COUNCIL – Dustman’s Visit 1934

Accreditation Cleveland Standard 1934


 The Story Behind The Dustman’s Visit.

A fuel Tip for Redcar Householders

            In these modern days (1934 of course) we take the smooth running of the intricate machinery of a town the size of Redcar very much for granted, and only give it thought when there comes an unavoidable breakdown. We pay our rates with as much cheerfulness as we can muster and give little heed, most of us, to the services which these same rates provide. It was not so many years ago that men and women had to fight hard for the principle that the responsibility for public health should be shouldered by the community and be paid for out of the rates.

          This is the story of human achievement which lies behind the sober-sounding report of the Redcar Sanitary Inspector, Mr. W. Tutin, for the year ending March, 31st, 1934.

          How many people pause to think of the large amount of organisation and work that lies behind the simple process of the dustman calling to empty the bin?

          In his report, Mr. Tutin gives little-known facts and figures which testify to the excellence of the scavenging arrangements in Redcar.

          The whole of the household and trade refuse is collected once a week. Refuse of a more offensive nature – that from hotels, cafes and fish shops – is collected twice a week in winter and four times a week in the summer.

          The refuse is disposed of by controlled tipping in accordance with the Ministry of Health regulations.

          In the year under review the Sanitary Department has made good use of the refuse by reclaiming about six acres of land west of the covered-in baths, thereby making what was a useless site into a very valuable one for the community.


          During the year the Corporation has completed negotiations with Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co. for an additional twelve acres of land for tipping purposes, and this land will meet the town’s requirements for many years to come.

          Refuse in the bulk for the year assumes large proportions and the total estimated weight of all refuse collected and disposed of was 16,125 tons, which works out at 15.53 cwts. per 1,000 of the population a day.

          This figure compares very favourable with those issued by the Ministry of Health for the year 1932-1933, which showed that the average for seaside towns of 29 total districts was 17.1 cwts.

          The report has the last word of advice to householders about the loss of good fuel value.
It must be borne in mind (says the report) that when considering this figure of 16,125 tons that in Redcar there is a large amount of sea coal used and produces a large quantity of heavy ash. Nevertheless, a great deal of the material is collected which is good fuel value and which may be considered a loss to the householder and a cost to the town in general.


          It cannot be stressed strongly enough, therefore, that the more material is disposed of by burning, the greater will be the saving on both sides.

          The service of refuse collection and disposal has to be paid for, but it is gratifying to learn that the cost of Redcar continues to be very low in comparison with the average cost for the country.

          The average cost per ton, including general administration and loan charges, for 29 seaside districts is 8s.7d for collection and 3s.9d for disposal, making a total cost of 12s.4d. as against Redcar’s 8s. 1.724d for collection and 2s.0.37d for disposal, making a total of 10s.2.94d.

          Some 7,104 refuse receptacles are emptied and the cost works out at 2.01d. a receptacle or 2.19d. per premises a week. This figure can be considered very low indeed..

          Bulk figures given in the report are:

              Estimated population                   21,600

              Number of premises                      6,560

              Number of receptacles                  7,104

              Total tonnage collected               16,125

              Cost of refuse collection               £2,494

Cost of refuse disposal                     £622

In concluding his able report, Mr Tutin pays tribute to the support of the workmen under his control.




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