PEOPLE & CHARACTER – BAILEY Charles. Rev. 53 years native of Kirkleatham

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea Gazette 12/01/1877.

Reverend Charles BAILEY

            We deeply regret to announce the death of the Rev. Charles Bailey, vicar of Marton-in-Cleveland, which took place on Monday last (08/01), at the vicarage at the comparatively early age of fifty-three years. The deceased had been in a declining state of health for several years past, and for some time was completely invalided. Mr. Bailey was a native of Kirkleatham, and both well-known and highly esteemed throughout the whole district, where most of his life was spent. He was seventeen years, vicar of Marton, and prior to that eight years, vicar of Marske-by-the-Sea. Throughout these five and twenty-five years Mr. Bailey was an earnest and painstaking clergyman, and a devoted member of his Church. Attached to neither of the extreme parties, he held that via media, which forms the backbone of the English Church, and pursued the even tenor of his way, endeavouring to the utmost of his power to instruct and benefit the flocks committed to his charge. Many visitors to Redcar will remember the normal form of the deceased, and the earnest discourses delivered by him in the Churches of the district. Now his voice is silent, but “he being dead yet speaketh up.” How much he loved the Church of England, and how much he laboured to make her the Church of the people is best known to those amongst whom he lived. That his work was appreciated by his fellow-clergy’s events by the fact that he was elected as Proctor in Convocation, and appointed by the Archbishop of the Province Rule rural Dean of Cleveland. How thoroughly genuine and English was his mind and character is known to a large circle of friends, who deeply mourn his loss. His mortal remains are interred in the Marton Churchyard on Wednesday last (10/01), where a large number of the clergy and gentry and parishioners of the deceased paid their last tribute of respect to his memory. The funeral service in the church was read impressively by his old friend, the Rev. W. H. Elliott (of Worsall Hall), at completed, at the graveside by his curate, the Rev. Mr. Sims, son of another old friend, the Rev. H. M. Sims (Rector of Hinderwell). The village choir sang in church very impressively the dirge “Days and moments quickly flying,” and at the graveside. “Brief life is here our portion” –  both from Hymns Ancient and Modern. The following clergyman were pallbearers:- the Revs. Dr. Gardner, W. Milburne, T. Robson, T. Dixon, A. C. Smith, H. M. Sims, Hon. W. Bertie, and A. Kaye. The coffin was of polished English oak, with a brass plate bearing the name and date of death. His body rests in peace beneath the trees which overshadow the Churchyard, awaiting the resurrection morn, when “this mortal shall put on immortality,” and saying shall be brought to pass – “Death is swallowed up in victory.”


Lol Hansom January 6, 2015 Cemetery, Churches, People & Characters