Years 1870 to 1879

04/02/1870 A dangerous “lark” the other evening when some maliciously disposed persons broke into the railway cabin at Upleatham junction, and stole there from, the signalman’s timepiece, destroyed his lamps, and did other mischief. Not being satisfied with this display of wanton mischief, they played all kinds of foolish pranks with the signals and switches, those endangering the lives of the railway passengers. Luckily, the signalman arrived at his post in good time, and was able to re-adjust the switches before the arrival of the train leaving Saltburn at 5.45 the following morning. The railway company have offered a reward of £20 to any person who will give any information leading to the apprehension of the offenders.
04/02/1870 Zetland School. The annual Scripture examination of this school took place on the 23rd ult., The examiner being Mr Roscoe, formerly Master of this school, and now a student at St John’s College, Cambridge. We subjoined the report of the examiner, which evidently reflects great credit on the present master, Mr Bland.
04/03/1870 The Rev. J. Postlethwaite, of St Peters Church gave the first series of Lenten sermons at the church this day..
11/03/1870 The Rev. J .Davey, Principal of the Coatham Grammar School, will preach the second Lenten sermon today at seven o’clock.
11/03/1870 The additional services at this church during Lent are daily celebration of Holy Communion8 AM litany at noon, and special sermonson the evenings of Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7:30 PM
18/03/1870 Coatham Grammar School. And engraving and a short account of this institution was published in the , illustrated London News of last Saturday (12/03)
18/03/1870 Convalescent Home-the Rev. Randall W. Vickers, has been appointed chaplain to the home, the new chapel for which is expected to be ready this summer.
18/03/1870 A few days ago, a large shark, of the bottle nosed species, measuring 8 feet 9 1/2 inches in length, was captured near to Huntcliff Point, and was visited by vast numbers of people.
18/03/1870 A human leg was picked up, on Sunday afternoon, on the sands, near Marske, which had been washed ashore by the previous tide. This is the second leg, which is being found near the same place within two or three weeks.
18/03/1870 Christ Church, Coatham. The Eucharistic vestments will be introduced into this church on Easter Day. It is also understood that the daily celebration of Wholly Communion, commenced this Lent, will be continue throughout the year by the new vicar, the Rev .A. E. Clementi Smith.
25/03/1870 St Peter’s Church. The Re W. Bell, Vicar of Brotton, will preach in the above church this Friday (25/03) evening, and the Rev. W. Vickers on the 1st of April; service commencing at half past seven, instead of seven as heretofore.
25/03/1870 A concert was announced to be given in the Central hall on Tuesday next (29/03), by Mrs Johnson, organist of St Peter’s Church, assisted by Miss Pettie, of Leeds; Miss Spencer, and Albert Walker.
30/03/1870 On Wednesday, (30/03) an accident of a rather serious character happened to Mr William Robinson, joiner. While superintending some alterations that were being made to number 136, High Street, a part of the scaffolding gave way, and he fell to the ground. His ankle was seriously sprained but he is progressing as favourably as may be expected.
01/04/1870. Redcar Additional Postal Services. We are glad to announce that on the 4th inst, letters for Harrogate, Leeds Bradford, and other parts of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Liverpool and Ireland, will be dispatched by mail leaving at 2p.m., which formerly conveyed letters to the North. The box closes at 1.30pm
01/04/1870 Accident on Wednesday (30/03) an accident of a rather serious character happened to Mr William Robinson, joiner. While superintending some alterations that were being made to number 136, High Street, a part of the scaffolding gave way, and he fell to the ground. His ankle was seriously sprained but he is progressing as favourably as may be expected.
08/04/1870 At the North Riding Sessions, on Wednesday (06/04), John Cummins, of Redcar, was charged with stealing a quantity of ship’s stores, namely, a shroud, and several blocks and other articles, the property of John Storrow, at Redcar, on 14 March last, Guilty, for four calendar months’ imprisonment
24/04/1870 On Wednesday (20/04) evening, a concert was given in the Central Hall, in aid of the North, Ormesby Cottage Hospital. It is to be regretted that there was not a more numerous in attendance, considering the object for which the concert was given. After payment of expenses, there will only be a small sum to hand over to the hospital, notwithstanding that all the performers cave their services.
24/04/1870 On, Thursday, (21/04) the election of church wardens were as follows;- Mr J. Mallaby, and Mr J. H. Webster were re-elected churchwardens at Redcar; and at Coatham, W. Skinner, Esq., J. P., Was re-elected, and Mr W. Walker was elected in the players of Mr W.J. Ledward, who has entered holy orders.
29/04/1870 The first annual public meeting of Coatham grammar school for athletic sports will take place early in May and subscriptions have been received towards the prize fund.
30/04/1870 The opening game of the season was played by Redcar Cricket Club, and the members dined after wards at the Lobster Hotel. Unfortunately, the attendance was smaller than was anticipated.
06/05/1870. The new vicar of Coatham, the Rev A. E. C. Smith came into residence on the 27th ult, and officiated on Sunday last (01/05). The Rev. R. L. Page left the parish on the 2nd inst., And will be “received” as a member of the confraternity known as the Evangelist Fathers, at Cowley, Oxford, today (06/05).
06/05/1870 The opening game was played on Saturday last (30/05), and the members dined afterwards at the Lobster Hotel, Unfortunately the attendance was smaller than was anticipated.
13/05/1870 Coatham Grammar School. The athletic sports in connection with this school will take place on the Coatham Cricket Ground, today (13/05), commencing at 2:30 p.m., weather permitting. Mrs Newcomen, of Kirkleatham Hall, will distribute the prizes (which are 20 in number,) at the close, of the sports. The Coatham brass band will be in attendance.
13/05/1870 It gives us great pleasure to state that Mr Joseph Dowson, late of Mrs Gibson’s, has successfully passed the preliminary examination of the Pharmaceutical Society. Mr Dowson has been prepared for this examination by Mr Bland, of the Zetland School, during the past winter: and this first step of his career will doubtless be most gratifying to his friends.
20/05/1870 A few members of the Whitby Liberal Association are contemplating a trip, by Steamboat, to one of the northern ports on Whit Monday or Tuesday. It is intended to make calls at Saltburn, Redcar, and other places of interest, and thus give the people, the working class in particular, an opportunity of visiting, at little cost, those favourite places of resort.
20/05/2070 The Elocution Class Library. This library will, in future be thrown open to the public commencing tonight (Friday 20/05). The terms of subscription are 1s. per quarter, apprentices, 6d, per quarter. The librarians will attend every Friday night at nine o’clock. A new catalogue has been issued.
27/05/1870 The New Congregational Schools. Tenders for the above schools are left to Messrs Picknett and Wynn, builders, and Mr. T. Watson, joiner.
27/05/1870 The Earl of Zetland, Lord-Lieutenant of the North Riding of Yorkshire, has appointed Thomas Vaughan, Esq., of Gunnergate Hall, Middlesbrough, a deputy Lieutenant for the North riding.
03/06/1870 The new chapel for the Convalescent Home is to be commenced shortly. Tenders are required for the erection of the building.
10/06/1870 Retreat for Clergy. The Rev Father Benson, of Cowley, has consented to hold a Retreat for clergy at Coatham, Redcar, commencing August 29th. An early application for admission may be made to the Rev Clementi Smith, , Clergy House, Coatham, Redcar.- Church Times
17/06/1870 On Monday (13/06), The Archbishop of York instituted the Rev Algernon Emerick Clementi Smith to the new vicarage of East Coatham, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Robert Lay Page, on the presentation of Mrs. To Teresa Newcomen, the English Convent, Beeston Hill, Holbeck, Leeds, widow.
17/06/1870 We regret to see handbills announcing the sale by auction of pews in Redcar Church. The existing pews should all be removed and be replaced with free and open stalls. That this will one day be the case admits of no doubt, and the attempts to sell that to which no title can legally be given can only end in mortification to the unwary purchaser.
17/06/1870 It is intended to commence a branch of the English Church Union, at Coatham, in August next. The Dean of York and the Archdeacon of Cleveland are expected to assist at the formation.
24/06/1870 On Sunday last (19/06) at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, a large congregation was present to hear Mrs. Wilson, of Saltburn preach.
24/06/1870 On Wednesday last (22/06), the circus of Powell Foottit, and Clarke, visited Redcar and was well patronised on the evening shows.
05/07/1870 It was stated that the sum of £613.14s.101/2d would be required for the Gen district rate, and as the rateable value of the district was £5,455.10s, a rate of 2s.3d in the pound would have to be levied.— Agreed to.— A general district rate of 2s.3d in the pound was agreed to.
08/07/1870 A little excitement is likely to be caused at Redcar on Monday next, (04/07). A rowing match for five pounds is arranged to come off at ten a.m. on that day between Wm. Burnicle and Thos. Baker, in the “Swift,” and Jno. D. Burnicle and James Metcalf in the “Emma.” The course to be rowed over is from Marsh House, Coatham, to the end of Bath Street, Redcar, a distance of 2 miles.
11/07/1870 The provisional order for extension of the district of the Redcar Local Board of Health is opposed on behalf of Lord Zetland.
02/08/1870 Convalescent Home, Coatham. The foundation stone of the new chapel laid 12.30pm Building to be plainly with 180 persons being able to attend. Architect George Edmund Street, Esq., Cost £1,400
09/08/1870 Elementary Education Act was passed, giving compulsory free education to every child in England and Wales between the age of five and thirteen.
31/08/1870 A Parliamentary paper, published yesterday (30/08) supplies the following statistics relative to the shipping of the United Kingdom :-Steam vessels: under 50 tons, 1076, 24,778 tons;
Over 50 tons, 1187 vessels land of June 20 2243 tons.
Sailing vessels: under 50 t,ons 8703 vessels, 277,312 tons;
Above 50 tons 14,723 vessels, 4,410,394 tons.
07/09/1870 HARTLEPOOL. The latter portion of the week just ended was perhaps the most successful period of the having fishery here, especially Friday’s catch, when nearly 60 boats entered the harbour, all with fish, and many having from 20,000 to 40,000 each, realising from £9 to £9.10s per last (10,000.) On Saturday. The large catches were scarcely saw numerous, but several boats had large hauls. Yesterday they only ranged from a few hundreds to about 10,000 per coble
07/09/1870 the following applications for spirit licences in Redcar took place.John Davidson, Royal Standard Hotel, Redcar, and William Wilson, Princess Royal Hotel, Redcar. Nathan Sturny, Alexandra Hotel, Redcar.
12/09/1870 The number of wreck recorded during the past week is ?4, making the present year 1,223.
30/09/1870 The central Hall has been purchased by Mr Charles J. Adams, architect, and we understand his project is on foot for converting a portion of the building into first-class assembly and reading rooms by a limited liability company.
30/09/1870 On Tuesday morning (27/09), upwards of 100 herring boats arrived at Whitby. Each boat was literally crammed with fish, and many of the crews had been obliged to throw some of the fish overboard in order to save themselves from sinking. It is estimated that on the whole there were about 200 lasts, representing to millions of fish. Upwards of 100 railway trucks, each holding an average of 3 tons of herrings, word dispatched to the various markets. The number of herrings left on the quays was estimated to fill about 50 more trucks. The prices from the early part of the morning were exceedingly low, and the highest priced given was £6.10s. per last – less than a shilling per hundred.
07/10/1870 On Sunday last (02/10) the Liquor gave notice of a confirmation to be held on Monday, Nov, 7th, by the Archbishop of York, candidates for which are to present themselves in the schoolroom on Sunday evening next, when classes will be formed for instruction and preparation for company.

29/10/1870 Last night (28/10). A meeting of the Coatham Hotel Company was held, and after some discussion it was agreed to proceed with the construction of a pier at Coatham. £3000 was subscribed in the room; and we are informed on good authority that up to this morning, the amount subscribed is over £4000. The capital is to be £7000, the engineer being John Fowler, C. E., Stockton-on-Tees, and C. J. Adams, Stockton and Coatham, architect. The prospectus will be issued shortly.
14/10/1870 On Friday, (07/10), a friendly game of cricket was played on the Court home ground, between the tradesmen and farmers of the district, resulting in the defeat of the latter. The Superior batting and bowling of Messrs Bates, Moore, and Sexton, added by the rather loose bowling of the farmer’s team, enabled the tradesmen to make much longer scores than their opponents.Score: Tradesmen 101 Farmers 70
31/12/1870 On New Year’s Ease, a midnight service was held at Christ Church, Coatham. A large congregation was present, and joined heartedly in the service.
1871 1871 Commencement of the building of Redcar Racecourse.
1871 1871 Submerged Forrest exposed on Redcar beach.
06/01/1871 On Tuesday afternoon (03/1), a splendid Christmas tree laden with toys and other articles calculated to gladden the hearts of juveniles, was exhibited in the School Room, and the articles were distributed amongst the Sunday school children.
06/01/1871 Annual supple for the choir of Christ Church, Coatham was provided on New Year’s Eve with about 30 people partaking of excellent repast, which was served in the Girls’, school Room, after which a variety of games were entered into with spirit, the party breaking up at an early hour.
06/01/1871 On Tuesday last (03/01) a Christmas gathering of St. Peter’s Church, Sunday School teachers and their friends took place in the Infant School. An very excellent tea was provided, and afterwards an annual report was read, with addresses and carol singing by the choir. The benediction was given by the Vicar, who presided.
13/01/1871 Renumbering and re-naming of Redcar Streets carried out mainly the High Street.
13/01/1871 On Tuesday, the 06th inst, an inquest was held at the Lobster Hotel, Coatham, respecting the death of a child, aged three years, son of Mr Ward, chief bought man of the Coast Guard, who died suddenly in is father’s arms on the eighth inst. Mr Locke, surgeon, was of opinion, from the evidence given, and the appearance of the body, that death had taken place from heart disease. Verdict “Died from natural causes.”
13/01/1871 Reported that Redcar had in the last month passed through weather more severe that any in the last 10 years.
13/01/1871 On Thursday (12/01), the second of the series of entertainments was given in the Coatham School Room, where the programme of mainly music was given.
13/01/1871 A monthly meeting of the Middlesbro’, Redcar, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, and Cleveland District Permanent Benefit Building Society was held on Wednesday (11/01), when the receipts amounted to £1765.11.5d.
20/01/1871 20/01/1871 During the last few days, the weather has been remarkably fine, and the beach thoroughly enjoyable; the calm sea and the white waves lapping the shore reminding us of summer, whilst the golden sunshine completes the similitude, and it is difficult on such mornings as those of Wednesday and Thursday last to realise that we have so recently passed through on of whether more severe than any which we have experienced on the north-east coast for the last 10 years.

27/01/1871 Zetland School. It is our pleasing duty to announce that Miss E. A. Rand, who for some years has been trained in the office of teacher in the above school, under Mr Bland, has gained a first class Queen’s Scholarship in the late examination for entrance to the Ripon training college. The fact of this success must be highly gratifying to the friends and patrons of the Zetland School, and reflects great credit on Miss Rand herself and on those who will have had the charge of her education for the past few years.
03/02/1871 Defence of the North East Coast – Captain Calvert R.N., received instructions from the Government to inspect the North East Coast, and report upon the most suitable place for the erection of a shore battery.
13/02/1871 REDCAR PIER. A meeting of the Provincial Committee was held in the Board Room, Mr E. W. Lennard, in the chair. The directors were appointed, and the prospectus read and approved. Mr Crabtree having resigned the office of Secretary, Mr J. H. Webster was elected. His successor. The thanks of the Committee were voted to Mr Crabtree for the services he had rendered during his continuance in office. It is understood that more than one half of the capital was already subscribed, and those who wish to take up shares are recommended to make an early application.
24/02/1871 St. Peter’s Church, Redcar.. The Rev . W. H. Elliott, Vicar of Worsall, will preach the Lenten sermon this Friday evening (24/02).
03/03/1871 In the recently published class list of Cambridge University local examinations, amongst the students under 16 years of age who obtained honours, the name of “J. H, Ridley, Grammar School, Coatham, Redcar;” who is especially noticed as distinguished in Mechanics or Applied Mathematics, Drawing and French.
03/03/1871 The inspection of the day school at Coatham School took place on the 9th ult., the inspector being the Rev. E. W. Crabtree, who expressed himself satisfied with the general condition of the schools, but urged very strongly the importance of paying special attention to the elementary parts of education. On the 28th ult., the night schools were inspected; the girls by the Rev. J. G. Bulman and the Rev. R. W. Blakelock,, the boys by the Rev. C. Bowden and W. Skinner, Esq. The average attendance of the girls was 23; the boys, 10.
05/03/1871 On Sunday last (05/03) was the appointed day for making donations in various places of worship in the district for the Cottage Hospital and the North Riding Infirmary. The collections taken in Redcar and Coatham were :- Saint Peter’s Church £9.12s; Christ Church over £6; and the Congregational Chapel, £2.10s.
10/03/1871 The pupils of the night school for boys and young men, which is being conducted during the winter by Mr Bland were examined on Tuesday evening, by the Rev. W. Milburne Vicar, and J. Roscoe, Esq., B.A. The average attendance during the winter with 17, and combine efforts of the teacher and the diligence of the scholars seem to have been equally successful.
22/03/1871 Vicar of Kirkleatham Church stated re the practice of gathering violets in the churchyard. This privilege freely granted over the years has of late been abused.
28/03/1871 The Paris Commune is formally established in Paris.
29/03/1871 The Royal Albert Hall is opened by Queen Victoria.
31/03/1871 The Board of Health, at their adjourned meeting held on Friday last (24/03), the report of the finance committee was red, and a plan of alterations on Mr Pounder’s premises in thunderous Street was passed. Messrs. Harrison and Mallaby made the usual declaration required by law.
24/03/1871 Local Board of Health. The three retiring members, Messrs J. Harrison, J. Mallaby, and W. Whitaker were on Tuesday last (21/03) re-elected, no other having been nominated.
24/03/1871 In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, (21/03) Lord C. J. Hamilton presented petitions from Redcar, Coatham, and 12 other places, together with one from merchants, ship owners, and underwriters at Lloyd’s, in favour of a harbour of refuge on the north-east coast
31/03/1871 The Cleveland Waterworks Bill passed through the Select Committee of the House of Lords, on Monday last (28/03). The third reading of the bill in the upper house was fixed for 25 April.
31/03/1871 The Board of Health at the adjourned meeting held on Friday (25/03) last, the report of the finance committee was read, and a plan of alterations on Mr Pounder’s premises in Dundas Street was passed. Messrs Harrison and Mallaby made the usual declaration required by law.
31/03/1871 The numbering of the population of the United Kingdom will take place simultaneously on Monday, April 3rd. The blank schedules will be left with the occupier of each house and apartment. As these forms are prepared with great care, the directions should be carefully read, and strictly carried out, so as to secure in the most efficient way the end in view, viz., the number of the population, age, sex, and other particulars; all of which are of great and permanent importance as a record taken every 10 years of the condition of this country as regards the increase of population, its extent; and the particular classes which have increased or declined since the census of 1861.
03/04/1871 A United Kingdom Census was taken.
06/04/1871 At the monthly meeting of the Redcar Local Board, held on Thursday, the 6th inst., the only business of any note was the re-election of Mr Lennard as chairman for the ensuing year.
14/04/1871 Freemasons’ Hall, Redcar. The Marwood Launch is open the first Tuesday in every month at 7 PM.
14/04/1871 Election of Churchwardens. Messrs J. Mallaby and J. H. Webster have been re-elected church wardens for St. Peter’s, Redcar; and Messrs W. Skinner and W. Walker re-elected churchwardens for Christ Church, Coatham.
14/04/1871 The annual concert by the church choir and friends (Kirkleatham) will be given on Friday (21/04)., in the lecture room. For particulars see programme.
14/04/1871 On Monday (10/04), a meeting of the ratepayers was held in the vestry, the Vicar in the chair (Kirkleatham Church) Mr Foot and Mr Proud we re-elected as churchwardens, and it was resolved to lay a voluntary rate of 1d in the pound for the ensuing year.
21/04/1871 The census of Redcar and Coatham showed the following number of inhabitants. Redcar 1,960, against 1,513 in 1861 (ten years ago), being an increase in 447. Coatham contains 1,553 inhabitants.
21/04/1871 The Census in Redcar and Coatham revealed the following number of inhabitants. In Redcar according to the Census, 1,960 inhabitants against 1,513 in 1861, being an increase of 447. Coatham contains 1,553 inhabitants
21/04/1871 Following the possession of some new brass instruments, handbill have been issued stating their intention of playing on the promenade three times each week through the summer. They are also requesting any subscriptions to enable the band to keep going.
25/05/1871 The House of Commons passed the Bank Holiday Act, creating public holidays on Easter Monday, Whit Monday and Christmas Day.
03/06/1871 The new chapel for the Convalescent Home is to be commenced shortly. Tenders are required for the erection of the building.
16/06/1871 We are glad to learn that the health of Lord Zetland whilst not in itself dangerous, gave concern following a horse riding accident in London
16/06/1871 The Pier and Harbour Confirmation Bill. (No.2), was read a third time in the House of Commons and passed on Monday (12/06) last. Most of our readers will probably be aware that this bill includes both the order of the Redcar Pier Company (Limited) and the Coatham Victoria Pier Company (Ltd). The next stage of the bill is its passage through the House of Lords, which in such cases it’s usually a formal character only.
23/06/1871 The Pier and, Confirmation Bill was read a second time in the House of Lords on Tuesday night last (20/03
23/06/1871 Coatham Convalescent Home new chapel rapidly approaching completion. Opening fixed for 06th, July, 1871.
23/06/1871 The new hotel for Coatham directors have accepted tenders for the erection of the new Victoria Hotel, Coatham. Tender offered to Messrs T. Robinson, builders of Darlington.
23/06/1871 It is stated that a marriage is arranged to take place between Lady Lillian Lumley, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Scarborough, and Mr. Dundas, nephew of the Earl of Zetland. (Echo)
23/06/1871 Kirkleatham annual fair to be celebrated on Old Midsummer Day 1st, July, 1871.
23/06/1871 Earl of Zetland still continues in a very precarious condition, so much so as to cause serious anxiety amongst his friends.
30/06/1871 Coatham Pier Company withdrew a petition lodged by them in the House of Lords against Redcar Pier. Redcar Pier that it is a matter of certainty that Redcar Pier will be built.
04/06/1871 The Pier and Harbour Confirmation Act No.2, was read a third time and passed in the House of Lords Tuesday (04/07) evening last.
06/07/1871. Opening of the new chapel at the Coatham Convalescent Home
07/07/1871 A theportion of the central Hall will be opened on the 20th inst the has a temporary mission Chapel. The Rev. C. E. Bowden, curator of Coatham, will have charge of the mission. At the opening. There will be special services, of which due notice will be given.
07/07/1871 The Earl of Zetland we regret to learn that the noble Earl still continues in a very precarious, so much so as to the course serious anxiety among his friends.
07/07/1871. Clerk ordered to prepare a draft of Bathing By-laws, in readiness by the bill including the beach in the district of the Local Board comes into operation.
07/07/1871. We are glad to announce that the health of the noble Earl has been improving for the last few days, and it is now confidently hoped that if no relapse occurs that his Lordship will be able to make his usual visit to Upleatham this autumn.
07/07/1871. A portion of the central Hall will be opened on the 20th inst. as a temporary Mission Chapel. The Rev. C. E. Bowden, curator of Coatham, will have charge of the mission. At the opening, there will be special services, of which Jews notice will be given.
07/07/1871. On Monday last (03/07), I match was played on the Coatham ground between 11 of Stokesley and 11 of Redcar and Coatham, which resulted as for wars :-Redcar and Coatham, 118; Stokesley, 101
07/07/1871 Marwood Lodge – Freemasons’ Hall. The annual meeting for the purpose of installing Bro. C. Moore, the W. M. elect was held on Tuesday, the 4th inst., When a large number of members and visitors were present. After the ceremony was over, the officers for the ensuing year were invested
07/07/1871 07/07/1871. It is satisfactory to find that the application made by the Local Board to R. Hobson, Esq., District surveyor. Penrith has already been practically answered by the appointment of an additional letter carrier, who has for his district from Bath Street to the West End of High Street. There will be now. No delay in the delivery in any part of the Redcar postal district.
08/07/1871 A subscription has been set on foot by some of the principal members of the
18/07/1871 English novelist Jane Austen died of Addison’s disease at the age of 42 years. The writer of Pride and Prejudice.
21/07/1871 The Pier and Harbour Confirmation Bill (No.2), together with a number of other private bills, received the Royal assent on the 13th inst.
21/07/1871 St. Peter’s Church. The stipend of a curate has been guaranteed by a body of subscribers and a committee appointed to act in concert with the Vicar, and it is expected that a curate will shortly be appointed.
21/07/1871 The Celebrated Harpist, Aptommas, announces an entertainment at the Central Hall this Friday evening (21/07). Some of our readers will remember the great musical treat afforded them on the former visit of this eminent harpist to Redcar, and we doubt not, the forthcoming concert will be equally successful. The marvellous power, expression, and execution this artiste possesses, must be heard to be properly appreciated.
25/07/1871 A cricket match was played on courtroom ground today; between the Redcar and Coatham Club and the Cleveland Wanderers the scores were Redcar and Coatham 174, Cleveland Wanderers, total 66. The game was not finished when time was called.
04/08/1871 A match was played on the Coatham ground on the 25th ult., Between the Redcar and Coatham Club and the Cleveland Wanderers. The following is the score :-
Redcar and Coatham total = 174.
Cleveland Wanderers total = 66.
The game was not finished when time was called.
16/08/1871 The Earl of Zetland arrived at Upleatham from Scotland, and purposes being present at Stockton Races.
25/08/1871 The first pilot of the Redcar peer will be driven by rear Admiral Chaloner on Monday next (28/08), at 11:00 a.m. The Redcar and Coatham band will be in attendance, and after the ceremony a public luncheon will be held at the Royal Hotel.

28/08/1871 The first pile was driven into the beach at Redcar, in honour of the commencement of Redcar Pier.
08/09/1871 The construction of the Victoria Peer at Coatham, Redcar, has been let to Messrs. Hopkins, Gilks, and Co., Middlesbrough, who expect to be well forward with the work by the beginning of next season.
08/09/1871 Trip to Hartlepool. For the first time this season an excursion to the above seaport town by sea is announced for Tuesday next (12/09) on which day the well known steamer “Sea King” has been engaged by Mr Skinner, of the baths, to take passengers from Saltburn and Redcar, at the low fare of 1s.6d., Leaving Saltburn at 10 a.m., Redcar 10.30 a.m., and returning from Hartlepool at 5.30 p.m..
08/09/1871 Owing to very meagre Redcar attendance (04/09 & 05/09) the show entitled “A Round Melange of Science and Mystery,” has closed, with the next performance possibly in Saltburn.
11/09/1871 Woman had a very narrow escape after venturing out to far into the sea. Mr. Skinner proprietor of bathing machine, seized a lifebuoy rushed into the sea and succeeded in bringing the person back to the shore. Instrumental on saving 12 people from a watery grave over a period of time.
22/09/1871 The Board of Guardians of the Guisborough Union, at a meeting on Tuesday, (12/09), appointed Mr. Joseph E. Bretnall, of Eston, to be registrar for the district of Kirkleatham, in the place of Dr. Deas, of Kirkleatham, who has resigned the office.
22/09/1871 The Board of Guardians of the Guisborough Union, at a meeting on Tuesday, (12/09), appointed Mr. Joseph E. Bretnall, of Eston, to be registrar for the district of Kirkleatham, in the place of Dr. Deas, of Kirkleatham, who has resigned the office.

22/09/1871 It was proposed to cut the first sod of the Scarborough to Whitby Railway on the occasion of the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Scarborough. This will of course link up to the Whitby to Middlesbrough Line eventually.
22/09/1871 The Board of Guardians of the Guisborough Union, at a meeting on Tuesday, (12/09), appointed Mr. Joseph E. Bretnall, of Eston, to be registrar for the district of Kirkleatham, in the place of Dr. Deas, of Kirkleatham, who has resigned the office.
22/09/1871 An Amatuer Musical Entertainment to be given 28th inst. Particulars will be announced.
22/09/1871 The Sister in Charge of the Cottage Hospital Home for Sick Children acknowledges with grateful thanks the following recent gifts, viz., 2 more cribs and materesses, a perambul;ator from Mr. Cunningham, a ditto from Mr. Gerrie, Middlesbro’.; a ditto from Miss Tute, a crib and all its furnishings from Mrs. James Taylor, Saltburn; also many gifts of food, &c. All donations and subscriptions, or any articl of food, clothing, or furniture, will ne thankfully received by the Sister in Charge.
29/09/1871 On Saturday last (23/09) a cricket match was played between Coatham and Redcar Cricket Club, and Guisborough Cricket Club. Coatham, first innings, 68. Guisbro’, first innings 75. No doubt the result would have been very different if the game had been played out.
29/09/1871 The pile driving of Redcar Pier shortly to reach low water mark, with the abutment shortly to be constructed, Structure of the sea wall near Clarendon Street has commenced.
29/09/8071 On Saturday last (23/09), the members of No.3 Battery, 1st North York Volunteer Artillery, assembled at the Coatham range two competed for the annual prizes kindly given by Capt Newcomen. The battery was under the command of Lieutenant Trevor; Lieutenant Schmitz was also present. The competitions were five shots each at 150, 200, and 300 yards
30/09/1871 Last day that Redcar and Coatham Band played on bandstand for present season, and compliments paid to their achievements.
06/10/1871 Two additional street lights on the Esplanade and one near Zetland School, to be installed. Other lights to be moved to more useful positions.
06/10/1871 Drain Tiles for improvement of Redcar Lane, also new lamp posts and water pipes provided.
06/10/1871 The Earl of Zetland arrived at Upleatham Hall on Monday last (02/10)
12/01/1871 St. Perter’s Church offertories of Sunday next will be devoted to the Mansion House Fund for Relief of the Indian Famine. The amount amounted to £6.14s.1d.
13/10/1871 The annual cricket match between the Tradesmen and Farmers of Redcar took place on Friday last (06/10) with the following results :- Farmers, first and second innings, 142; Trades men, first-innings, 15.
13/10/1871 The annual athletic sports of the pupils of the Court Grammar School will take place on Saturday, the 14th inst., on the Coatham Cricket Ground commencing at 12 o’clock. The prizes (20 in number) will be distributed at the conclusion of the sports by Mrs. Newcomen, of Kirkleatham Hall.
13/10/1871 The Sister in Charge of the Home for Sick Children acknowledges with thanks all the donations of money, hampers, preserves, toys, food, children’s clothes, work box, groceries, slates and pencils, wine, medicine, and many more items which will help with the running of the home.
20/10/1871 An amateur, concert in aid of the Seaside Home for Sick Children will take place in the Central Hall, on Tuesday evening next (24/10). Mister. John Hart, the well-known tenor, Mr. T. Brentnall, violinist, will take part as well as many distinguished local amateurs.
20/10/1871 Our readers will observe that two distinct works are present appealing for public sympathy at Coatham, viz.: The Seaside Home for Sick Children now in operation, and conducted by the North Ormesby Sisters, of which Mrs. Bewicke Bewicke is treasure; and a projected institution of a similar kind in connection with the Convalescent Home, which owes its origin to the Rev. J. Postlethwaite, and Dr. G. Oliver, of Coatham.
20/10/1871 Two distinct works presently appealing to the public sympathyy at Coatham are;- The Seaside Home for Sick Children, now in operation, and conducted by the North Ormesby Sisters, of which Mrs Beswicke Beswicke is treasure; and a projected institution of a similar kind in connection with the Convalescent Home, which owes its origin to the Rev. J. Postlethwaite, and Dr. G. Oliver, of Coatham
26/10/1871 The Cleveland Fox Hounds met at Satlburn at 10.30am
26/10/1871 Homes of the Good Samaritan. A prospectus issued announcing the intentions of the promoters of the Convalescent Home to build a hospital for sick children, to be conducted in the same spirit and principles as the Convalescent Home. The site adjoins the Home and the estimated cost of the building is £1,000. Donations may be made to the Rev. J. Postlethwaite, Dr. G. Oliver, or the Sisters at the Coatham Convalescent \home.
27/10/1871 A grand concert was given on the 24th inst in the Central Hall, Redcar for the benefit of the Home for Sick Children at Coatham. Numerous performers both local and instrumental provided their services.
27/10/1871 The Archbishop of York will hold a confirmation in Redcar Church on Thursday evening next (02/22) to commence at seven o’clock.
30/10/1871 The Cleveland Fox Hounds will meet this date (Monday, (10.30am), Lazenby Station.
10/11/1871 Henry Morton Stanley sent to Africa by his newspaper to find Scottish missionary David Livingstone, finally made contact with him at Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika with the words: “Doctor Livingstone I presume.”
10/11/1871 The Sister in charge of the Seaside All for Sick Children, begs to acknowledge with many thanks, a donation of £50 from the Earl of Zetland.
10/11/1871 Henry Morton Stanley, sent to Africa by his newspaper to find Scottish missionary David Livingstone, finally made contact with him at Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika with the words “Dr Livingstone I presume.”
20/11/1871 Death at Kirkleatham, Miss King, 54 years, for many years Matron of Turner’s Hospital,
24/11/1871 An entertainment, consisting of readings, songs, &c., Will take place on Wednesday evening, the 29th., in the Zetland Schoolroom, Redcar. This building, as well as the In front School adjoining, has recently been lighted with gas at the expense of the Earl of Zetland.
24/11/1871 An entertainment, consisting of readings, songs, &c., will take place on Wednesday (29/11), in the Zetland Schoolroom, Redcar. This building, as well as the Infant School adjoining, has recently been lighted with gas at the expense of the Earl of Zetland.
30/11/1871 The second entertainment of the season took place in the Lecture Room, on Thursday (30/11), Edward Robinson, Esq., presiding. Notwithstanding the weather the attendance was good and the performance was, as usual, very successful.
01/12/1871 Cleveland Fox Hounds met Monday (04/12), 10.30am at Saltburn.
01/12/1871 Cleveland Agricultural Society hedl meeting in Red Lion Hotel (25/11) inviting council of CAS to hold annual show of the society in Redcar 1872.
08/12/1871 Permission given for the laying of footpath outside new houses 11, High Street, and 1,2,3,4, 5 Dundas Street.
15/12/1871 Yesterday an accident happened to Mr. Moore, the overlooker of the Redcar Pier, who fell from the abutment to the ground, a distance of 13 feet stop he was at ones taken to the house close by, and Mr. Locke, surgeon, was called in, when it was found that he had sustained considerable bruising on the face and head, but was otherwise not seriously injured.
18/12/1871 Monday (18/12) portion of the new wall of the new platform Redcar Railway Station was blown down by high winds, and large sqares of glass were dislodged from the roof
19/12/1871 Monday (14/12) PM portion of wall new paltform Redcar Railway Station was blown down along with 10 large sqaures of glass becoming dislodged from the roof.
29/12/1871 The usual carol singing took place in St. Peter’s Church Redcar. The church was appropriately and tastefully decorated.
1872 Working class homes for industrial workers, then recession, no more building until approximately 1893. Graffenburg Street, Clarendon Street, named.
1872 Presbyterian Chapel C of E in High Street, adjacent to the clock. Founded 1872 as a Wesleyan Chapel seating 190 people
1872 Zetland Lifeboat won a hard fought lifeboat race.
18/06/1872 Severe thunderstorms with loud peals of thunder accompanied by lightening experienced in Redcar.
23/06/1872 The first practical typewriter was patented by Christopher Sholes in Milwaukee, USA. Its keys were in alphabetical order, but in November they were changed to Universal Keyboard, in the same order of type as a printer’s case.
19/08/1872 First meeting held of the newly formed The Redcar and Coatham Provident Building Society in the Town Hall, Redcar. Subsequent meetings on every fourth Friday.
25/10/1872 Population of Redcar 4,000 in 1871.
15/12/1872 The Mary Celeste which left New York the month before, was found abandoned off the Azores. There was food, water and clothing on board, but no sign of the seven-strong crew, the captain, his wife and their two year old daughter, Sophia. The ship’s only lifeboat was missing, but the mystery of the abandoned ship has never been solved.
17/01/1873 Redcar Tradesmen held their annual ball in the Central Hall, Redcar.
26/01/1873 The American barque “Kate Crosby,” 900 tons under ballast, went onto Saltscar Rocks, whilst being towed by a steamer. Taken off 3 hours later by a tug and another steamer.
28/01/1873. Horse killed by passenger train whilst going over Marsh House Crossing, West Coatham.
14/02/1873 Redcar Pier construction had gone on successfully with the whole length of the pier and the west side of the pier head completed, with the east side to be completed in the next month weather permitting. The remaining part of the work to be pushed on rapidly.
21/031873. A meeting was held of the Redcar and Coatham Races Committee (17/03) at the Red Lion Hotel where it was resolved that the races would be held on the 08/08/1873 on A. H. Turner Newcomen Esq., grounds.
02/05/1873 The Redcar pilots and fishermen finding views obstructed east and west by the Coatham and Redcar Piers,
06/05/1873 Death of the Earl of Zetland was announced at 10.40 a.m.
16/05/1873 Redcar beach once again back to normal after two years. The beach is now beautifully firm and level, and the sand that had been scoured out into the bay, appears to have returned leaving the beach similar to as it always had been.
23/05/1873. Redcar Pier to be officially opened at noon on Whit Monday, 2nd, June, 1873 by Rear Admiral Chaloner.
23/05/1873 On (16/05) the last of the fishing boats were landing when one got into difficulty, and was swamped by heavy seas. The occupants were washed out of the boat. Two of the three were rescued by another boat, and one by a life rope thrown from the pier. The boat received considerable damage, but no loss of life.
21/06/1873 Message in a bottle 21/06/1873. A fisherman picked up a bottle from the sea whilst fishing. Message inside read “The Pearl fast sinking. 15 hands. Anyone picking this up let T. Johnson of Pudsey know.”
27/06/1873 Kirkleatham Fair (24/06) at Turner”s Hospital, 3 stalls were all the paraphernalia of by-gone days, With only 3 stalls it was also evident that this custom was falling into decay
04/07/1873 Whitby and Redcar & Middlesbrough Union Railway Bill read for a third time and passed in the House of Commons.
25/07/1873 The mackerel season now in full swing, with salmon boats in two successive mornings bringing ashore fine specimens of this fish.
21/08/1873 Redcar 21/08/1873. egatta Day held.
29/08/1873 Two men charged by the R.S.P.C.A. with allowing their horses to be worked to an unfit state. At court they were told by Admiral Chaloner that if they came before him again they would be committed to prison for three months.
02/09/1873 Excitement caused by the chase of a mad dog through the streets of Redcar, stated that the rabid animal had bit several cows in Coatham Marshes, The dog was eventually killed by some lads east of Redcar.
12/09/1873 A shark 37 inches long, about three years old, caught near Coatham Pier (10/09). Exhibited in Bath Street, Redcar.
07/11/1873 Highwayman John Austin became the last person to be hanged at Tyburn, London.
28/11/1873 North Eastern Railway Servants – Meeting of the North East goods guards and shunters waited on the directors at York when they acceded to their request for a reduction of the working hours per week. 10 hours per day. Overtime to be paid for.
30/12/1873 The Kirkleatham annual tea party was held in the Lecture Room, on Tuesday evening (30/12)
01/01/1874 Redcar Local Board. The following gentlemen were nominated to fill the vacancies of the above Board. Messrs John Harrison, Joseph Mallaby (retiring members), John Cowl, William Fairbridge, Robert Jordison (nominated himself), and Robert Garbutt. There are four members required. Election (31/01)
02/01/1874 The children and teachers of St. Peter’s Church Sunday School had their annual tea on New Year’s Day. Afternoon tea Christmas Carols were sung; and a number of amusements followed to the great delight of the children, who evidently enjoyed themselves fully.
02/01/1874 A midnight service was conducted at the Convalescent Home Chapel by the Rev. J. Postlethwaite. The services assisted of hymns, the litany, address, and the celebration of the Home Communion
02/01/1874 On New Years Eve the usual midnight service was held at Coatham Church, consisting of hymns, litany, address, by Rev. E. A. Green, QA.

02/01/1874 Recently a number of windows have been broken in Redcar and Coatham by reckless youths, but whether by accident or intentionally we are able to say. The police, however, have received strict orders that for the future. All persons found destroying either windows or other property belonging to the inhabitants are to be prosecuted.
08/01/1874 The Redcar and Coatham Annual Tradesmen’s Ball will be held in the Central Hall on Wednesday, January 21st
08/01/1874 The Redcar and Coatham Annual Tradesmen’s Ball will be held in the central Hall on Wednesday, January 21st
11/01/1874 On this date during the evening entertainment consisting of readings, recitations,songs, &c., Will be given in the Zetland Infant School, Redcar. Proceeds will be handed over to the Sunday School Treat Fund.
12/01/1874 Cleveland Foxhounds meet at 10.30, at Dale House.
15/01/1874 Cleveland Foxhounds meet at 10.30, at Yearby Bank Top.
16/01/1874 Early on Wednesday morning (14/01), this coast was visited by a violent gale from the North West, which continued during the whole day. Fortunately, no damage was done to property and shipping sought shelter.
16/01/1874 The Sister in charge of the Sea-side Home for Sick Children, Coatham, acknowledge with thanks the following gifts:- Oranges, Mrs I’Anson; Christmas Tree and cake, Miss Skinner; Christmas beef, Mr. Fairbridge; Fruit, Groceries, Candles, Mr. Boagey; cake and statuette, Miss Dodgson; mutton and picture book, Mrs. H. Watson; toys and sweetmeats, Miss Matthews
19/01/1874 The Vicar and Church Wardens of Redcar, have just distributed £10 worth of coals amongst the widows and aged poor of the parish, through the munificent kindness of Mrs Darnell, of York.
19/01/1874 On the 19th Inst., at Aske Hall, Richmond, the Countess of Zetland, of a son and heir.
22/01/1874 Early Thursday Morning 21st inst the steam tug “Patriot” when passing the entrance buoys to the Tees came into collision with an unlit coble, which sank immediately. Two people were rescued from the water.
22/01/1874 Extensive shoplifting in Redcar by three females from Middlesbrough. Found in a Redcar flat and arrested.
22/01/1874 100 Couples attend Redcar and Coatham Tradesman’s Ball in the Central Hall.
23/01/1874 FIRE AT WHITBY ABBEY – A Central Press Telegram says :- “Whitby Abbey was partially destroyed by fire yesterday. (Friday) morning.”
23/01/1874 The Vicar and Churchwardens of Redcar, have just distributed £10 worth of coals amongst the widows and aged poor of the parish, through the munificent kindness of Mrs. Darnell, of York.
24/01/1874 Immediate dissolution of Parliament took place (23/01)and a new parliament should be summoned, as soon as the necessary writs can be issued in the course of the ensuing week. Mr Gladstone has already issued his address to the electors of Greenwich, soliciting their suffrages in the new Parliament.
29/01/1874 Pony Race at Redcar. Straightthe Mile from Tees Breakwater to Coatham Pier. The race was won by a Redcar mare by little over a head.
29/01/1874 Catholic directory – that the Rev. Edward Widdrington Riddell is appointed to take charge of the,, Catholics in Redcar and Marske from April next. Mass will be celebrated at Marske on Sundays.
06/02/1874 The Hon. Arthur Duncombe, of Kilnwick Percy, has been appointed High Sheriff of Yorkshire for1874.
06/02/1874 On Monday evening next (09/02) an entertainment, consisting of readings, recitations, songs, &c., will be given in the Zetland Infant School, Redcar. The proceeds will be handed over to the Sunday School Treat Fund
06/02/1874 On Monday evening last (02/02) a lecture was delivered in the Congregational School-, Redcar, by the Rev. The J. H. Gordon, of Darlington. The subject being “Popular aspects of the Liberation question.” Mr. Thos. Sheil occupied the chair, and briefly introduced the lecture to the meeting. The lecture was of the usual stereotyped character, and was listened to by a thin audience.
13/02/1874 Kirkleatham Penny Readings. The last entertainment of the seventh season will take place in the Lecture Room, Kirkleatham (13/02)
13/021/874 The Rev. J. Postlethwaite has received a donation of £5 from Jos, Parratt, Esq., Dudden Hallset; also £100, an anonymous gift, to the building of the Children’s Hospital in connection with the Coatham Convalescent Home.
13/02/1874 It will be seen in the class list of Durham University that Mr. W. R. C. Milburne, the eldest son of our esteemed Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 06/02/1874.


On Saturday last (31/01), a coble race, for three valuable silver cups, took place off Staithes. The races excited a great amount of interest, the Staithes men being the favourites. The following are the names of the board. This, and their crews. :- Sarah Jane (Thos. Cole, Matthew Verrell, Richard Ackworth, and John Crooks), Sir Titus Salt (Wm. Verrell, Matthew Theaker, Burton Verrell, and Simeon Robinson), Brotherly Love (Richard Picknett, John Thompson, Edward Guy, and T. H. Picknett), the latter crew being the representatives of Redcar. The competing boats got off to an excellent start, Sarah Jane soon getting to the fore, the Redcar men being second. The crew of the Sir Titus Salt lost and all, but notwithstanding this, they gradually crept up to their opponents, and came in a capital second, Sarah Jane being first. On account of the heavy sea running, and it being dark at the time, the Redcar crew were at a great disadvantage, the flag boat having to show them the way in, or the result perhaps would have been different.
icar, has passed first in the first class.. This pass, besides being the proof of genuine hard work, carries with it a scholarship value £30.

16/02/1874 Silver dollar becomes US legal tender.
19/02/1874 Man walking along railway line from Redcar to Warrentown struck by train. Would appear inebriated when the train struck him. Suffered deep cut to forehead and two broken ribs. Although lying in a precarious state it is hopeful; that he will recover.
12/02/1874 Messrs Poole and Young Panorama of Paris being exhibited in the Central Hall with an exciting panorama being the best ever displayed in Redcar. Scenes,paintings, also harrowing pictures of France and Germany brought to life.
12/02/1874 Redcar Board of Health agreed to supply water to Ings Farm at the discretion of the town.
15/02/1874 The Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton was born in Kilkee, Co. Clare
12/03/1874 Accident at Redcar Railway Station when a man jumping out of a carriage at the station having his coat caught in the door. As a result he was dragged under the wheels of the train, and consequently had his leg amputated at the North Riding Infirmary. Recovered.
12/03/1874 In the list of girls who passed the Cambridge local examination, examined in December last, at Middlesbrough all, are two junior and one senior pupil from the Mrs Turner’ School, Coatham, Redcar.
26/03/1874 A program was to be held on the (27/03) at the Central Hall, Redcar, when Mr John Hart, the world known tenor who has not appeared in Redcar for some time will be ably assisted by Mr E. Price, baritone, and to lady vocalists. The program is expected to fetch a crowded house.
26/03/1874 Redcar, Coatham, and Saltburn were quite thronged on Friday last (18/03), by visitors anxious to witness the equinoctial tide, which was predicted to be the “grand tide of the year.” The weather was warm and summer like, and the piers at the several places were extensively patronised.
1874 Crime 1874 – The calendar for the York Assizes opened with 1 case of wilful murder, 5 cases of manslaughter, 4 cases of arson, 3 of perjury, 4 rapes, 1 forgery, 2 cases of females charged with concealment of births, 2 cases burglary, 1 of libel, 2 of wounding, 4 accused of assault and robbery and 8 distinct charges of post office robberies.
02/04/1874 The young man, Finkle, who sustained severe injuries by having his foot run over on the railway, near Redcar Station, about a fortnight ago, through getting out of a train whilst in motion died in North Riding Infirmary Saturday,(28/03)
02/04/1874 Miss Emma Stanley’s celebrated entertainment,” The Seven Ages of Woman,” is to be given in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Tuesday evening next (07/04)
02/04/1874 Horse Racing. The Redcar Summer Meeting will this year extend over two days, and is fixed to take place on Thursday and Friday, 6th and 7th August.
02/04/1874 The election of four members to this board, in place of Messrs John Harrison, William Whitaker, Joseph Mallaby, and Henry Moore, has taken place this week. The number of votes recorded for each of the persons nominated is as follows. :- John Harrison, 162; John Cowl, 133; William Fairbridge, 130; Joseph Mallaby, 115; Robert Jordison, 72; Robert Garbutt, 62. The first four are returned.
09/04/1874 Miss Lydia Howard, the clever child actress, with talented company, appearing nightly at the Central Hall, Redcar, this week. The audiences, though hitherto small, have been exceedingly appreciative, and hoped tthere will be larger attendances for the following nights.
09/04/1874 New organ designed by R. Norman Shaw, Esq. A.R.A. in oak case, installed in Convalescent Home Chapel, Coatham, on Easter Monday
13/04/1874 His Grace th Archbishop of York instituted the Rev. Lyndhurst Burton Towne, to the new vicarage of East Coatham, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. A. E. Clementi Smith, M.A., on the presentation of Mrs Teresa Newcomen, of the English Convent, Beeston Hill, Holbeck, near Leeds.
16/04/1874 The Poland Street Hand Bell Ringers are announced to give two entertainments in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Tuesday (21/04) and Wednesday (25/04)
20/04/1874 2nd Redcar and Coatham annual Subscription Ball held. Instituted last year by the Bachelors of Redcar and Coatham.
23/04/1874 As predicted by Lt. Saxby, unusually high tides were evident at Redcar 20th ult by several feet. At Redcar crowds of people assembled along the Esplanade several of whom were drenched when the sea dashed over the sea wall.
23/04/1874 The first visit of the Royal (Poland Street) Hand Bell Ringers took place in the Central Hall Redcar 20th inst when the group were loudly applauded for their performances.
29/04/1874 Pony Race at Redcar. Straight mile from Tees Breakwater to Coatham Pier. The race was won by a Redcar mare by little over a head.
30/04/1874 A outbreak of Pleuro-Pneeumonia . A valuable milk cow, belonging to Mr. P. Wallis, farmer, West Coatham, suffering from this disease was destroyed 29th inst. 2nd case at this farm and also Mr. Bennison’s farm, East Coatham. In all cases (some later) 6 cattle were destroyed.
30/04/1874 A blue shark which had run into the shallows near Skinningrove, was discovered and captured by some villagers a few days ago. It was found to measure 13 feet in length, and 8 feet round its body.
07/05/1874 A. H. T. Newcomen, Esq., Mrs Newcomen, and family left Kirkleatham Hall, on Monday (04/05) for their town residence, 30, Eaton Square, S.W.
14/05/1874 A memorial was presented to the Stockton and Darlington Railway signed by more than 3,500 people, among whom were medical men all the Churches of England, Roman Catholic, and district ministers, together with magistrates, asking them to resume Saturday afternoon cheap trips, and also mid week afternoon services to Redcar and Saltburn.
14/05/1874 Coatham Victoria Pier extending 2,500 feet into the sea, 3 years in construction, is expected to be available for the landing of steamboat passengers on Whit Monday.
14/05/1874 The Whitby, Redcar, and Middlesbrough Union Railway Bill was before the Examiner of Standing Order Proofs on Friday (08/05), but it did not comply with the orders of the House on Commons.
14/05/1874 Lumsden’s Scottish Minsterels to give two entertainments in the Central Hall, Redcar, this Thursday/Friday (14-15/05. an attractive programme has been issued, and, judging by the flatering notices which have appeared in the Middlesbrough papers, at which town the company has been performing this week, a treat of no ordinary kind may be anticipated.
14/05/1874 A memorial was presented to the directors of the Stockton and Darlington Section of the North-Eastern Railway Company, yesterday (13/05), signed by more than 3,00 persons of Darlington, among whom are all the medical men, one excepted, all the Church of Englan, Roman Catholic, and Disenting ministers, together with all the magistrates excepting those who are themselves railway directors, asking the to resume the Saturday afternoon cheap trips, and also to put on a mid week afternoon cheap excursion train Redcar to Saltburn.
15/05/1874. H.M.Cutter “Mermaid.” On Monday (15/05) the cutter called off Saltburn pier, and embarked a detachment of the coastguard officers from Hull, whither they have gone for ten days’ drill.
17/05/1874 The crew of the Redcar Lifeboat belonging to the Society stationed at Redcar, had a trip to sea (17/05) for practice. After pulling the boat clear of the rocks the boat was put under sail, and we understand gave general satisfaction.
21/05/1874 One man killed when he fell from plank into sea whilst working on Coatham Victoria Pier. Inquest jury verdict was accidental drowning.
21/05/1874 Two more valuable milk cows suffering of Pleuro – Pneumonia destroyed making 6 in the neighbourhood, and so far successful intervention has prevented the spread of the disease, in the area.
21/05/1874 The Coatham Victoria Pier, which extends 2,250 feet into the sea, and has occupied over three years in construction, is now rapidly approaching completion, and is expected to be available for the landing of steamboat passengers on Whit Monday. The date of the opening ceremony has not yet been announced.
25/05/1874 Both this date Monday, and Tuesday 26/05/1874 was Whit Bank Holiday which saw a large influx of visitors, on special trains from Leeds areas. weather very unfavourable for outdoor enjoyment on Monday, but Tuesday was summer-like. Coatham Pier/Redcar Pier entry 1d – Total entries Redcar Monday 616, Tuesday 600. Coatham Monday 1830, Tuesday 1000
28/05/1874 Kirkleatham Annual School Treat when Mr & Mrs Newcomen invited 55, children of the Hospital and Village Schools to have their treat on the lawn in front of the Hall. a Large tea was provided in the large lecture room of the Hall.
29/05/1874 A special train arrived at Redcar Central bringing a large number of excursionists arrived on the morning from Barnard Castle area.
04/06/1874 A foot race for £5 a side, 150 yards between George Liddle and John Siddall, was run at Redcar on Monday (01/06) afternoon. Liddle won by about four yards.
04/06/1874 Another outbreak of Pleuro-Pneumonia (fatal Distemper) farm in West Coatham. Eighth case during past 4/5 weeks despite taking every precaution. Valuable heifer destroyed by vet.
04/06/1874 Monday last a dog reported to be in a rabid state was on the loose in Coatham. PC Cooke finding the animal in the refuge of a porch found it impossible to take aim with a gun attacked the dog with a stick and killed it. Fortunately no one was bitten.
11/06/1874 It was reported that nothing as yet of what the Regatta Committee are doing in the matter of this year’s regatta. Last year a balance sheet for 1872 was issued, showing a surplus, but up to the present the public have not been made aware of how this was disposed of. It would be well for the Committee to publish a balance sheet for 1873, and state what is being done in the matter of the Regatta for 1874,
11/06/1874 On Friday evening (08/06), Thomas Chapman, furnace labourer at Messrs Robson, Maynard, and Co’s, Redcar Iron Works, was accidentally crushed between the buffers of some railway waggons, and one of his legs was severely lacerated. He was removed to the Cottage Hospital, North Ormesby, where is injuries were attended to.
18/06/1874 Professor Sinclair and his concert party engaged at the Central Hall during this week. Entertaiment is deserving of patronage, though audiences have not been numerous.
18/06/1874 Weather during the past week very cold and unseasonable. Wind veered round to North East, and continues in that position. The sea very rough with bathing and boating temporary suspended.
18/06/1874 Sunday afternoon train from Stockton, Middlesbrough to Redcar proving very popular.
02/07/1874 Central Hall, Redcar, Tues, Wed, Friday (06th 07th 09th,July) annouced that three Poetic Recitals, would be given on these dates. From recent nw, we feel assured that a great treat will be afforded for those interested in fine poetry.
02/07/1874 Two more cases of pleuro-pnenmonia occurred near Redcar – farm of Mr P. WAllis, West Coatham, and Mrs Bennison’s Farm, East Coaham. In both cases the two milch cows were destroyed.
09/07/1874 Promenade Concert to be given (10/07) on the afternoon. All proceeds to the Coatham Convalescent Home and the Redcar Lifeboat Institution.
30/07/1874 Messrs Poole and Young’s pohantascopic entertainment was annouced for Monday (02/07)
30/07/1874 Annual distribution of prizes to the schlars of Coatham Grammar School to take place on Wednesday next (05/08)
30/07/1874 Dramatic entertainment to take place in the Central Hall tonight and Friday (31/07) Nearly 200 reserved seats already booked, which will ensure almost brilliant success. The room is to be decorated for the occasion, and audience are requested to enter the hall through the Music Promenade.
01/08/1874 Redcar Regatta Day was adjourned early to a later date.
06/08/1874 Redcar Summer Race Meeting today (30/08) and will this year extend over two days. The enteries are very numerous, and some capital sport may be anticipated.
08/10/1874 A tremendous storm of wind and rain blew over the North and East Yorkshire (06/10), with snow on the hills.
08/10/1874 Harvest festival this date held in Christ Church, Coatham with offertories going to the Sea-side Home for Sick Children.
15/10/1874 At the meeting of the Langbaurgh East magistrates at Guisborough, on Tuesday (13/10), a letter was read from the Redcar Local Board of Health and other ratepayers praying that Petty Sessions might be held at Redcar as well as at Guisborough. It was ordered that the Redcar Local Board of Health be informed that the bench did not consider a division of the district necessary at the present time, and that in case an alteration was made they did not consider Redcar the best centre of the district.
20/08/1874 (19/08) Boy named Johnson was run over in High Street, Redcar. He was riding in front of a wagon, from which he fell, and one of the wheels passed over his legs, severly lacerating them. Dr. Bennett and Deas were promptly in attendance, and did all in their power to alleviate the sufferings of the poor little fellow, who is doing well
27/08/1874 Annual Inspection of the North Riding York Artillery Volunteers, on the racecourse. The parade will form at the Railway Station and march to the Racecourse. Following inspection will march through the town to the battery to take on gun practice and mounting a heavy gun from ground/carriage.
10/09/1874 Concluding races in Redcar Regatta took place as rain came down, cold and very few spectators.
10/09/1874 Since Friday (04/09) there was a great scarcity of water in Redcar, and on Monday (07/04) the supply entirely ceased. Caused by a subsidence of the ground between the spring and the reservoir, owing to the mining operations the mains having sunk considerably below their proper level. Surveyor engaged a large staff of men to excavate in the vicinity of the reservoir, for the purpose of raising the mains, but was several days more before the supply would be re-connected.
17/09/1874 Annual Cricket Match (14/09)between tradesmen of Redcar and Coatham and farmers of the district. The farmers were the winners. Dinner held at Lobster Hotel.
01/10/1874 The “Blondinette Melodists” appear Friday (02/10) evening in the Central Hall, Redcar. The company, which consists of eleven young ladies, has had a most successful tour of the North.
01/10/1874 This date Harvest Festival service Christ Church, Coatham, by Rev, T.E. Dale. Offertories to be given to the Sea-side Home for Sick Children
05/11/1874 I.O.G.T. by advertisement it will be seenthat the members of the Zetland Lodge have arranged with Simeon Smithard, Esq., Of Derby, to give two of his popular musical eveningsin the Central Hall, Redcar, on Monday and Tuesday next (09 &10/11). The well known of vocal talents of Mr Smithhard will no doubt secure large audiences.
05/11/1874 A visitor at the Coatham Hotel was His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York.
05/11/1874 Notices have been posted in the local railway stationsthat in future third class passengers by all express and fast trains will be charged the Government duty in addition to the 1d per mile. There will thus be first, second, third, and third express tickets and fares.
12/11/1874 There was a heavy fall of snow at Redcar yesterday afternoon (11/11) and during the night. This morning the town has quite a wintry aspect.
30/11/1874 Sir Winston Churchill, a descendant of the Great Duke of Marlborough, was born ain Blenheim Palace.
09/12/1874 One of two ships driven onto the beach at Redcar in a storm, and consequently colliding with the uncompleted Coatham Pier. Became beached and wrecked on the nearby Coatham Sands.
09/12/1874 One of two ships driven onto the beach at Redcar in a storm, and consequently colliding with the uncompleted Coatham Pier. The vessel came ashore in the Tees Bay but was a total loss. The crew were able to walk ashore at low tide
10/12/1874 Plans for the following in Redcar were approved. 2 cottages Red Lion Street, New school-rooms 103, High Street, for Capt Tomlinson, and for Mr R. Plows a workshop, cart-shed and stable in Herschell Street.
22/10/1874 On Friday afternoon (17/10), an extensive sale of residential and other property took place at Redcar. The principal lot consisted of the Royal Hotel, situated on the beach, and a spirited bidding resulted in the property being knocked down to Mr Thos Blatherwick, of Redcar, for £2540
30/11/1874 Winston Churchill (born November 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England—died January 24, 1965, London), British statesman, orator, and author who as prime minister (1940–45, 1951–55) rallied the British people during World War II and led his country from the brink of defeat to victory.
17/12/1874 Annual tea Party at Kirkleatham to take place (20/12) Parishioners 1s.6d; non parishioners 4s. Parishioners to include all who occupy land within the ecclesiastical boundary of Kirkleatham.
29/12/1874 Annual public tea party held in Kirkleatham for parishioners who occupy land within the ecclesiastical boundary of Kirkleatham. Parishioners 1s.6d non parishioners 4s
31/12/1874 The following crews, shipwrecked between Saltburn and the Tees, all relieved and sent to respective homes. “S.S. Grinkle” of Newcastle; brig “Caledonia” of Rochester, schooner “Express” of London; brig “Garabaldi” of Cowes; brig “Griffin” of Southampton; schooner “Corymbus” of Dundee; schooner Robert and William, of Woolbridge; which were wrecked ar Redcar.
1875 Cleveland Gas Company formed.
1875 Coatham Pier built but a series of mishaps ran the company into debt. Never really completed
1875 Redcar Racecourse erected a Grandstand and extended the course
02/06/1875 Redcar Pier officially opened by Emma Dawson, Weston Hall, Otley, Leeds (Whit Monday)
21/01/1875 Train accident Redcar Station when carriages and two trains were accidentally sent into railway sidings in error. Ine line available and both lines made available next day. Nobody hurt.
28/01/1875 Robbery from child in Coatham when labourer Jesse Paice stole from a child a half sovereign given to him by his step-father. Paice snatched the coin from the child and gave him a sixpence. Paice spent the half sovereign on drink the same night. Paice was arrested and given two months hard labour.
18/02/1875 New Lifeboat Station at Staithes. The RNLI have decided to form a lifeboat station at Staithes. The boat will be called Hannah Somerset.
18/02/1875 A mad dog made its appearance in Redcar and Coatham but following a chase by one of the local policemen the dog a lurcher type, was destroyed
25/02/1875 The Chatham correspondent of the Daily Telegraph mentions rumour to the effect that a telegram will soon be sent from the war office that at a day and time the whole of the Volunteers in the Kingdom will be mustered to arms to ascertain the numbers that can be called upon.
01/04/1875 A new grand organ was opened on Easter Day in Coatham Church.
20/05/1875 The game Snooker was thought to have been invented by a soldier Sir Neville Chamberlain whilst serving in India. The word Snooker comes was a nickname given to first-year cadets studying at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich.
27/05/1875 Arrangements put in place to have everything in readiness for the forthcoming encampment of Volunteers by (31/05). A large field owned by Mrs Bennison, Coatham, has been secured for the occasion and contracts for provision and other necessaries completed. It is expected that between 400 and 500 men, together with officers, will take up their abode for a few days in their new military station.
10/06/1875 The Central Hall Redcar will be shortly open with Summer Ice Skating for the public.
29/07/1875 Whole of Central Hall next week visit by Gombertz’s dioramas, representing a tour overland from London to St. Petersburg. Press opinion rated the show very highly entertaining. With musical accompaniment.
29/07/1875 Redcar attendance of visitors down on previous years, although hotels and lodging-houses have increased in number.
29/07/1875 Advertising around the town advertising meetings at Saltburn and Redcar of the Women’s Suffrage Society in the next week. Charges for admission small in hope that attendance may be large.
26/08/1875 Yesterday afternoon (25/08) a disturbance which occasioned considerable excitement at Redcar, occurred on the Esplanade, and ended in one of the party, a visitor from Darlington, being lodged in the lock-up.
26/08/1875 Tuesday (24/08) evening, the very popular vocalist and comedian, Mr Harry Liston, appeared bfore a crowded house in the Central Hall. He received with unbounded marks of delight, and kept the house in roars. He is undoubtingly the cleverest artiste now traveling, and never lacks to draw bumper crowds.
07/01/1876 The usual “watch-night” services were held in Christ Church,
Coatham, and in the Wesleyan Chapel, Redcar.
28/01/1876 The Dead March in Saul will be played after morning service on Sunday next (06/02), in Redcar and Coatham churches, in honour of the late Rev. Dr. Dykes, of Durham, who preached in Redcar Church at the opening of the organ, and on various occasions at Coatham.
28/01/1876 Sheep-scab reported to have made its appearance in Redcar amongst a flock of 55 sheep. One sheep isolated and observations being kept.
28/01/1876 A fixed light was attached to Coatham pier in regulation to the guidance of shipping entering the River Tees
07/03/1876 Alexander Graham Bell is granted a patent for an invention he calls the ‘telephone’.
The first recognisable words were transmitted over 100ft of wire. Speaking to his assistant, inventor Alexander Graham Bell said: “Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you.”
06/04/1876 Serious Carriage accident near to Redcar Lane End corner, when three 3 occupants of a carriage were thrown out of the carriage sustaining unconsciousness, broken bones and other injuries.
07/04/1876 Arrangements have been completed for the encampment of the North York Militia and North Riding volunteers at Redcar, in May and June next.
07/04/1876 Election of new members to The Local Board were announced by returning officer.
13/04/1876 Sale of property in Coatham. Esk House, Trafalgar Terrace sold for £1,150 and No.8 Nelson Terrace sold for £820.
14/04/1876 Female person robbed on Yearby Bank and threatened with a knife injury, if she did not give up the goods she was carrying from Guisborough Market.
18/04/1876 Horse Racing. The first spring turf gathering at Redcar took place. Since last year a new straight mile course has been formed
19/05/1876 National Lifeboat Institution has now 254 lifeboats under its management, 77 of which are stationed in the east and north-east coasts of England, between the Thames and Berwick-on-Tweed.
19/05/1876 A new Primitive Methodist Chapel is to be erected at Redcar as soon as a suitable site can be obtained.
19/05/1876 On Monday (14/05)the Redcar and Coatham Gas Bill complied with the standing orders of the House of Lords.
19/05/1876 Redcar and Coatham Cricket Club.
The opening game of the season was played on Saturday last (13/05) on the Cricket Ground, Coatham between two elevens of the above club. The weather was fine, and there was a good attendance of spectators
June 1876 Sir William Turner opened his almshouses in Kirkleatham to provide sheltered homes for estate workers from Redcar and East Cleveland.
16/06/1876 Redcar Pier. The band performances will commence on Monday, the 26th instant. It is under stood that the directors have again engaged Mr. F. Groening’s band for the season.
16/06/1876 The post-master, Mr. J. Grondon, opened the new Redcar Post Office,.No.44 High Street, on Wednesday last (14/06). The accommodation is superior to that at the old office, there being more space for for the working department and also for the public outside and counters.
23/06/1876 Redcar Pier-reminders were giving by this newspaper that the first band performances of the season will be given on Monday next (25/06). Full particulars will be found in our advertising columns.
13/06/1876 Redcar Pier. The Band performances commenced on Monday (26/06) afternoon, and all the day it was cloudy and cold the attendance was large. On Wednesday (28/06)the performances were continued and under their able leader, Mr. F. Groenings, there is no doubt that the Band will, as heretofore, “discourse most excellent music.” Selections are played from the leading operators, and other popular and classical music. The next performance is on Saturday (01/07).
21/07/1876 The Militia at Redcar. A special service was held at Redcar Church on Sunday morning last (16/07), at nine a.m., when the Protestant portion of the militia attended. A similar service will be held Sunday next(30/07). The Rev. E. W. Riddell says Mass at the camp for the Roman Catholics. The inspection will take place on Tuesday next (25/07), and the encampment will break up on Saturday the 29th inst.
21/07/1876 Grace Egerton this versatile performer, accompanied by Mr. George Case, appeared in the Central Hall, Redcar on Tuesday evening (18/07). The hall was well-filled, and the audience testified its approval of the entertainment by hearty applause, also have several encores., It was announced towards the close that a second and farewell visit would be made to Redcar on Thursday evening.
04/08/1876 Redcar and Coatham regatta to take place on Monday (21/08)
04/08/1876 The Redcar Summer Meeting will take place on Wednesday (09/08) and Thursday (10/08) and promises to be very successful. There are six events to be decided each day, and the added money given amounts to over £1000. The new straight mile course will be used for the first time.
04/08/1876 The annual distribution of prizes to the pupils of Coatham Grammar School took place last Tuesday (01/08), the Rev. L. B. Towne in the chair. (Full report later)
11/08/1876 Coatham Seaside Home bazaar over the last three days raised over £280 pounds.
11/08/1876. The Band of Otley Engineer Volunteers will give two grand Promenade Concerts on the Redcar Pier (2th & 28th /08) at 7pm
11/08/1876 The new skating rink adjoining the Coatham Pier was opened on Saturday last (05/08) by Jeremiah Head, of Coatham, in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Joseph Dodd. M.P.
11/08/1876 Levett, who exhibited his patent safety safety life-float off Redcar Pier last summer, was drowned at Blackpool on MOnday night (07/08), while taking part in swimming entertainment.
11/08/1876 The talented young musician, Felix Cruse, aged twelve years (son of the organist of Coatham Church), whose perfomances on the organ and pianoforte are so marvellous, will give a pianoforte recital at the Central Hall on the 21st inst.
18/08/1876 Sermons will be preached in Redcar Church, on Sunday next (27/08), morning and evening, by the Rev. W. Dunn (of Coatham) when collections will be made in aid of the Curate’s Fund of St. Peter’s Church.
18/08/1876 Coatham Grammar School. We are glad to find that H. Cautley, a pupil of this School, son of H. Cautley, Esq., Of Prospect Hall, Bramley, near Leeds, has been elected to an open Scholarship at the Charterhouse. There were over a hundred candidates for the vacant scholarships
08/09/1876 We understand that a public meeting will shortly be held in Redcar, to pass resolutions condemning the Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria, and to collect a sum of money towards helping the suffering survivors.
08/09/1876 St. Peter’s Church, Redcar. Sermons in aid of the North Ormesby Cottage Hospital will be preached in this church on Sunday next (17/09) – in the morning by the Rev, J, D. Wawn (vicar of Kirkleatham), and in the evening by the Rev. W. Buswell (curate of Redcar).
22/09/1876 The annual cricket match between the Farmers and the Tradesmen of Redcar and Coatham, and district, will be played on the Cricket Round, Coatham, on Tuesday next, the 26th inst. The proceeds will be given to the New Children’s hospital in connection with the Convalescent Home
22/09/1876 On Saturday (16/09) at the Coatham Convalescent Home the foundation stone of the new Children’s Hospital was laid.
22/09/1876 The Bulgarian Relief Fund acknowledged a £7 cheque, donated by a people attending a public meeting at Redcar in aid of this fund.
06/10/1876 The annual harvest thanksgiving festival was celebrated at Coatham Church, on Thursday evening, the 28th ult. The Church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with fruit, call, and flowers, and on the altar several lighted candles were placed.
03/11/1876 The Reward (?) Of Honesty – A lady dropped her purse in High Street, Redcar, and a little fellow who picked it up and carried it to her at once was rewarded the munificent sum of – – threepence!! Considering the purse was a bulky one,and contained gold and silver, there seems a slight error in the amount of the reward paid.
01/12/1876 Strange and Wilson’s Etherscope and Spectral Opera Company. By advertised blunt it will be seen that the above company is to occupy the Central Hall during next week. This is their first visit to Redcar, judging by the lengthened state of the company in other towns, and the attractive character of the entertainment, they will be found well worthy of public patronage.
01/12/1876 Redcar and Coatham Reading Room and Library. An amateur concert and entertainment is to be given in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Monday evening, the 11th inst., In aid of the funds of the above institution. A varied and attractive programme will be presented, in which the most popular of our local amateurs, assisted by some friends from Middlesbrough, will take part.
08/12/1876 Seasonal Benevolence-based support was given to 40 Redcar fishermen on Saturday evening last (02/12) by T. Hague Cook, Esq. The repast were served by Mr. John Hall, at the Royal Hotel.
1877 Work started on a Lifeboat House to be situated along the Esplanade, to house United Free Gardeners ‘Emma’.
1877 Lifeboats – United Free Gardeners ‘Emma’ into service saving 64 lives.
12/01/1877 The desirability of a lighthouse on Redcar Rocks is at present occupying the attention of the shipping trade on the Tees. The matter was brought to the notice of the Tees Conservancy Committee at a monthly meeting on Monday (07/01) and referred to the Works Committee for further consideration.
12/01/1877 The Redcar and Coatham annual tradesmen’s subscription ball will take place on Wednesday, the 24th inst.
12/01/1877 The desirability of a lighthouse been erected on Redcar rocks is at present occupying the attention of the shipping trade on the Tees. The matter was brought under the notice of the Tees Conservancy Commission at the monthly meeting on Monday (08/01) for further consideration.
09/02/1877 The admirers of youthful genius may be interested to know that the little museum, Felix Cruse -some of the organist of Coatham Church – gave a performance on the Grand Organ at St. Paul’s Cathedral, on Tuesday last (30/01), before. Dr. Stainer and a numerous assemblage of connoisseurs.
16/02/1877 Guisborough Petty Sessions John Adams, hawker,was charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and cart, at Redcar, on the1st inst., And was fined 10s. And costs. James Stevenson for resisting the Constable while taking Adams into custody, was also fined 10s. and costs.
23/02/1877 Trespassing in pursuit of game near Redcar. At the Langbaurgh East Petty Sessions, on Tuesday (20/02), Robert Smith, of Redcar, was charged by George Charlton, gamekeeper to A. H. Turner Newcomen, Esq., was charged with trespassing in pursuit of game on the Kirkleatham estate. Defendant, who was accompanied by two other persons unknown, slipped a greyhound, which chased and killed a hare. Find 10s, and costs.
29/03/1877 The proposed Local Board for the Parish of Kirkleatham. It is stated, on what we believe to be good authority, that a Provisional Order in Council, constituting the Parish of Kirkleatham, a Local Government District, under the provisions of the Public Health Act of 1875, has been signed, though it has not yet been received by the overseas.
27/04/1877 A ewe belonging to Mr. Proud, farmer, Yearby, near Redcar, dropped a lamb a few days ago with eight legs.
27/04/1877 On after Sunday,May 6th, additional trains will be run from Stockton and Middlesbrough to Redcar, and’s Saltburn-by-the-Sea Sunday afternoons, returning in the evening.
27/04/1877 Following the example of the finished ironworkers of Manchester, it is stated that a section of the Cleveland land miners entertains the idea of emigrating in a body, if the result of the arranged arbitration proceedings relative to the proposed reduction in their wages should be unfavourable to the men.
27/04/1877 The athletic sports of Coatham Grammar School took place (18/04). Held in biting winds but attended by a goodly number of persons
19/05/1877 A cricket match took place between Coatham Choir Cricket Club and Coatham Grammar School. The result ended in a win for Coatham Grammar School 13 runs.
CCC 46 runs
CGS 59 runs
01/06/1877 By advertisement it will be seen that Swallow’s Circus is to pay Redcar envisaged to moral (02/06).
01/06/1877 The reopening of the Wesleyan Chapel, Redcar has taken place following it being closed for a few weeks for cleaning, painting, etc., during which period the services have been conducted in the schoolroom, this place of worship was reopened on Sunday last (27/04), when the Rev. G. Abbot, of Bishop Auckland, preached both morning and evening. Collections were made to help defray the expense incurred.
01/06/1877 At the Guisborough Police Court, on Tuesday (29/04), Benjamin Hullah, a respectable looking man, was charged with being drunk at Redcar Railway Station on the 19th, inst., and was fined 10s, and costs
15/06/1877 The first meeting of the Redcar and Coatham Ornithological Society will be held on the Friday (27/07) Saturday (28/07). The competition is open to the whole of the United Kingdom, and in addition to a silver cup, value £2.2s, nearly £20 is offered in money prizes.
15/06/1877 The directors of Redcar Pier engaged for a season a band to play every night (except Sundays) commencing Sunday (18/06). Mr. Henry Barraclough is the director, and is expected that very good music will be performed. The charge for single addmission is reduced to threepence. There will be in addition a morning performance on Mondays and Saturdays from eleven to one o’clock
15/06/1877 A very fine portrait in oils of E. B. Emerson, Esq., Of Picton House, Redcar, was on view at Mr. Hoggard’s studio, Coatham. M. Emerson is in hunting costume, and mounted on his favourite hunter.the picture has been enlarged and painted on the premises, and is singularly successful. The details of the painting are remarkably good.
22/06/1877 Redcar Pier And hold its first band performance of the season on Monday (18/06), under the direction of Mr. Henry Barraclough. Fine weather had prevailed during the week, and the pier has been very largely patronised. The playing of the band is pronounced by competent judges to be excellent
28/06/1877 On the 28th inst., at 29, Hans-place, London, the wife of A. H. Turner Newcomen, Esq., Kirkleatham Hall, of a son and heir.
06/07/1877 We are pleased to hear that Felix Cruse, of Coatham, has succeeded to an appointment as organist and choir master at St. Mary the Virgin, Soho, London, where there is daily choral service. At thirteen years of age he is supposed to be the youngest church organist in the metropolis.
06/07/1877 CoathamConvalescen Home. The secretary has received a legacy of £100 from the executors of the late Miss Jane Masterman, of Little Danby, Northallerton.
06/07/1877 The birth of an heir to the Kirkleatham Estate’s,took place on the 28th ult, and was duly celebrated both at Kirkleatham and Coatham and Redcar. There was a liberal display of bunting at each place, testifying to the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Newcomen are held, while at Kirkleatham bells were kept ringing until an advanced hour of the night
13/07/1877 The Temperance Society calls is being earnestly promulgated by the society in the town, who were are holding meetings on the Esplanade, every Tuesday fortnight. Mr Peter Digney (of Darlington), and others spoke last Tuesday night, on “The Immoralities of the Liquor Traffic.”
13/07/1877 The Militia at Redcar. A special service was held in Redcar Church on Sunday (08/07) at nine o’clock, for the Protestant portion of the militia now encamped at Redcar stop the service was read by the Vicar,and the sermon preached by the Rev. W. Buswell, Curate. The services will be conduct a weekly during the state of the militia.
10/08/1877 The Rev. J. Clark, of Abernethey, preached the anniversary sermons in the Redcar Presbyterian Church on Sunday last (05/08). There were large congregations, and the collections are mounted to £40.6s.0d.
10/08/1877 The offertories of Sunday last (05/08) at Redcar church amounted to £25.18s.10dfollowing a sermon by Archdeacon Hey, in aid of the Curate’s Fund. A subscription list in aid of this fund, which is wholly supported by voluntary contributions, is open at Mr. Webster’s Library.
10/08/1877 It will be seen from our advertising columns that Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Case (Miss Grace Egerton) are about to re-visit Redcar for two nights, previous to their departure for South Africa. The programs are of an entertaining and varied character.
24/08/1877 Assistant Surgeon Thomas William Spink Locke, of the West Sussex regiment, to be Surgeon according to Medical Warrant of July, 1876.
07/09/1877 St.Peter’s Church, Redcar. On Sunday next (09/09). The Rev. A. C. Smith (vicar of St. John’s, Middlesbrough), will preach in the morning, and the Rev. W. Purton (vicar of St. Anne’s, Willenhall, in the evening.collections will be taken after both services in aid of the funds of the Cottage Hospital, North Ormesby.
14/09/1877 (15/09) Redcar Band performance finish. End of seasons
16/11/1877 His Grace the Archbishop of York on Tuesday (06/11) licensed the Rev. George Rainy Fletcher, B.A., to the Curacy of Coatham.
06/10/1877 The first Autumn race meeting took place
21/10/1877 The Harvest Thanksgiving Festival services took place in the Kirkleatham Church Sunday (21/10)
21/11/1877 Thomas Edison announced his invention of the phonograph that could record sound. Demonstrated for the first time (29/11)
21/12/1877 Through the liberality of Mrs. Dawson, of Weston Hall, and Mrs Hague, Cook, of Hall Croft, the church wardens of Redcar have been enabled to distribute two trucks of coals amongst upwards of thirty widows and aged poor in Redcar.
01/12/1887 The 28th Beeton’s Christmas Annual went on sale. It featured Conan Doyle, which introduced the detective Sherlock Holmes.
04/01/1878 New Year’s Day on Tuesday (01/01) was observed as a general holiday, both at Redcar and Saltburn, and the mild weather enabled those desiring outdoor exercise to enjoy themselves to their hearts’ content. Watch-night services were held in both the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Chapels at Saltburn, and in the Wesleyan Chapel at Redcar, all of which were well attended.
04/01/1878 The children and teachers of the Redcar Church Sunday Schools (on 01/01) to the number of 200, were entertained to tea, on New Year’s Day, according to annual custom.
04/01/1878 New Years Day (01/01). Tuesday was observed as a general holiday both at Redcar and Saltburn, and the mild weather enabled those desiring outdoor exercise to enjoy themselves to their hearts’ content. Watch-night services were held in both the Wesleyan and Primitive Chapels, and the Wesleyan Chapel at Redcar, all of which were well attended.
25/01/1878 The Redcar Spring Horse Racing Meetingwill take place on Tuesday, April 2nd.
25/01/1878 And extra mail train is now dispatched from Redcar at 9:50 AM. for for York, London, and places South of York.
01/02/1878 As a result of water supply testing at Coatham it was placed into second class, with Redcar being in First Class.
22/02/1878 The Cleveland Gas Company have withdrawn their Bill after the second reading. The Redcar Gas Company have thus a clear course of obtaining their Bill for extending their works to Marske and Saltburn.
08/03/1878 The Institution of Coatham Convalescent Home closed over the recent Winter 2 months reopened this date.
15/03/1878 A stained glass window, by Morris of London was installed in the Coatham Convalescent Church in memory of the late Mrs. Postlewaite
26/03/1878 R.N.L..I. Lifeboat “Burton-on-Trent taken out for practice under supervision of R.N assistant inspector. The capabilities of the lifeboat were thoroughly tested to the greatest satisfaction of the inspector.
26/03/1878 In the house of Lord’s yesterday, the Marske and Saltburn Gas Bill was read for a second time, and committed.
05/04/1878 The Archbishop of York to hold a confirmation in Redcar Church on Monday (08/04) next at seven o’ clock
05/04/1878 A branch of the Yorkshire Penny Bank was commenced at the Congregational School-room, Redcar, on Monday (29/03) evening last, under very suspicious circumstances, 60 accounts having been opened on the first night, and over £10.10s deposited. Business is to be transacted every Monday evening between 6.45 and 7.45 o’ clock.
25/04/1878 The last entertainment of the season 1877/1878 will be given in the Lecture-room, Kirkleatham, this Friday evening (25/04).
28/04/1878 The last entertainment of the season 1877 – 1878 will be given in the Lecture-room, Kirkleatham, this (Friday) evening.
02/05/1878 Batty’s great London Circus performed in Redcar on this date, and (03/05).
27/05/1878 Is a large number of Cleveland miners have signified their intention of emigrating to New Zealand. Mr. Holloway, the colonial agent, has had several meetings amongst the men, the others are arranged to take place during the month.
14/06/1878 Special trains from Leeds, and Bishop Auckland with steamers from Sunderland and Newcastle brought people to Redcar for the Whit Holiday. Weather threatened but most of Redcar and Coatham were crowded on Whit Monday.
16/08/1878 The Harvest operations commenced with good crops in general. Weather is to stay favourable.
16/08/1878 Through kindness of NERC the workmen employed in the Railway Shops, Park Lane, Gateshead, had their annual trip to Redcar and Saltburn Monday 12th inst. Weather fine and the 900 employees enjoyed their day at the popular watering places. Left between six and seven.
17/11/1878 The Bishop of Whitby consecrated the Church of St Hilda, in the Parish of Coatham
12/12/1878 Leaders of the Wesleyan Society to have a distribution of soup amongst the poor of Redcar and Coatham twice a week during the winter.
13/12/1878 The thermometer at the Redcar Lifeboat House registered between five and six degrees below freezing
27/12/1878 Intense frost prevailed over Redcar for last 14 days gives way to general thaw, all over country.
27/12/1978 Spain becomes a democracy after 40 years of dictatorship.
10/01/1879 Mr. Cowl gave a very substantial meat tea to all poor receiving parochial relief in Redcar, Coatham and Warrenby. In addition market people were invited. 100 in all.
14/01/1879 Day of the last distribution of soup and bread by the Wesleyan Committee. Since opening 9 weeks ago they had given to the poor in Redcar, 450 gallons of soup and 1,400 lbs of bread.
27/01/1879 Edison patented the electric lamp.
18/02/1879 French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was awarded a patent for the design for the Statue of Liberty.
27/06/1879 Turner’s Hospital School, Kirkleatham. Pupil James Albert Allison obtained a third class in honours in a Middles Class Examination at Durham University.
21/07/1879 Northerly gale accompanied by heavy rain, and high seas in Redcar. Old fisherman states that he had seen nothing like this during the month of July before.
25/07/1879 Band of the 2nd North Durham Militia played last concert 1th, July, when the pier was crowded to excess, with the weather being fine and warm.
05/09/1879 Three men from Hartlepool got into difficulties after spending the night in Redcar. They decided to return to Hartlepool in the pleasure boat “Polly” and got caught up in a storm which the fishing boat Rose of England Picknett Bros) rescued them and landed them on Marske Beach.
12/09/1879 Local Magistrates rule that Coatham Sands were a highway over which the Local Board had control, therefor the swing boats installed must be removed forthwith.
19/09/1879 Blackpool illuminations were switched on for the first time, with 100,000 turning up from all around the country.
03/10/1879 Fire Brigade Committee met Redcar Local Board discussed provisions for extinguishing fires. Recommended that as much as possible to be obtained by subscription the remainder to be paid by the two boards, in proportion to the rateable value.
03/10/1879 Surveyor ordered to proceed with the finishing of the street behind Newcomen Terrace, from Newcomen Street to Turner Street.
03/10/1879 The Inspector for Nuisances reported that several persons in Warrenby had not complied with notices served on them re- removal of poultry. Ordered one weeks notice then proceed against them should that be ignored.
03/10/1879 Plans for a dwelling house intended to be built by Mr. William Nelson, in Victory Terrace, were approved.
03/10/1879 M.O. reported 1 death during the past month at Coatham, and that was a person with senile decay. This made the average 3 per 1000 per annum. There were 12 births last month.
17/10/1879 Stormy weather battered the north east coast from (13/10) with high tides. The low depression from America was forecast the previous week.
21/10/1879 From early hours (today) a violent storm with north easterly gales, heavy showers of rain and sleet, raged Redcar coastline and gradually increasing in strength. Sea is very rough, and covered as far as eye can see in white tops, Close look being kept on shipping casualties.
02/11/1879 The storm of the (02/03 Nov) has caused unusual quantities of sea coal to be cast up on Redcar?Coatham beach, on 5/11/1879. Upwards of 100 people in gathering and carting it away west of Coatham Coastguard Station
28/12/1879 Central portion of the Tay Railway Bridge in Scotland collapsed, killing 79 people on the Edinburgh to Dundee train.


Chris Hansom February 1, 2013 Uncategorized