1870 05 06 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 06/05/1870.


            On Monday last (02/05), the monthly meeting was held in the Board Room. Present :- Messrs Lennard (chairman), Harrison, Cowl, Mallaby, Webster, Johnson, and Watson.

            The minutes of the previous meeting, having been read were confirmed.

            The Deputy Clerk read the correspondence which had passed relative to the conduct of the policeman at the late election. The Clerk first wrote to Capt Hill, complaining of the policeman’s interference with several of the voters; and, in reply, Capt Hill said that, as the policeman was in the employ of the Earl of Zetland at police constable and under Bailiff, he could not do anything in the matter. Upon receiving this, the Clerk again wrote to the Captain, calling his attention to the fact that the policeman, while doing the things complained of, wore the uniform of the North Riding Constabulary. To this letter no reply had been received.

            Mr Cowl: I don’t feel disposed to let the matter drop yet.

            The minutes with regard to paving channelling Alma Parade, &c., and the public lighting, were ordered to be continued, the Surveyor reporting that the lamps were ready for lighting, with one exception, where the Gas Company had not yet laid the main pipe.

            The Chairman: The Board could not take the streets before they were completed.

            The Surveyor reported that the supply of water in the reservoir was considerably increased. The reservoir was much too small for the requirements of the town. At present the water was running over. He calculated that the reservoir would hold about 15,000 gallons.

            The subject was then discussed and the general opinion of the members was that it was extremely desirable to have the reservoir considerably enlarged, but that it was too late to having done before the commencement of the season. The matter was ultimately referred to the Water Works Committee for consideration.

            The Deputy Clerk reported that the accounts of the Board for the past financial year had been duly audited and found correct, and then, pro-seeded to read the correspondence which had passed between the Clerk and Mr. Newcomen’s agent, with reference to the accumulation of sand on the beach fronting Newcomen Terrace. In reply to a letter from the Clerk- in which he called Mr. Rutherford’s attention to the inconvenience and annoyance caused by the carting of the sand on to the beach, thereby obstructing the highway, and reminded him that the Board had power to interpose :- Mr Rutherford said he fully appreciated the gratuitous interference of the, and further said that Mr Newcomen declined to recognise the right of the Board to interfere in the matter.

            Mr Webster believed that Mr Rutherford had ceased to put the sound below high watermark.

            Mr Cowl, said he knew of instances where persons had gone to get a cart load of sand from behind Newcomen Terrace and had been stopped from doing so.

            The Deputy Clerk said the necessary notice had been given of the Board’s intention to make the Esplanade, a public highway.

            The Clerk was instructed to prepare an estimate for the Special District Rate.

            The Surveyor was instructed to lay water to two cottages erected in the Back Lane by Mr J. Robinson and Mr J. Jackson.

            A letter from Miss Scorer’s was read, complained of the state of the pavement in front of the Swan Hotel.

            The Surveyor was instructed to inform Miss Scorer that the board would relay the flags on the usual conditions, and in the meantime he was requested to have one of the broken flags replaced at once, as it was in a dangerous position.

            Mr Cowl complained that the president charge for water aid hotel yards, 32 shillings per year, was excessive. He thought there was some mistake made with regard to the sum charged. It ought to have been 4 shillings per quarter instead of 8 shillings.

            The Surveyor said the charge was perfectly correct as fixed by the Board three years ago.

            Mr Cowl said the fairest way would be to have meters in the inn yards.

            The subject was referred to the Water Works Committee for consideration.

            Mr Cowl suggested that the Board should send a memorial to the Directors of the Railway Co, asking them to grand excursion tickets to Redcar, similar to those issued to Scarbro’, Filey, and other bathing places.

            The Surveyor was instructed to draw up a memorial, and Mr Webster was deputed to canvas for signatures.

            The meeting then terminated.



Lol Hansom July 19, 2013 Redcar - Local Board