PEOPLE – Professor Morley visit to Redcar

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 15/01/1874.


            It will be seen by advertising and that certain gentleman, who take an interest in educational progress, have incurred the responsibility of inviting Mr Henry Morley, Prof of English Literature at University College, London, to deliver a course of lectures at Redcar, to begin during the present month. They believe that amongst the resident populations of Redcar, Coatham, and Saltburn. There are now to be found a sufficient number of persons of cultivated tastes to justify any attempt to organise periodic lectures on literary and scientific subjects. Should Prof Morley’s visit be attended with success, they may probably feel encouraged to repeat and extend their efforts in the same direction

22/01/1874. Prof Morley’s visit to Redcar saw a reduction in charge of admission to a new low price of half a guinea for entrance to the lectures.


Lol Hansom August 22, 2013 People & Characters