1876 04 21 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea Gazette 21/04/1876


            The annual meeting of the Local Board of Health for the district of Redcar was held last Thursday (13/04) night at the Board-room, West Terrace. Present: Messrs. J. Coulson, M. Crabtree, J. Duff, W. Fairbridge, J. Mallaby, R. Patterson, and J. H. Webster; J. G. Thompson (clerk), and D. D. Bookless (surveyor). Messrs. Duff and Patterson made the usual declaration on taking their seats at the Board for the first time.


            The Clerk said the first business to be transacted at that meeting was the election of chairman. Mr. Coulson proposed that Mr. Webster be re- elected. In doing so, he remarked that Mr. Webster had during the past year conducted the business of the Board to the satisfaction of the members; and all so to the satisfaction of the ratepayers generally, as was evidenced by the large majority by which had been a game returned. Mr. Mallaby seconded, and no other gentleman being proposed, the Clerk put the proposition to the meeting, when it was carried unanimously. On taking the chair, Mr. Webster thanked the members for the honour they had done him, the youngest member present, and placing him a second time the head:; and said that as in the past he would continue to do all in his power for the welfare of the town.


            The minutes were then read and confirmed, and the appointment of the various committees for the ensuing twelve, months was afterwards proceeded with as follows:-

Water Works: The Chairman, Messrs. Coulson, Crabtree, Duff, Fairbridge, and Patterson.

Highways, Sanitary, and Lighting: The Chairman, Messrs Coulson, Fairbridge, Harrison, Mallaby, and Patterson.

Plans and Finance: The Chairman, Messrs. Coulson, Crabtree, Dowson, Duff, Harrison and Mallaby.


            The Chairman said a good deal of prejudice existed against the system which had been adopted for ventilating the sewers on the Esplanade, and at a special meeting of the Board held a week ago, a committee had been appointed to wait on several owners of the property abutting thereon, in order to opt in their sanction for carrying up ventilating shafts at the gable ends of their houses. He would therefore propose “the Board abolish the open ventilators on the Esplanade, and that the Surveyor be instructed to direct six ventilating shafts at the points were permission had been obtained.” Mr. Duff seconded, and the motion was carried, Mr. Crabtree being the only dissentient. The Chairman further proposed that the pipes be 6 inches in diameter, and this proposition was also seconded by Mr. Duff. Mr. Fairbridge proposed as an amendment that the ventilating pipes be 4 inches in diameter. Mr. Patterson seconded. On being put to the boat, the amendment was carried.


            The Surveyor reported that Mr. Wallis objected to a you Randall being placed on his property in Red Lion Street, and, on the motion of the Chairman the question was referred to the Sanitary Committee.


            The Board next considered a communication from the Local Government authorities on the subject of a local enquiry to be held by one of their Inspectors with reference to the proposed extension of the district. The Clerk said he would advise the Board to advocate that there District be made co-extensive with the Ecclesiastical District. Under the Burial Acts, they would then obtain jurisdiction of the over the Cemetery and this would be of very great advantage, as one Board would then suffice for all purposes, and the meetings could be held simultaneously. A committee was appointed, and to confer with the Clerk on the subject.


            The Clerk said he should like to call attention to a very important subject, viz., That means possessed by the town for extinguishing fires. The Surveyor thought the hose belonging to the Board would carry water over the high-rise buildings in Redcar. The Chairman remarked that in the event of a fire breaking out he imagined the members of the Board would have to turn out, with the assistance of any volunteers, do what they could to subdue it. The subject shortly afterwards dropped.


            A committee consisting of Messrs. Webster, Crabtree, and Fairbridge was appointed to inspect any overcrowded dwellings, or houses in an unsanitary condition, and report thereon to the next meeting.


            The Clerk read a letter which had been received from the Local Board, enquiry what steps had been taken with the view of giving effect to the recommendations of Dr. Thorne in reference to midden privies. He (the Clerk) also produced copy of a circular on a kindred subject intended to be circulated through the town, and was instructed to forwarded a copy of the same to the Local Government Board, and to ask for any further suggestions.


            An application from Mr. The Rutherford, asking 5s.way-leave on being half of Mr. Newcomer, for the Board-room property in West Terrace, was considered, and the Clerk was directed to answer the same to the effect that as the street in question had been declared a public highway, the Board could not entertain the claim.

The Surveyor asked for and obtained permission to place a stop-cock at the top of Redcar Lane, so as to obviate the necessity of having to go to the reservoir whenever the water was required to be turned on.

Mr. Crabtree proposed, in accordance with notice given at the last meeting, that so much of plan No. 283 as referred to the alterations in the front elevation of the premises, 110, High Street, be rescinded, which was seconded by the Chairman, and carried.

On the suggestion of Mr. Duff, the Surveyor was directed to set back the railings, and to level and flag the footpath between Dr. Bennett’s house and Mr. Greenbury’s jet shop, in the High Street.

This concluded the business of the meeting.


Lol Hansom October 15, 2014 Redcar - Local Board