The brig “Susanna” of Stockton 225 tons, Captain R. Watson, sailed from Stockton on Saturday evening, 13th, November, 1841, which was fine and calm evening, and during Sunday, 14th, November, 1841, was driven by a furious gale onto the Coatham sands, opposite the sand hills where the Coatham Hotel originally stood). The brig was laden with coal, and bound for London. The crew took to the rigging, and whilst the lifeboat “Zetland” was approaching the vessel, the lifeboat man recognised John Bogey, a native of Redcar, with his yellow oilskins on, but the were unable to save them. The crew of nine perished in view of a large crowd of specta. The hull of the “Sussana” was sold for £6
dean January 9, 2010 Ships