KIRKLEATHAM – Annual Fair.

Accreditation Redcar and Saltburn News 10/06/1875


            On Thursday last (07/06) the annual fair at Kirkleatham was held in front of the Institute, where a number of stalls were erected for the sale of “sweets,” to please the youthful visitors. This fair is of ancient date, and is considered the anniversary of the opening of the Kirkleatham Hospital. The old men and women, together with the boys and girls, who are residents, are paraded round the Square; after which the rules of the Institute are read over to the inmates. Prayers are then read in the chapel, to which strangers are admitted, and on this occasion were densely crowded. After service the inmates are treated with a splendid dinner, and the day is spent in the greatest hilarity. In the evening, the merry dance is enjoyed on the green sward, giving life and vigour to those who delight to “tip the light fantastic toe.”


Lol Hansom March 21, 2013 Kirkleatham