1870 07 05 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting
Accreditation the Evening Gazette 05/07/1870.
The usual monthly meeting of the Redcar Local Board of Health was held on Monday (04/07). The medical officer (Dr Bennett) presented a report which shows that the rumours of small-pox being prevalent in Redcar are grossly exaggerated. The report was as follows. :-To the Chairman and members of the Redcar Local Board of Health.
Gentlemen,—I have the satisfaction of reporting a clean bill of health. There have been no cases or varioloid, or of any other epidemic, during the past fortnight, since the last report. In order to correct a misapprehension which has got abroad as to the excessive rate of mortality in this town, I append the following table to my report. 🙂
In the parish of Redcar, with a population of 2300, there have been 19 deaths during the past half year. Of these, six were between 61 and 94 years of age, i.e, 61, 68, 70, 81, 91, 94; one of 19 years from consumption, one of 14 from scrofulous disease of the spine, one of 70 years, water on the brain and convolutions, six under one year, for between one and three years. Average death rate, 16.5 per thousand, per annum. I have the honour to be, your obedient servant, J. H. BENNETT, M.D., medical officer to the Board.
It was stated that the sum of £613.14s.101/2d would be required for the Gen district rate, and as the rateable value of the district was £5,455.10s, a rate of 2s.3d in the pound would have to be levied.— Agreed to.— A general district rate of 2s.3d in the pound was agreed to.
Mr Cowl called attention again to Sgt Baines, the policeman, who he had stated tampered with voting papers at the last election.—Ultimately it was agreed that the Clerk write to Mr Trotter (Lord Zetland’s agent), reporting to him. “That Mr Baines had been making offensive remarks about the Board, and stating that he would pursue the same illegal practices as at the last election.”
The extension of the mains of the Stockton and Middlesbrough Water Works Company, from Eston Junction to Coatham (which we intimated some two months ago had been commenced), was completed on Monday, the 27th ult., and the water was turned on to Coatham during the latter part of the week. After repairs of one or two fractured pipes (which, when we take into consideration that the distance is over 5 miles, is not a very serious calamity), a copious supply of water was drawn from the fire plugs at the various parts of the town on Saturday afternoon. In the presence of some of the directors of the Company, and a large number of the inhabitants of the village, a general satisfaction was expressed at the pressure and quantity of the water, and the same must be a very great boon to the inhabitants of the place, not only for domestic use and other purposes, but in case of fire. We understand a large number of services have already been put on, and there are many more orders on the books of the company, and for the information of intending visitors to that district, who look upon pure and wholesome water as one of the principal requisites of a watering place, we supply a list of those householders who have provided their dwellings with an abundant supply of excellent water :- Jos. Hutchinson, 1, Newcomen Terrace; John Howie, 3, do.; J. Johnson, 4. do.; Jno. Coulson, 17, do.; Jas Harris, 18, do.; Bacon, 19,do,; D. Spence; Thos Watson, 1, Balmoral Terrace; Charles Bromby, 2, do.; J. Hobback, 5, do.; Jno. Hunter, 9, do,; N. Kilburn, Cleveland Terrace; Mrs. Savage, do.; Mrs. Bentham, do. The cost of the work is £5000 , and when the company has spiritedly done their part, it is to be hoped that the inhabitants will show their appreciation of the boon, which has now been placed within their reach.
Lol Hansom July 23, 2013 Redcar - Local Board