04/01/1930 |
Cleveland Hunt Farmers Ball at the Swan Hotel becoming the social event of the year with 200 people in attendance, including some of the most notable people in the area. |
11/01/1930 |
Go to Jail, go directly to Jail. Lingdale man charged with breaking windows at the Redcar Pier Pavilion. Sent to 2 years hard labour. Gave himself up saying that he wanted to go to gaol. |
11/01/1930 |
Letter received by Redcar Town Council to ban all funerals on a Sunday, except in case of emergencies. |
25/01/1930 |
New Post Office in course of erection in Town. Authorities anxious to open a sub Post office along Redcar Lane. |
18/02/1930 |
American astronomer Clyde Tom Baurgh discovered the planet Pluto from a series of pictures taken the previous month at Lowell Observatory. |
02/03/1930 |
Novelist DH Lawrence died in France of tuberculosis. |
09/03/1930 |
Work carried out on widening a portion of the Eastern Promenade. |
15/03/1930 |
Portion of the beach to be allocated for sermons, lectures, and meetings under the bye-laws was fixed for East of the Royal Hotel. |
15/03/1930 |
It was agreed to recommend that as an experiment 20 ruby glass strips be placed in public lamps at the principal corners indicating the main streets. The cost 7/6d each. |
22/03/1930 |
Large falls of snow fell in the area and farmers had an anxious time with safety of their sheep. |
22/03/1930 |
It was reported that Locke Park would be one of the prettiest parks in the North East of England, especially so through the Summer season. |
29/03/1930 |
Developments that were taking place along the West of the Promenade were well in hand for the Summer Season. |
24/05/1930 |
The funeral of Lady Bell took place at East Rounton near Northallerton. The flags in the town were all at half mast in recognition. |
24/05/1930 |
Demolition of the Central Hall took place and Central Cinema built with 800 seating capacity. |
07/06/1930 |
Local seaside resorts were reported to be well booked up for the Whit holiday, although in many cases weekends only. On Whit Monday, Redcar had 36,000 visitors. |
12/04/1930 |
The Mayor of Redcar presented Cleveland Golf Club with a silver cup (Mayors Trophy). |
05/05/1930 |
Amy Johnson left Croydon in Gypsy Moth “Jason” to become the first female to fly solo to Australia, arriving on May 24. |
17/05/1930 |
Cleveland 1st Dog Show of the year was held in Redcar with tremendous success. |
31/05/1930 |
Don Bradman became the first Australian to score 1,000 runs in England by the end of May. |
02/06/1930 |
Redcar’s New Municipal Orchestra made its debut appearance at the New Pavilion. Great success. |
07/06/1930. |
A new look Locke Park was opened by Mrs B.O. Davies on 01/06/1930. The park consisted of a boating lake, fountains, walks, gardens, tennis courts, bowling greens and a croquet lawn. |
14/06/1930 |
Boating Lake in the Coatham Enclosure illuminated and it was reported that it had a brilliant effect on visitors and the towns people. |
04/06/1930 |
To all you motorists. The Town Clerk was to advertise the enforcement of the new bye-law dealing with the parking of motor vehicles on the Promenade (West). Motor cars 6d and motor cycles 3d. |
14/06/1930 |
A new bowling green was agreed for Zetland Park, the cost not to exceed 500 pounds. |
21/06/1930 |
The council was requested to consider extensions to the present bandstand by making it 3 to 4 times larger than it was now. |
21/06/1930 |
The daughter of the present Prime Minister Miss Isabel Mac Donald, visited Redcar to address a meeting of their NY & SD Labour Women’s Advisory Council held in the New Pavilion. Mostly all the seats were taken despite it being perfect weather outside. |
21/06/1930 |
Coatham Enclosure officially opened. Thousands of people attended the event with the Boating Lake, both outside and indoor swimming pools, paths, rockeries, and walks. |
22/06/1930 |
First started ‘Uncle Tom”s Corner’, Redcar beach. Redcar man Tom Thompson In 1933, More than 300 services during a 17 week season. |
12/07/1930. |
The illumination of the the Promenade was carried out on this date. |
12/07/1930 |
Building of several prospective developments to take place along the Coast Road, part of which was now outside the boundary of the Borough. |
09/07/1930 |
Schools from all over the North Riding of Yorkshire took place in the North Yorkshire Schools Athletic Association Annual Sports Event, held at the Racecourse. |
06/07/1930 |
The first Corpus Christi Procession was held in Redcar with 3,000 people in attendance. The parade marched to the Church of the Sacred Heart and into the Convent Garden |
30/07/1930 |
Uruguay won football’s first World Cup |
02/08/1930 |
The council received a handsome clock from the town jewelers Borteners 11, Esplanade, a gift from the company for use in the new Coatham Enclosure. There was also another gift of a large ball for use of the patrons using the outside swimming pool. |
09/08/1930 |
Redcar was take take action from the recent flooding in parts of the area. It was apparent that the flood waters were coming from outside the Borough. |
11/08/1930 |
On this date the new Post Office, Cleveland Street, Redcar opened. The new postmaster was a Mr. T.A. Humberston. At, 2 pm the same day the old Post Office in Newcomen Street closed. |
16/08/1930 |
A device intended to make flying safer in Redcar was made by a Mr. J. S Lee. It consisted of a self activating contrivance which steadies the aeroplane in flight should the pilot lose control of the aircraft. |
21/08/1930 |
Redcar Carnival week took place with numerous events taking place despite inclement weather. |
23/08/1930. |
Redcar Racecourse recorded its lowest attendance for some time. |
30/08/1930 |
Redcar’s Sunshine Corner conducted by “Cousin Tom” along with 200 people visited the Council Chamber where songs, hymns and choruses were sung. |
30/08/1930 |
The largest ever crowd gathered around the War Memorial, Redcar for a service and wreath laying ceremony. |
30/08/1930 |
Naval battles were played out with models on the Boating Lake of the Coatham Enclosure. Large crowds attended this and were treated to special illuminations |
24/09/1930 |
First performance of Noel Coward comedy Private Lives took place at the New Phoenix Theatre, London. He wrote the script in four day’s whilst suffering from flu, in Shanghai. |
29/09/1930 |
George Bernard Shaw turned down a peerage. |
01/10/1930 |
Germany annexes the Sudetenland. |
05/10/2016 |
The British airship R101 crashed at the edge of woodland near Beauvais, France killing 48 of the 54 passengers including Air Minister, Lord Thompson. |
01/11/1930 |
605 male persons and 19 females unemployed in Redcar. |
02/11/1930 |
Ras Safari was crowned Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. |
08/11/1930 |
New telephone exchange installed in Redcar Post Office. |
08/11/1930 |
Tees Conservancy dissatisfied with the warning which the lighted bell buoy at Saltscar Rocks. The warning sound from the buoy bell was dependent on the movement of the sea. A more powerful light and warning device will be considered. |
08/11/1930 |
Whiley Brigg Cottages to be demolished along with part of Lord Street, East of the Church Street, and opposite Redcar Parish Church. Some back to back cottages near the Promenade, Pybus Place, and Lynas Place, would also be demolished. Eight Whiley Brigg cottages were looked upon by locals as a half way point between Redcar and Grangetown. A future new road was to replace these cottages. |
13/12/1930 |
New juvenile bathing/swimming pool erected near to adult pool Coatham Enclosure. |
1930 |
Mrs. B.O. Davies former Mayoress, made her usual distribution of steak and kidney pies for deserving people who are in needy circumstances, and would not, but for her kindness have only a makeshift Christmas dinner |
1930 |
Flower beds constructed on the Esplanade |
1930 |
East Halt railway station opened. |
1931-1932 |
Mayor – Councillor Isabella Lonsdale. |
1931 |
Foundations laid in Dormanstown for 20 Senior Citizens. Lord Zetland also presented the town with land to build a similar set of bungalows at the other end of Dormanstown. |
19/01/1931 |
A large enthusiastic gathering marked the opening of “Redcar Social Dancing Club” at the Lonsdale Cafe, Redcar. This club was formed to establish a social centre for younger people of the town to assist the Stead Hospital. All profits from the club would go to the hospital. |
31/01/1931 |
Report that a firm of brewers were to erect a large hotel in the town close to the Esplanade on a site selected at Park Avenue/Lord Street overlooking the Zetland Park and along The Stray. The hotel would have a roomy ground floor, bar, lounges, and a restaurant. It would be three floors 1 and 2 of which would have 25 bedrooms. |
31/01/1931 |
The Ministry gave permission for the Redcar Town Council to erect 150 houses at Dormanstown. 100 houses non-parlour and 50 houses with parlour. |
08/02/1931 |
James Dean, cult actor, was born in Marion, Indiana. He made just three films. East Of Eden, Rebel Without A Cause and Giant, before he died in a car accident. |
13/02/1931 |
New Delhi becomes the capital of India. |
14/02/1931 |
According to the Redcar Hackney Carriages Inspector, over two and a half million passengers were carried on the buses in and out of Redcar during the 4 Summer months. |
01/03/1931 |
How long would this take today.Forty feet of roadway was excavated under the Redcar East Railway Halt to form a subway underneath the railway for the erection of a bridge. The work entailed taking up all the present track to carry out the work. They then removed 180 tons of earth, and also put in the necessary grillage, along with four massive 40 feet iron girders. The track which the previously taken up was relaid. All of this was done in 10 hours. |
04/03/1931 |
Negotiations taking place for the purchase of land for housing purposes Kirkleatham Lane and 10 acres of land at Corporation Road, for the purpose of playing fields to adjoin Locke Park. |
14/03/1931 |
A new bowling club was started at Locke Park and was entered in the Cleveland Bowls League. |
14/03/1931 |
New electricity showrooms opened in Wilton Street, formerly the Arcadia Theatre. For sale were the latest electrical appliances, cookers, lighting and power. |
02/05/1931 |
The first grass sod was cut for Dormanstown Parish Church. |
23/05/1931 |
St Andrews Church, Warrenby. On removing decaying timber for renovation purposes a memorial stone was found in relation to the Warrenby Works Boiler Explosion Disaster 35 years previous. (painted words) Later the Archdeacon of Cleveland laid a proper restoration stone. The church 1st foundation stone was laid some 50 years previous in 1881. |
04/04/1931 |
It was decided by the housing committee of the council that no person(s) will get consideration of a new council home unless they can prove continual residence in Redcar for 3 years. This was brought in owing to abuse of the housing system. |
06/04/1931 |
Sir Hugh Bell presided over the inauguration ceremony of a new Redcar Lifeboat “Louisa Polden”. It was gratefully received on behalf of the Redcar Branch by the President the Marquis of Zetland. It was noted that Yorkshire in the future would have 5 self righting lifeboats with two more under construction. |
13/06/1931. |
Redcar’s 1st Open Redcar & District Tennis Tournament was held between 13/06/1931 and 20/06/1931. |
13/06/1931 |
Motor vessel ‘NORHAM’ from London to the Tees carrying loam, struck the rocks at Redcar. After 20 minutes became free again. It made a dash up the Tees to Thornaby, where is was safely berthed. |
13/06/1931 |
New Baptist Church opened in Park Avenue, Redcar. |
27/06/1931 |
Reported that Redcar had grown from a population of 3,200 to 5,400 since 1920, and was likely to grow even further. |
30/06/1931 |
Foundation stone laying ceremony for All Saints Church. |
11/07/1931 |
Police drew attention to the council regarding the noisy conduct in the streets of Redcar on a Sunday. The bye law was to be enforced forthwith. |
15/07/1931 |
Redcar Borough Swimming Club, held their 10th Gala to great success. Large enthusiastic crowds were in attendance. |
01/08/1931 |
The Town Council made a clearance order in respect of Pierson’s Buildings off Coatham Road. Declared a clearance area 09/04/1931. |
14/08/1931 |
It was proposed that the whole of Redcar Lane will have houses erected upon it. |
30/08/1931 |
A large wreath laying ceremony took place, where bunches of flowers were laid on and around the Redcar Town Memorial as a tribute to the fallen. |
12/09/1931 |
Zetland Park Lake overflowed causing flooding in the park due to heavy rain. |
12/09/1931 |
Glorious weather brought 420 OAPs to Redcar at 10am in the morning and did not leave until 7pm in the evening. Some did not even wish to leave. |
26/09/1931 |
Sunshine Corner Redcar special event held at the New Pavilion in aid of funds for conveyance of 300 children to Middlesbrough for Sunshine Campaign in October. So popular was the event that scores of people were unable to obtain admission. |
30/09/1931 |
Redcar Primitive Methodist Church officially opened. |
10/10/1931 |
Council instructed the Town Clerk to open negotiations with a view to obtaining increased water supply from Lockwood Beck. |
24/10/1931 |
Al Capone’s gangster career ended when he was sentenced to 11 years for tax evasion. He was released in 1939 and died in 1947. |
24/10/1931 |
Mr ‘Walley’ Pendleton, Redcar, Cleveland Golf Club, 18 handicap, secured the English Junior Golf Championship at Sandy Lodge Golf Course, London. |
24/10/1931 |
Halifax Building Society opens in Redcar, 6, Milbank Terrace. |
24/10/1931 |
New Bowls Club formed at Zetland Park. |
31/10/1931 |
War hero Mr Maurice Roche, 52 years, buried at Redcar Cemetery. Served as a Royal Munster Fusilier during the Great War. Was one of those who took part in the retreat of Mons early part of war. |
09/11/1931 |
Councillor Mrs Isobel Lonsdale elected as the first woman Mayor of Redcar. Teesside’s first woman Mayor. |
12/11/1931 |
Composer Sir Edwaed Elgar officially opened the Abbey Road recording studio in London. Pathe’ news filmed him conducting his piece Land of Hope and Glory with the London Symphony Orchestra at this former 9 bedroom Georgian terrace house. Later followed by such names as The Beatles Sting, Pink Floyd and many others. Still in use today. |
25/11/1931. |
2 days of Bazaar in aid of the Stead Hospital, was held in the Pier Pavilion, and the stalls provided by all the churches. Great success. |
05/12/1931 |
Cargo Fleet No.2 Hopper grounded on slag bank half a mile out South East of South Gare light. Later towed off undamaged. |
12/12/1931 |
Mr Power of Thirsk prepared to take over lease of The Pavilion, Redcar, subject to conditions being met. |
19/12/1931 |
Official opening of the subway from Borough Road to Laburnum Road. |
26/12/1931 |
The appeal for the funds to establish a School of Archeology in Iraq (Gertrude Bell Memorial) with the help of the British Museum could now go ahead. The committee were called a meeting of all subscribers at the British Academy 11/11/1931. It also expressed their sadness that neither Sir Hugh or Lady Bell had lived to see the realisation of their daughters wish by the establishment of the school. |
1931 |
Coatham Memorial Hall was built in memory of those killed in 1914/1918 war. |
16/01/1932 |
Duke Ellington recorded Don’t Mean A Thing (if it Ain’t Got That Swing) in New York. |
24/02/1932 |
Michael Campbell in Bluebird beat his own land speed record at Daytona Beach by reaching 253.96mph. |
19/03/1932 |
The Sydney Harbour Bridge opened. The world largest single-span bridge at the time stretching 1,650 feet. 6 million rivets were used when constructed. |
27/08/1932 |
The Spinners Strike saw more than 200,000 English textile workers in Lancashire stop work in defiance of their leader’s acceptance of a new wage agreement, which involved taking a cut of 1s.5p (old money) in the pound. |
03/10/1932 |
Iraq gains independence from the United Kingdom. |
28/11/1932 |
American comedy star Groucho Marx performed of Radio for the first time. |
14/01/1933 |
14 OAPs Cottages suggested for the east end of the Coast Road. |
14/01/1933 |
North Yorkshire County Council Libraries intimated their willingness to have Redcar admitted to the scheme of lending books. NYCC libraries however concerned about funding. |
14/01/1933 |
Voluntary milk club operating in Dormanstown school where 100 children took up 1d bottle of Milk Grade A. Milk supplied by Mr W. Ramshaw, Low Farm, Redcar. |
11/02/1933 |
Report that Cleveland Agricultural Show would be cancelled this year. |
25/02/1933 |
Allotment Society formed in Dormanstown. |
04/03/1933 |
Snow storms in Redcar were the worst experienced for many years. It found employment for 30 extra men to clear the snow. In Redcar the snow was 12″ deep and in Kirkleatham the snow reached to top of the hedges. Sandy Lane and Trunk Road were covered by 2 feet of snow. Saturday and Sunday saw the removal of snow from the town centre, with outlying lanes and roads left. Monday attention was turned to the Trunk Road, and by noon there was only a little left on the edges of the road.So deep was the snow on the Trunk Road in the early hours that a bus returning with a party from the NUT dance at Redcar became snowed in. The party could not proceed until nearly 4am. No flooding occurred during this period due to the councils drain clearing policy |
04/03/1933 |
North Riding County Council deferred for a year re the lending of books to be extended to Redcar Library. |
11/03/1933 |
Permission given for Public Houses in Redcar, Marske, Saltburn Warrenby and Dormanstown to remain open until 10.30pm. |
08/04/1933 |
Redcar Council to recommended the purchase of a number of electrically propelled boats for use in the Coatham Enclosure Boating Lake. |
08/04/1933 |
Redcar Clock designed by Mr William Duncan F.I.A.S. a well known architect, was chosen and the work of erection given to the late Mr John Dobson, the Redcar builders whose son John Dobson still carries on the business and who incidentally, was engaged on the erection. The honour of providing the actual clock was entrusted to Mr Robert Richardson of Middlesbrough. |
06/05/1933 |
New school at Dormanstown opened (1st school since the war). Two storey unit and will bear the name Dorman, the council being indebted to the late Sir Arthur and Lady Doman for it existence. Alderman Wardman opened the school. |
06/05/1933 |
A special meeting of the council was held to rescind all minutes dealing with the proposed Concert and Conference Hall, and was defeated by 12 votes to 10 following a 2 hour meeting. 19 of 22 Councillors present. Considerable conflict of opinion, and the wide interest which the scheme aroused was demonstrated by the number of visitors in the chamber being more than for a long time |
20/05/1933 |
Messrs Hardy & Co. opened a new store in Queen Street, Redcar. 2 Police Constables had to keep the crowds back until it was officially opened. The company proudly presented itself as a supplier of comfort furniture at a reasonable cost, and suppliers of goods of every type and character suitable for the modern home. |
24/05/1933 |
Redcar held Swimming Gala and was a huh success. |
27/05/1933 |
A cow that did not jump over the moon? A cow caused considerable excitement in Lord Street on 21/05/1933, when it entered an unoccupied shop/house, mounted the stairs and into the bedroom. Having spent some time up there it was coaxed down into the street, and led away. |
10/06/1933 |
A speedway track was opened along the Esplanade where everyone could drive their ‘own car’. The track was equipped with 12 of the latest cars (the only ones in the country) and fitted with “Rollfast” steering. Described as a fresh and exhilarating game in the town, and provides a laugh every second. |
10/06/1933 |
Visitors to Redcar 50,000 on 05/06/1933 Whit Monday. From Saturday of this week-end it was reported that hundreds of people slept on the beach and under shelters. |
17/06/1933 |
The 1st National Conference was held in Redcar when 150 delegates of the National Master of Farriers and Blacksmiths association met in the Pier Pavilion. |
24/06/1933 |
Redcar illumination reported to have now 9,000 bulbs of various colours. Coatham Enclosure now continually lit. Plans ahead to extend the illuminations to 12,000 bulbs. Greatest attraction was near to Zetland Park which traces out “Welcome to Redcar” in six feet letters. |
01/07/1933 |
A flying display was held on Wednesday, 29th, June, 1933 in Redcar, when the Mayor remarked that he hoped Redcar would become a permanent air station |
05/07/1933 |
Grand Skating Carnival held in Redcar this date. |
08/07/1933 |
It was recorded that in 1932 – 149 males and 153 females were born in Redcar. 8 boys were born illegitimate and 7 girls. The birth rate was 14.4. there were 205 deaths – 29 from cancer, 12 from influenza, 11 from tuberculous, 6 from pneumonia. |
15/07/1933 |
Approval was given for a layout of 42 houses for Warrenby Road. |
05/08/1933 |
Film Star Visits. A friend of Councillor Mrs. J. Cartwright the leading lady of the film “Silver Dollar” Miss Eileen McMahon from the USA visited the Councillor for 2 weeks. |
23/09/1933 |
Durham & North Yorkshire Chambers of Trade held conference at Redcar Municipal Buildings. |
23/09/1933 |
Scarlet Fever. 35, families reported to possibly have the infection at Teesport. |
14/10/1933 |
Reported that 1,100,000 people had been brought to Redcar by bus over summer period. |
21/10/1933 |
It was reported that Diphtheria had broken out in Cleveland at Dunsdale with 1 death reported and 1 case reported at Yearby. |
10/02/1934 |
Coatham Church and parish finances showed a deficit on the year. Extensive repairs needed to church. |
10/02/1934 |
Popularly called the “Glass House” the New Pavilion is being altered. |
10/02/1934 |
New road proposed to create a public road between Warrenby and Dorman Long. It was agreed to open negotiations with Dorman Long |
11/02/1932 |
Fashion designer Mary Quant born in London Later became the pioneer of the mini-skirt and hot pants. |
24/02/1934 |
Diphtheria spread traced to Dunsdale – to Domanstown now 6 cases. |
17/03/1934 |
Redcar’s frequency of electric was changed to bring it in line with standard consumption throughout the country. The change at one minute past midnight will enable householders to connect electric clocks, have synchronised G.M.T. always in their homes. |
17/03/1934 |
The Rating Committee of Redcar Town Council to issue summonses against rate payers who have failed to pay their rates. Summonses expected to run into hundreds |
26/03/1934 |
The driving test is introduced in the United Kingdom. |
31/03/1934 |
New fleet of canoes for Coatham Enclosure Boating Lake for the commencement of Easter Holidays |
14/04/1934. |
Local employment lowest for years and also improvements in employment in iron and steel making |
02/06/1934 |
Sir Alan Cobham’s air Display at Redcar from 04/06/1934. |
02/06/1934 |
Redcar Railway Station renovated to include two platforms. |
23/06/1934 |
Territorials (2,000) were welcomed to their Redcar Camp to take place along the Coast Road. Marched from Railway Station to camp accompanied by bands. Hundreds of people lined the route. |
30/06/1934 |
Redcar illuminations in July to be extended to 10,000 bulbs, six miles of wiring. Redcar Promenade and Pier to be included this year. |
30/06/1934 |
First discussion take place to extend the present bandstand on Promenade. |
14/07/1934 |
Facts about Redcar. It was revealed that the death rate in Redcar was higher than in previous years over every age group. Children under 15 years 12.1 per thousand in years 1929 to 1933. Birth rate is shown to be 13.1 per thousand down on previous years. Redcar population 21,400 are accommodated in 5,962 houses according to rate boo. Slightly more than 61% live in four or five bed roomed houses and one eight in smaller accommodation. |
21/07/1934 |
A party of 14 including women and children spent a night in a motor boat off Redcar following a visit to Staithes. On returning the motor boat broke down. Fortunately the weather was warm and sea calm. Seen about 4am by Coastguard making little headway. Meanwhile a boat was launched by Redcar fisherman William Picknett which towed the crippled motor vessel to safety. |
08/07/1934 |
200,000 people witnessed the official opening of the Mersey Tunnel with King George V and Queen Mary. 1,200,00 tons of rock removed to construct tunnel. |
11/08/1934 |
Drop of 10,000 trippers over the last year 1933. Rain kept holiday makers away over August Bank Holidays. |
25/08/1934 |
Throughout Cleveland (Redcar) wrought havoc occurred due to gale force winds. An unusual scene near the Coatham Enclosure occurred when a current of the gale developed into a whirlwind and a cloud of sand some 30′ high was swept from the road into a perfect spiral and whirled away which exhausted itself. |
08/09/1934 |
Dormanstown – New Methodist Church. Mayor and Mayoress in stone laying ceremony. |
15/09/1934 |
Redcar boy, Roy Bannister blind since the age of 4 years reported to be playing four musical instruments. Piano, organ, accordion and ukulele. |
15/09/1934 |
Council tribute to Mr. R. McLean (deceased) It was stated the the Town Clerk, Middlesbrough offered to assist in Council securing new Town Clerk, and appointment of successor. Middlesbrough agreed to loan Redcar the services of other officials. |
26/09/1934 |
Weighing more than 75,000 tons, the largest Cunard White Star Liner ‘Queen Mary’ was launched at Clydebank. |
06/10/1934 |
New Mayor chosen Councillor Nixon |
20/10/1934 |
New Costa Guard Mr. E. Hymas, Redcar recently took over the duties relinquished by Mr. J. Walker on his retirement |
20/10/1934 |
Redcar Workingman’s Club celebrated 21 years on 21/10/1934, with a 21st, Anniversary Dinner in the Pier Pavilion. |
27/10/1934 |
Announced that Mr. T. D. Hocking 34 years to be the new Town Clerk. |
27/10/1934 |
Redcar formed its own new air unit the Legion of Frontiersmen ‘A’ Flight, based at Marske Aerodrome |
08/12/1934 |
Their was a great urgency for shops in Dormanstown due to its growth over the last years. |
12/01/1935 |
With hindsight it would have worked better. The scheme for the Trunk Road Extension Corporation Road, Thrush Road, (and bridge) to Park Avenue, Coast Road not to be proceeded with |
16/01/1935 |
Nine Pedestrian Crossing to be introduced into Redcar area |
26/01/1935 |
10th Anniversary of Zetland Club. |
02/02/1935 |
Gales in Redcar travelling close to 90mph caused hundreds of pounds worth of damage. Crew of lifeboat stood by following an incident that Louise Rose, from Liver pool was in distress. Crew later stood down. |
06/02/1935 |
The current version of Monopoly went on sale for the first time. Special editions made for POW’s during World War II, hiding maps, money, compasses, to help in escape attempts. |
09/02/1935 |
Was this the cheaper alternative to the above.Two traffic islands to be introduced into Redcar at Zetland Park roundabout, and West Dyke Road/Thrush Road. |
23/02/1935 |
Report of shortage of houses in Redcar. 400 applications for 3 bedroom type house for rent of 10/-. Waiting list. |
16/02/1935 |
The rates for Redcar were raised Nine Old Pence.About 3.5 to 4p in today’s terms. |
16/03/1935 |
Hitler renounced the Versailles Treaty and reintroduced conscription. |
02/04/1935 |
Scottish physicist Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt patented radar, Britain’s first secret weapon designed to use against enemy bombers. |
02/04/1935 |
Highest tides of the Winter takes its toll on the fishermen with 350 lobster pots lost, Then the average lobster pot took an average of 5 hours to make. Breaker seas touching the boards of pier, and water flowed like a water fall down the steps onto the sands. |
06/04/1935 |
Mr. W. P. postmaster of the High Street Office sent to prison for 12 months for faking a burglary at the premises. |
06/04/1935 |
Following the above report of mountainous seas, this was followed at low tide along the Redcar Coastline mountainous amounts of sea coal. |
06/04/1935 |
The Coatham Hotel Ballroom was extended to take 400 people. New maple dance floor laid along with other refurbishments. Reported to be the largest ballroom in any hotel in the North East of England. |
20/04/1935 |
Lobster Public House completed renovated to modern day standards including 4 billiard tables in large billiard room. |
02/05/1935 |
Builders and contractors to be prosecuted if found taking sand from the sand hills. |
19/05/1935 |
The death of British scholar, military strategist and (Lawrence of Arabia) author, T.E. Lawrence |
25/05/1935 |
American athlete Jessie Owens set six world records within 45 minutes at Ann Arbor in Mitcigan |
25/05/1935 |
Soldiers at the Redcar Camp this year will be the largest ever at 15,000 from July to August. Will camp in fields adjoining Marske Road. |
01/06/1935 |
Driving tests were introduced and L plates made compulsory in Britain. |
10/06/1935 |
Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, USA. |
28/06/1935 |
The first Rupert Bear cartoon was drawn by Alfred Bestall and appeared in the Daily Express. Bestall had taken over from Rupert’s creator Mary Tourtel |
10/08/1935 |
Record Bank Holiday crowds with 100,000 in Redcar. Railway figures show that 50,0000 travelled over period, and 20,000 of those on Bank Holiday Monday. Extra staff were employed at Redcar Railway Station to cope with the constant stream of passengers. |
17/08/1935 |
Territorial manoeuvers in Redcar, training course on coastal defence in case of emergency lasted 24 hours. |
24/08/1935 |
Plaque commemorating the life and work of Gertrude Bell to be fixed on the Red Barnes the family home. The only historic building other than churches where this had happened. |
24/08/1935 |
The 102nd Cleveland Agricultural Show first held in 1883. |
31/08/1935 |
Spectators 15,000 watched a firework display along The Stray. |
31/08/1935 |
‘Blackshirts’ organisation in Redcar. Members addressing impassioned remarks to passing people. |
03/09/1935 |
Sir Donald Campbell broke the world land speed record reaching 302.293 mph in Bluebird at Bonneville Flats, Utah. USA. |
12/09/1935 |
American multi-millionaire Howard Hughes established a world land speed record of 352.46 mph in a plane he helped to design. |
15/09/1935 |
At a Nuremberg rally Adolf Hitler issued new decrees, which relegated Jews to sub-human status and made the swastika the official German flag. |
21/09/1935 |
Redcar Lierary Institute – Renovations and extensions carried out. |
23/09/1935 |
23/09/1935 to 28/09/1935. Redcar held its 1st Redcar Trades Exhibition opened by Alderman. W. Charlton. |
29/09/1935 |
The Mayor of Redcar (Coun. J. T. Fletcher J.P.) addressed delegates at the autumn conference of the Durham and North Yorkshire Chamber of Trade held in the Municipal Buildings, Redcar 26.09.1935 |
01/10/1935 |
Sound of Music, and Mary Poppins star Julie Andrews was born, |
05/10/1936 |
The march of unemployment workers – from Jarrow to London started. |
26/10/1935 |
Decision taken that Redcar will have its own public library. |
06/11/1935 |
First flight of the Hawker Hurricane with its K5083 first prototype. |
09/11/1935 |
Work commenced on the reconstruction of Redcar Reservoir. |
23/11/1935 |
‘Seagulls’ Annual Prize Giving – Membership 350. |
14/12/1935 |
Redcar Fisherman took a sample of a curious transparent form of spawn from their lobster pots. Later when tested found to be octopus spawn. |
14/12/1935 |
Red Lion Hotel to have refurbishments including a new ballroom capable of holding over 100 people. |
28/11/1935 |
Reported that before the Christmas period leading up to Boxing Day that 25 extra employees were given jobs for a temporary period to shift the volume of mail. |
28/12/1935 |
Coatham Enclosure Boating Lake to be provided with petrol motor boats for hire. |
28/12/1935 |
Lt. Col. T.K.G. Ridley raised comments at a prize giving 4th Bat. Green Howards that the ‘Drill Hall’ was no longer viable, and that new premises should be looked at. He thought the present Drill Hall should be pulled down and re-built. “It’s a disgrace to the town.” |
28/12/1935 |
Redcar amusement Park reported to have changed hands from 01/01/1936 from Pleasure Park Compant to Councillor J.E. Picknett well known builder and contractor. |
11/01/1936 |
Lifeboat men stood by as a Thames cargo barge adrift off the Redcar coast came within a stones throw of Redcar Pier. The barge appeared to have a broken mast and torn sails. Made its own way to safety and port. |
1936 |
A Redcar man appointed wireless operator No.5 on the “Queen Mary,” the world’s largest and most luxurious passenger liner. Mr. William Alfred Johnson, of Redcar, an old boy of Coatham School only 31 years old. Mr. Johnson has served on many ships, and when the vast army of operators on the “Queen Mary” are realised his “No. 5” importance reflects credit on his appointment.He has served on the “Berengaria” and many other huge Cunarders, and has resigned his position as Chief Operator of the “Alaunia” to take up his new post. |
20/01/1936 |
George V died, and Edward VIII acceded to the throne. He abdicated after 325 days. |
28/03/1936 |
New 2.5h.p. motor boats arrived for Easter Good Friday at the Coatham Enclosure Boating Lake. |
29/02/1936 |
Spring Tides drown two men at the South Gare |
11/04/1936 |
Easter Weekend saw a decrease in the attendace at Redcar. This was due to the weather being cold and wet, combining with the promenade chaos. The council reported a 100% decreas in trade. |
18/04/1936 |
Probably the oldest on Redcar East. Permission was given to the siting of a postal box in Oak Road, Redcar, 100 yards from Green Lane. Still in the same position today. |
24/04/1936 |
New renovations to the Royal Hotel, Promenade, Redcar completed. |
05/05/1036 |
Italian troops occupy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. |
23/05/1936 |
Naomi Jocob, novelist, actress, politician, appeared at the redcar New Pavilion. |
23/05/1936 |
Sunshine Corner Hut of Redcar Sands destroyed due to high seas. |
28/05/1936 |
Alan Turin ‘On Computable Numbers’ for publication |
30/05/1936 |
Redcar Race Course opened new facilities with a new stand to accomodate 800 people in the 2 shilling enclosure, also crush barriers and tarmacadem area for walking. |
11/06/1936 |
Air gun discharged twice in Central Cinema Picture House. Youth 16 years cautioned by courts. |
13/06/1936 |
Warrenby’s first ever Diamond Wedding Celebration. |
20/06/1936 |
Licensing approved all pleasure craft boats and men working them All boats to be examined. Licence for 1 season. Power to suspend licence. One regulation states that boatmen will no be allowed to tout for business beyond 10 yards of gangway to boat, |
20/06/1936 |
Tents no longer allowed on The Stray. |
20/06/1936 |
Plans for a new electricity showroom on High Street submitted. |
18/07/1936 |
Heavier penalties to be given by redcar Court in future for person coming into the town causing trouble, brawling and using filthy language whilst under the influence of alcohol. |
18/07/1936 |
Closure of Coastguard Station at Coatham. |
25/07/1936 |
Redcar saw its first All-in-Wrestling fights for the first time. |
01/08/1936 |
Chairmn of Bench warned of heavy penalties for brawling and bad behaviour in the Town. |
15/08/1936 |
Forget Barrels and Kegs. A temporary bridge of beer cases was made across the Promenade, due to a “cloudburst” of rain near Moore Street which caused extensive flooding. Peculiar that Saltburn had no rain and the roads in Marske were quite dry. |
26/08/1036 |
BBC transmitted the first high definition television pictures introduced by its announcer Leslie Mitchell. |
29/08/1936 |
The 103rd Cleveland Show brings 6,000 people to redcar Racecourse for the event. |
07/09/1936 |
Buddy Holly rock singer and guitarist was born. Died at the age of 22 in an air crash. |
29/09/1936 |
Pinewood Studios opened near Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, to provide Britain with a film studio to compete with Hollywood. |
05/10/1936 |
The Jarrow March sets off for London. |
10/10/1936 |
New Coast Guard look out station at Marske replaces withdrawn Redcar Station. |
24/10/1936 |
New Gas Show Rooms proposed for the High Street. |
27/10/1936 |
Wallis Simpson, the future Duchess of Windsor, was divorced in Ipswich from her husband Ernest. |
07/11/1936 |
Redcar Branch of the Green Howards Association formed at Redcar (Royal Hotel). |
28/11/1936 |
Christ Church Bazaar raised 3450 in two days. |
30/11/1936 |
The Crystal Palace, London, was destroyed by fire. |
12/12/1936 |
New Pavilion Project by council rejected. Sunday Boating and golfing also fails. |
12/12/1936 |
Prince Albert, was declared King in the wake of his brother’ abdication to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. |
13/12/1936 |
Mayor of Redcar (Councillor J. R. Nixon J.P.) Proclaimed the accession of King Georeg V1 to the throne. |
15/01/1937 |
Redcar Chamber of Trade have booked 200 seats for Sheffield pantomime. |
18/01/1937 |
King George National Memorial Week. Odd monies in bank accounts asked to be donated to banks for provision of more fields in towns and villages throughout country. |
30/01/1937 |
Four men one of which seriously hurt in cabin explosion Dorman Long, Warrenby Works. |
20/02/1937 |
Six lamps to be erected as an experiment. To be suspended 10 feet from kerb over carriageway, between Swan Hotel and sunken garden. Reason because of inadequate lighting. |
20/02/1937 |
New Entertainment Manager appointed for Sands and Entertainment Committee |
06/03/1937 |
Vessels in peril off Redcar due to mountainous seas. |
20/03/1937 |
Significant loss of sand from Redcar beach. |
01/04/1937 |
Aden becomes a British crown colony. |
18/04/1937 |
Daffy Duck’s first appearance, in Porky’s Duck Hunt. |
27/04/1937 |
Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was completed. At 4,200ft long, it was the longest in the world at the time. |
01/05/1937 |
Cleveland Standard P.H. open new premises. Cheque given to Stead Hospital Fund. |
01/05/1937 |
Re Coronation celebrations all the people over 65 from Redcar, Warrenby, Dormanstown, taken by train to Whitby 19/05/1937 as part of the event. Those unable to go will receive a Coronation Gift. |
01/05/1937 |
New office of the local newspaper the Cleveland Standard opened by Deputy Mayor Alderman R. Spellman |
08/05/1937 |
Fire reported at the Co-operative Stores, Queeen Street, Redcar at 5.30am. Prompt arrival of Fire Brigade prevent more serious damage etc. |
08/05/1937 |
Full refurbishment of the Clarendon Hotel, with beautiful new interior. |
12/05/1937 |
Coronation of King George VI at Westminster Abbey broadcast worldwide by BBC. |
22/05/1937 |
New playground area constructed on beach near to Pavilion. |
03/06/1937 |
The Duke of Windsor marries Wallis Simpson. |
05/06/1937 |
New Life Saving Jackets introduced along seafront stations and vantage points of access use. |
26/06/1937 |
Regent Cinema-First of the Charlie Chan movies. |
03/07/1937 |
New Catholic Church built in Warwick Road on the outskirts of town – St. Augustine’s. Dedication 07/07/1937 by the Bishop of Middlesbrough. |
05/07/1937 |
New Gas Board Showroom opens along High Street. |
10/07/1937 |
New Bus Station in Redcar. |
31/07/1937 |
Application from Redcar Amusements Ltd to take down the Racer (Big Dipper) Council reported that they had no further sites for its reconstruction. |
31/07/1937 |
Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Cap in Redcar for 2 weeks. Camp approximately 600 strong of all ranks. |
04/09/1937 |
School children (22) affected by illness in Redcar Schools. Cause – chemical substance used on new cleaning machine used for first time and chemical substance like that of soda mixes in with milk. |
10/10/1937 |
Arcadia Theatre to be demolished. Rats were reported on the site. Land to be used as open space for children to play on until such time as council require it. |
16/10/1937 |
Ald. B.O.Davies makes gift of Cardinal Bird, and a Mr. Stainthorpe, 2 pairs of Turtle Doves for new Aviary in Zetland Park. |
22/10/1937 |
The Duke and Dutchess of Winsor arrived Berlin and shook hands with Adolf Hitler. Visit to study housing conditions, and hear concert by the Nazi District Orchestra. |
13/11/1937 |
Councillor Semple elected Mayor. |
16/11/1937 |
MP’s voted in favour of air raid shelters being erected in towns and cities. |
20/11/1937 |
Rough seas destroys over 200 lobster pots. Fishermen unable to get out to retrieve them. |
11/12/1937 |
Archbishop of York opens new Redcar Library. |
24/12/1937 |
Redcar man found bottle in sea with message. “If found return to Marine Laborities of Fisheries Board.” Ascertained that part of investigations re- movement of fish shoals, |
24/12/1937 |
The game of Table Tennis found to be on the increase in Redcar |
08/01/1938 |
Redcar Library unexpected success. 13% of population of Redcar area now signed up. |
08/01/1938 |
Mayor Councillor D. R. Semple J.P. became President of Redcar & District Table Tennis League. Now 120 individual players. |
23/01/1938 |
Death of Lord Guisborough at his home Guisborough Hall. Hundred line funeral route to the church. Funeral procession led by Lord Guisborough’s favourite dog and pony. |
29/01/1938 |
Although a shortage of books Redcar Library had 6,000 books out on loan. |
01/02/1938 |
A branch of the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals was opened in Lord Street, Redcar, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and is proving very popular. |
04/02/1938 |
The “Builders’ Ball,” at it is known was held at the Swan Hotel, Redcar with 300 people attending the ball and whist drive. |
10/02/1938 |
Two Redcar Police Officers on patrol averted a serious fire when the investigating the rear of a painters shop on the High Street, found a hut well alight. The fire was extinguished with buckets of water. |
12/02/1938 |
Seal comes ashore refusing to return to water. Coastguard made it safe to find it gone next morning with tracks leading from safety into sea. |
09/04/1938 |
John Emmerson Batty School ranked 3rd in the whole of England as a school saving association |
02/07/1938 |
American tennis player Helen Wills Moody won her 8th Wimbledon tittle. She died at the age of 82 in the year 1998. |
24/07/1938 |
First ascent of the Eiger north face. |
08/08/1938 |
Film star Dustin Hoffman was born. |
23/08/1938 |
Len Hutton scored what was then a world record Test score of 364 against Australia at The Oval. |
27/09/1938 |
The 80,000 tonne liner Queen Elizabeth was launched at John Brown’s Yard in Clydebank. |
30/09/1938 |
On hisreturn from Germany the British Prime Minister said, “I believe it is peace in our time”, and waved the agreement signed with Hitler. WW11 followed. |
25/05/1939 |
The birth of respected English actor in Burnley of Ian McKellen. |
25/05/1939 |
New Blast Furnace tapped at Dorman Long, Cleveland Works. Produces 2,750 tons of steel a week. |
11/06/1939 |
George VI became the first reigning English king to set foot on United States soil. |
24/06/1939 |
Siam is renamed Thailand by Plaek Pibulsonggram,, the country’s third prime minister. |
13/07/`939 |
Frank Sinatra made his first record, From The Bottom Of My Heart, with the Harry James Band. |
17/08/1939 |
The film The Wizard of Oz starring Judy Garland opened in New York. |
01/09/1939 |
Germany invaded Poland and bombed Warsaw at 6am. First time in History the King went to Downing Street to see the Prime Minister instead of going to the Palace. |
03/09/1939 |
17/09/1039 |
The film The Wizard of Oz, starring Judy Garland, opened in New York. |
23/09/1939 |
Sigmund Freud, Austrian, B.06/05/1856, psychiatrist and founder member of psychoanalysis, died in Hammersmith. Aged 83 years. |
14/10/1939 |
The Royal Navy battleship Royal Oak was torpedoed and sank in Scapa Flow. 833 were killed that night or died later of their wounds. |
16/10/1939 |
World War ll: First attack on British territory of the German Luftwaffe. |
24/10/1939 |
Nylon stockings went on sale in the USA for the first time. |
15/12/1939 |
Premier of the film Gone With The Wind took place in Atlanta, Georgia. Starring, Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. |
29/12/1939 |
First flight of the Consolidated B-24 Liberator. |
Chris Hansom February 1, 2013 1930-1939