SEAFRONT – Sea Wall Committe meet

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea 06/03/1868.


The seawall committee have had several meetings this week, but we do not learn that any decisive action has yet been taken, beyond obtaining subscriptions. Lord Zetland has offered to increase his subscription, subject to a very reasonable condition. Col. Chaloner has made a handsome donation, and Mr Trevor and others have expressed themselves favourably towards the undertaking will stop it is hoped that some decisive notice will speedily be taken towards attaining the desired object.

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea 13/04/1868.

The committee for constructing a sea wall at Redcar have at length seeing their way to commencing operations, and we heartily congratulate the members upon this success that has attended their exertions in laying the matter before the subscribers, and in securing promise of funds to sort large amount.

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea 13/04/1868.

We are glad to learn that the contract for the construction of the wall and roadway along the beach in Redcar has at length the left, the tender of Messrs Lynas and Middleton, with a modification to £1056 having been accepted should the Sea Wall Committee be able to procure material as quickly as desired, it is anticipated this part of the work completed by the end of the year. The laying of the flagging has not yet been left, but we have reason to believe that Mr Ralph Moore will have the contract.


Lol Hansom March 27, 2013 Sea Front