1870 04 01 Redcar Local Board Elections

Accreditation the Middlesbrough Evening Gazette 01/04/1870.


            The election of the three persons to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of Messrs Johnston, Cowl, and Richardson; was concluded this morning, when the voting papers were examined, with the following result, the first three been duly elected.

John Holton Webster                                         140

John Cowl                                                         110

Richard Pearson Johnson                                    92

Thomas Spencer Kean                                         78

James Johnson                                                   65

James Heaton Bennett, M. D.                              22

Henry Moore                                                       17

            It may be necessary to state that. Dr Bennett and Mr Moore gave notice of withdrawal to the Chairman of the Board, but too late to prevent their names from appearing on the voting papers. The fact was generally known, however, which accounts for the small number of votes being recorded in their favour.


Lol Hansom July 19, 2013 Redcar - Local Board