PENNY Reading in 1869

Accreditation The Redcar & Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 29/10/1869


            Penny Reading – The first of these social entertainments took place on Friday night last. If there be one thing which strikes a stranger attending these gatherings it is the mutual co-operation of all classes to render their meetings pleasant, from the squire in the chair, his lady assisting at the pianoforte, to the hospital boys and girls. The programme was a very lengthy one, and the musical portion was decidedly the best part of the evening’s entertainment, the concerted pieces showing careful training. “All among the barley” and “Oh thou breeze” were capitally rendered, and Mr Carr, as usual, was favourably received. Mr Greenings displayed great dexterity in his execution of a violin solo, “Life let us cherish,” with variations. A new feature in these meetings was a short address by the Rev. H. I. Longsdon on “Home and Happiness,” which in a pleasant way conveyed some practical hints how to make home happy. In conclusion, we wish every success to these penny readings, which afford a pleasant and profitable mode of passing a winter evening.


dean January 3, 2011 Events