REDCAR – SUNDAY Closing Meeting Intoxicating Liquor

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 27/11/1888


          On Monday night (22/10) a meeting was held in the Central Hall, Redcar, when the Rev. W. Moore Ede, M.A., rector of Gateshead, attended as a deputation from the Central association for Stopping the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday. Mr. W. Whitwell, J.P., of Saltburn, occupied the chair, and gave some very important details of the great good already accomplished by Sunday Closing in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. He feelingly alluded to the Lord Bishop of Durham, whose health is a present far from being satisfactory, and expressed a hope that he would soon be restored to health. He had done a large amount of work in connection with temperance reform – especially in promoting Sunday Closing. The Rev. J. Groves, vicar of Redcar, proposed a resolution condemning the sale of intoxicants on the Lord’s Day, which was heartily seconded by Dr. Stainthorpe of Kirkleatham. The Rev. W. Moore Ede, supporting the resolution, quoted statistics, &c., proving that since the adoption of the Forbes Mackenzie Act in Scotland a very large reduction in the consumption of spirits had taken place in that country, and that a like result had followed the adoption of Sunday closing in Ireland. He concluded with a powerful appeal for all to use their influence in the matter. Votes of thanks to the Chairman and speakers concluded the proceedings.


dean November 21, 2011 Redcar