EDITORIAL – District Friendly Societies
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 15/12/1871.
That the principle of mutual co-operation is of great social importance is generally admitted, and when thoroughly and efficiently carried out it appeals so strongly to the common sense and practical nature which the majority of Englishmen are said to possess, as to need little, if any demonstration – yet is at times desirable to consider and set forth the working of institutions rest on this principle, for by this means some persons less thoughtful than others may be led to see the importance of the subject and set themselves in the way of participating in its advantages. It is true that occasionally individuals of rare gifts, and under some circumstances, may achieve much for the good of others, yet even such gifted persons seldom act alone, but as a rule, by the force of influence and example gather others around them and become centres of mutual help and co-operation. Such gifts being, however, rare and exceptional, it is necessary and desirable that the principle of co-operation should be extensively acted upon, so that the highest amount of good may be obtained by ordinary persons under ordinary circumstances. We are now viewing the subject in its social and philanthropic aspects, and not in its commercial relations, for these latter are of sufficient importance to deserve separate consideration, and appealing as they do more especially to the to the interests of those who have money to invest, it is not necessary to advert to them. Ten years ago a society was commenced in Coatham called “the Coatham, Redcar, and District Friendly Society,” its object been set for in the rules as follows. “The raising of funds by entrance fees, subscriptions and levies of the members, fines, donations and interest and capital, for the following purposes, viz. -ensuring sums of money to defray the expenses of the burial of deceased members and deceased members’ wives; for rendering assistance to members when sick and not able to follow their employment, and for supplying medical attendance and medicine to members.” The Society is managed by a President, two Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Steward, and a Committee of five; whilst its capital is invested in the names of the three trustees, who at present are the Rev. A. E. Clementi-Smith, Wm. Skinner, Esq., and T. Hugh Bell, Esq. The rate of subscription is for ordinary members 1s.6d. per month for four weeks, and the entrance fee one shilling, commencing at the age of 15, and increasing 1s. annually until 45, over which age members are not admitted. These entrance fees are payable by instalments. Sick members receive 10s. per week for 26 weeks, and afterwards, if still sick, 5s. a week. The amount payable on the death of a member is £10, for the wife of a member £3. The levy in the former case is one shilling, and in the latter per head. Honorary members subscribe 10s.6d. per annum, and their subscriptions, together with all entrance fees, and one third of the annual bonus, are added to reserve fund, which is only drawn upon when the other resources failed to meet the expenses. When the ordinary subscription, &c., exceed the annual expenses, two thirds of the over plus is divided amongst the members annually. That this Society has worked well, maybe in the following results, viz. :- The reserve fund, which has been increasing, we believe, annually from its commencement, the mutual good feeling and co-operation of the members, numbering at present 87 ordinary and seven. Honorary members, and lastly the inexpensive manner in which its operations have been conducted since its commencement Through the kindness of the school authorities, Through the kindness of the school authorities, the Coatham School room has been gratuitously and the officers of the Society have worked voluntary, in that no money is wasted, but the Hall of the subscriptions are directly applied to the purposes for which the Society was instituted The good results to the sick and suffering our best and chiefly known to the members themselves, who are, by experience, able to test the matter in a way which others are not. The annual meeting will be held Saturday evening, the 16th inst., when the members according to custom, will attend the evening service at CoathamChurch, and the vicar (who is the President of the Society), is expected to preach the annual sermon stop. We commend this Society to the notice of working men, and should all be members of such a society, and to the more affluent who may help forward so good a work by becoming honorary members. The secretary is Mr. Irwin Tiplady, of Redcar.
Lol Hansom January 7, 2014 Editorial, Letters and other.