STORM – Snowstom Heavy Gales
Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea 13/11/1878
The stormy and tempestuous weather which has prevailed more or less during the last fortnight or three weeks on this coast, culminated on Tuesday in one of the heaviest falls of snow that has been known for over thirty years. The previous day there had been signs of improvement, and night closed in bright and frosty; but by daybreak winter with its snowy mantle had altogether changed the aspect of things, and the snow which was then falling continued without intermission until after noon. There was a strong northerly gale. A sharp look-out was kept at the lifeboat stations, though owing to the blinding showers of snow it was impossible to distinguish objects any great distance out at seas, and as far as could be ascertained no shipping casualties occurred during Tuesday’s storm.
On land however, much damage was done, and great inconvenience was caused by the inevitable delay in the railway traffic. The first train into Redcar, with the mails and morning papers, usually arriving at 6.45, did not reach the town until 9.15. This delay was caused partly by the snow, and by the frequent stoppages necessary for the removal of obstructions from the line, through the telegraph posts having been blown down between Redcar and South Bank, which were in many instances lying across the rails. The other trains during the day were also considerably delayed, and were from two to three hours late.
The roads to the district were rendered nearly impassable, being nearly two feet deep in snow, and in the town business was at a standstill. Soon after snow ceased falling on Tuesday, it commenced to thaw, and on Wednesday the weather was much milder. It will be some time, however, before the snow has all disappeared.
dean July 31, 2011 Weather & Tides