1870 03 24 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation the Middlesbrough Evening Gazette 01/04/1870.


            The meeting of this body, adjourned from the seventh interest, was held on Friday (24/03). Present – Messrs Lennard (Chairman), Cowl, Watson, Harrison, J. Johnston, Mallaby, and Whitaker; J. G. Thompson (Clerk), M. Crabtree (Surveyor).

            The minutes of the previous meeting, having been read and confirmed, several checks were ordered to be paid, the list of rates irrecoverable, excuse, &c., Was examined, and the payment of £37 for rent to Lord Zetland was approved.

            The minutes with regard to public lighting, and the lighting, paving, and channelling of Alma Parade, &c., were ordered to be continued.

            The Clerk reported the progress he had made in the matter of the proposed extension of the district. He had been in London, and had seen the authorities at the Home Office, and the Board of Trade on the subject. He found they were opposed to the inclusion of the beach in the present extension. He had an interview with Mr Tom Taylor at the Home Office, to whom you produced plans of the desired extension, and copies of the bye-laws in force at other places. He explained to him that in seeking to bring the beach within the district, they only wished for the same powers as those already processed by other bathing places; such as making bye-laws for the regulation of bathing on the beach, the prevention of nuisances, and the defining the number of passengers to be carried on board the cobles. He succeeded in company and seeing Mr Taylor that it would only be fair to grant similar powers to the Redcar Board, and he accompanied him to the Board of Trade, and there the matter was placed in such a position that nothing remained to be done but to apply formally and forward plans to the Home Secretary for the Board of Trade, in order to a remark made by Mr Johnson, the Clerk said if the Earl of Zetland had any right over the Sands, they would be protected, as well as those of the Crown, to whom the foreshore belonged. The Clerk was instructed to take such steps in the matter as he thought proper.

            Mr Mallaby asked what the expenses would be.

            The Clerk said he would depend on circumstances. He might say that while in Mr Taylor’s company. He had some conversations with him, respecting the Sea Wall. He should have something to say, respecting it on some future occasion.

            A committee, consisting of the Chairman, and Messrs Harrison, Mallaby, and Johnson, were appointed to wait upon the owners and ratepayers in that part of Redcar situated in the Upleatham parish, with a view to ascertaining whether they were willing for that portion of the town, to be included in the extension.

            The minutes respecting the highway betweenRedcar and Coatham, and the Surveyor’s report on the water supply, were ordered to be continued; Mr Watson, suggesting that the Surveyor look into the matter as early as possible, so that if it was advisable for Eddie think to be done the work might be accomplished before the summer.

            The Clerk reported that he had written to Mr R. Johnston, and Mr Sill, respecting the breach of the bye-laws, in in erecting a building in the Back Laying without first submitting a plan for the approval of the Board. He had received a reply from Mr Johnson, together with a plan of the building. He stated in the letter that he was not aware when he erected the building that it was necessary to send in a plan, as the building was only a temporary one of wood. Besides, he was not the only one in the town, by far, who had built without the consent of the Board; and it seemed strange that he should be singled out on so many. He knew that more than one member of the Board had done the same thing -one of them not more than a yard from the back door of the Board premises.

            The Chairman: That is coming pretty close.

            Mr Cowl: He must mean me; or you, Mr Watson.

            The Clerk also read a letter from Mr Sill, which was to the effect that he had understood the Surveyor to say that it was not necessary to send in a plan. He was willing to do anything. He was willing to do anything. The Board thought proper.

            Mr Johnson’s plan was then passed; also a plan of new shop front on Mr Westerby’s premises, and a plan of alteration on the premises 136, High Street, belonging to the Misses Dixon.

            The Chairman asked the Clerk if they were obliged to send 14 papers to voters residing out of the district.

            The Clerk said not.

            The Cowl: Some members advocate; let us economise in this matter, and we are not obliged to send them.

            Mr Johnson said the elections had never been properly constructed yet.

            The Chairman, said things had been conducted quite as well this year as when Mr Johnson was chairman.

            Mr Johnson: You may think so.

            The Chairman: I have a right to an opinion.

            Mr Johnson: Of course.

            It was resolved that no voting papers should be sent to persons residing out of the district; it being understood that they might tame them of the Chairman.

            The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Newcomen’s agent, calling his attention to the nuisance caused by throwing the sand on the beach at the end of Newcomen Street.

            The Clerk said that the auditor had given notice that he would attend to audit the accounts of the Board on the 29th, inst.

            Mr Harrison and Mr Mallaby were deputed to assist the Chairman at the election.

            Mr Mallaby proposed that, the collector be provided with a bag with a lock on, to put in the voting papers; the bike to be locked and handed to the Clerk, so that no one could inspect them till the proper time.

            No one seconding the motion, the matter dropped, and the meeting terminated.

            The Clerk read the minutes of the Cemetery Committee, from which it appeared that the Rev W. Milburne declined to confirm with the committee, at the same time, stating that any site chosen, all arrangements made would not be objected to by him. The Committee recommended that the Clerk be instructed to obtain from the Earl of Zetland of his agents the conditions on which for acres of the ground, they had selected may be obtained, and to ascertain if the site chosen meets with his lordships approval.

            The recommendation of the Committee was agreed to.


Lol Hansom July 24, 2013 Redcar - Local Board