorated for the occasion with banners, Masonic devices, flowers, and evergreens. The Board of Benevolence, for the consideration of grants for charitable purposes at 12 30 p.m.; provincially grand launch was opened at 1.30 p.m., when the usual business having been transacted, the officers for the ensuring year were appointed.
The Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and the brethren adjourned to the Coatham Hotel, where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared under the superintendence of Miss Knight, the manager. The Earl of Zetland presided, and after the cloth had been removed the usual loyal and Masonic posts were proposed and duly honoured. The arrangements which gave the greatest satisfaction throughout were carried out under the direction of the officers of the Marwood Lodge.
Lol Hansom May 7, 2013 Education, Classes, Clubs & Organisations