1876 10 06 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 06/10/1876


            The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday (02/10), at the Board room, West Terrace, Redcar. Present: Messrs Webster (in the chair), Dowson, Duff, Fairbridge, Patterson, Nicholson (deputy clerk), and Bookless (surveyor)

Minutes having been read and confirmed, further correspondence between Messrs Frere and Co., Lord Zetland’s solicitors, and the Clerk to the Board with reference to the sewer laid down at the expense of the late Earl, was read. In reply to the first letter the Clerk stated that by the sanitary acts the silver in question was vested in the local authorities, who were not empowered to make any payment for its use, and denied that part of the Coatham drainage pass through it. In a second letter Messrs Frere and Co. Said they held a contrary opinion, and repeated their former allegation with respect to the Coatham drainage. It was resolved that the Clerk brigade communicate with Messrs Frere and Vo., Denying that any part of the Coatham drainage, either now or at any other time, had passed into the Redcar sewers.

Offer from the Gas Company for the lighting of the town during the ensuing winter, was accepted, and ordered to be entered on the minutes.

Mr. Thos. Watson having received noticed that the houses 2 and 3, Albert Street, were unfit for human habitation, a letter was read from him enquiring at what meeting of the Board the resolution that he should receive the notice in question had been passed, as he had not seen it reported in the newspapers. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Watson that the notice was given in pursuance of a general order of the Board made after a sanitary inspection of the town by the sanitary committee, the medical officer, and the surveyor.

The Surveyor reported that Mr. Scott, butcher, had erected a wooden shed in the yard at the back of his premises, without having first submitted plans for the approval of the Board. The Klerk was ordered to give notice for the removal of the same within seven days.

The Medical Officer reported that the town was at present in a good summitry state, there being an entire absence of zymotic diseases. The death rate for the last quarter was 23 per 1,000. This was unusually high, but was attributable to the five deaths by drowning, and the excessive mortality amongst children, 10 having died under two years of age from malnourishment and diarrhoea; the other 8 deaths were from chronic and non–preventable causes.

A letter was read by the Chairman, from Mr. Rowed, in which the writer complainant of the use and efficiency of some of the drivers employed by the bus proprietors, and instancing an accident with a trolley which he had witnessed. The matter was referred to the police.

It was ordered that the securities for two loans of £400 each from the Yorkshire Insurance Company be signed and sealed.


Lol Hansom October 4, 2014 Redcar - Local Board