STORM – Rescue of Fishermen by Free Gardener’s Lifeboat
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 10/05/1878
On Wednesday morning, 8th inst, a gale sprung up suddenly from the east at nearly high water, and caused a heavy surf to sweep inshore. The Redcar fishing cobles having gone out as usual very early in the morning, were caught out by the gale. The alarm drum was sent round shortly after six o’clock, and the lifeboats “Burton-on-Trent” (National) and “Emma” (united Free Gardeners’) were got out. Crews for both boats were speedily forthcoming, and the “Burton-on-Trent was started first, but the “Emma” being launched in much less time soon took the lead, and was the first to reach the endangered cobles, two of the crews of which were taken on board, and one of the cobles in tow. The cobles were anchored at Redcar pier head, and the “Emma” landed both their crews. There still remained however, a coble missing, and the crew of the “Burton-on-Trent rowed off in search. When they had proceeded about two miles out to sea the coble was found, and the lifeboat was kept in its wake until both coble and crew reached a place of safety. The “Burton-on-Trent was out for over two hours though her sail was not hoisted, and the “Emma” for about an hour and a half. Both boats were manned by scratch crews, and were launched without the aid of horses.
dean July 31, 2011 Weather & Tides