REDCAR PIER – Editorial re The Coast and Redcar Pier
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 06/05/1870.
It has been a common subject of remark that the past winter has been one of the stormiest on record. Whether this is true or not, it is certain that an unusual prevalence of north and north-east winds, with high seas, have been marked features in the weather on this coast; and the winters for several years past have been so mild in character, that the past one seems to stand out as pre-eminently stormy. Nevertheless, at present impressions are undoubtedly the strongest, it is probable that the weather has not been colder, on the average, than the preceding winters of the last 10 years: the special difference being that remarked on above, viz. the prevalence of winds from a quarter to which of course is particularly exposed. One inconvenience which resulted was the accumulation of drift sand onto the Esplanade, which, we were glad to see, is now in course of removal – to the great comfort of pedestrians and all persons residing on the North side of Redcar. The sea wall has resisted all the encroachments of the sea. In the worst weather, and has fully realised the anticipation is of the promoters, but the approach is there to have suffered to some extent, and it behoves those will are interested in the welfare of the players, to have them well and permanently repaired. This is absolutely necessary both for the comfort and convenience, not only of the Visitors, but also the fishermen and all others having traffic to and from the beach. It is to be regretted that so much apathy in regard to public improvements still prevails in Redcar, and one unfortunate consequence of this is that, notwithstanding a liberal offer of Lord Zetland’s, the promenade remains one flight and is so far incomplete. How greatly Coatham, has improved by the causeways recently laid down is manifest to all, and the thanks of the public of both Redcar and Coatham (whose interests, by the way, are substantially one) are due to those who successfully carried out that great improvement.
No local effort of any consequence has yet been made to promote the construction of a pier at Redcar, notwithstanding that and Act of Parliament was obtained, the site fixed, and the Lord Zetland’s consent to the erection obtained. There seems to be some prejudiced existing in the minds of those otherwise well effected towards the subject, in consequence of an impression that the “promoters mean it to pay them first.” To dispel this illusion it may be well to state the facts as they occurred, which are brief. The late Mr Dowson (who died recently) and a few friends residing in London, thinking Redcar a promising place for a pier, obtained and Act of Parliament for the necessary powers to build one, and this Act further, incorporated the use persons into a “limited” company, and so save the expense of their being separately treated afterwards. It was their intention to have asked the support of some local person is supposed to be interested, and then to have proceeded with the work. The existing members of the Co. bringing in what capital they could, and that local Directors be got to join them, in order that they might satisfy themselves that all more straightforward, as well as others, would be protected. It was intended that any “promotion” money should be paid, for the originators would be on par with the other shareholders, and that the sons of Mr Dowson are still anxious to carry out their father’s designs, &c., In the usual way.
It has been on the other hand, suggested that the present company (consisting, as it goes, of very few members), should transfer their interest to a company to be formed locally, and we think that this might be done if a sufficiently influential number of local gentleman would take the matter up and treat with the original promoters. The matter remains in status quo simply because the gentleman, who obtained the Act and formed the Co., Have never been able to obtain any local support. It remains to be seen whether those interested in the future prosperity of Redcar and Coatham will take the matter up, and push forward the design to a successful issue.
Lol Hansom May 12, 2013 Redcar, Redcar Pier