PUBLIC BUILDING – Public reading room for Redcar and Coatham
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 15/09/1871.
To the Editor of the Redcar and Saltburn by the sea Gazette
Sir, Redcar and Coatham have made rapid strides to advance in the last years in population, in wealth, in sanitary matters, &c., but there is one great desideratum now required, and that is a public reading-room and library. The past few years have seen various attempts in Redcar and Coatham, to carry on institutions of this character, but every attempt hitherto has flourished for a while and then gone to decay, and now with a resident population of almost 4000 souls, we have no place where the young men of the place can congregate to be used and instructed, Surely, Sir, this is a crying want, when we consider the numerous temptations to which you are exposed from the attractions on the beer house, we ought to unite to establish something of the kind. Our neighbours at Marske have shown us and excellent example. There they have a capital building with reading-room, library, concert-room, chess and draught-room. I think they put us to the blush, and we cannot do better than follow their example stop what is wanted is an institution of this kind is 1st. A permanent building and not a place rented from year to year. 2nd A central situation to suit both Redcar and Coatham: and thirdly, an influential committee to raise funds and set the affair fairly afloat. Trusting this will lead to a full discussion of the matter in your columns,
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
Lol Hansom November 18, 2013 Coatham, Editorial, Letters and other., Meetings Other Places, Public Buildings, Redcar