PEOPLE – HOGGARD. S Mr. – Photographer Redcar
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 05/11/1869
Mr S. Hoggard, who has for several years past, made the science of photography his particular study, more especially with regard to obtaining absolute permanency of the object reproduced by the lens, has so far succeeded in this respect that he has lately been enabled to introduce a process which we cannot but think will be looked upon as a great boon, more especially by the laws, who only retain the ordinary photographic likeness of friends. They may have lost. Likeness, we all others have more or less reason to know ultimately fade; in many instances in very short time. Mr Hoggard’s object appears to be to reproduce those faded images in a form that is as permanent as any ordinary oil or water colour drawing; and judging from the specimen we have had an opportunity of inspecting at his studio, we think he may be fairly said to have succeeded. The pitches we have seen embraced reproductions in oil, water, and crayon; some of them from photographs so completely faded as to be hardly distinguished; and yet the picture produced by Mr Hoggard has the appearance of a highly finished miniature, faithfully retaining the likeness of the original. One picture, particularly caught our attention, of a size far beyond the usual attempts of permanent processes hitherto introduced, being life size, finished in crayon by Mr T. Manning (who is engaged on the premises): we can only say that the image produced is at once, invade on the canvas, or a sheet of ordinary drawing paper, without the aid of any photographic materials. He utterly ignores nitrate of silver and hyposulphite of soda, agents to destructive to the lasting qualities of Eddie picture. We may mention that the process is by no means confined to the reproductions, as we have seen originals by the same means, ranging from the size of an ordinary carte-de-visite to the crayon pictures above-mentioned. Last but not least, the prices being place them within the reach of all.
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea 04/02/1876
Mr. S. Hoggard, of Coatham, who were already bears such an excellent reputation as a photographic artist, and who is ever anxious to supply it truly artistic picture, has permanently engaged Mr. J. Regester, the well known artist who has had the distinguished honour of painting by command a portrait of Prince Christian for Her Gracious Majesty the Queen, has also won for the Prince. All lovers of artistic ability will have a gratifying example of the artist’s productions by paying a visit to our office, where a portrait of the Countess of Zetland is exhibited. It is drawn, and beautifully painted in watercolours, from a photograph taken at Mr. Hoggard’s studio: the picture is highly artistic, being a combination of nature and art strikingly interesting; it has a beautiful transparent effect, which cannot be attained in a painted photograph, therefore the advantage of a drawing is obvious. We may also mention the artistic background, introduced with a masterly pencil, thus avoiding all appearance of monotony. We do not exaggerate when we say that it is charming as a picture, and effective as a portrait. This is not the only work of art worthy of our notice, there being now on the easel an admiral portrait of a Cleveland lady: it is a three-quarter full length life-size, painted in oil. But the most astonishing picture in the studio is a family group of six figures, the arrangement of which is perfect, and on a scale rarely seen, the site measure being six by 4½ feet; this also is a drawing in crayon, and when finished will be on view at the studio, opposite the Grammar School, Coatham.
Lol Hansom March 13, 2013 People & Characters