EVENT – Entertainment evening Congregational School-Room, Redcar
Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 07/12/1877.
A social evening and entertainment came off in the above school-room on Monday evening (03/12) – the Rev. W. J. Franks in the chair. The programme was of a varied and entertaining character, including a recitation, and a reading given in a very intelligent and graphic style by the ladies – the former by Miss Halliwell, and the latter by Miss Tomlinson. The vocal part of the programme was not got through so satisfactory as on the last occasion, though exception must be made as regards Miss Cowl, who would sand “In the Moonlight Long Ago,” with much taste and feeling, and received a well-deserved encore, in response to which she gave the Scotch ditty “Wee jukey daidles,” which was all so warmly applauded. The room was well filled, and during the intervals refreshments were served, and the younger portion of the assembly used by a microscope and a galvanic battery, the latter being very much appreciated. The tone of hearty good feeling which pervaded the room was very marked, and the audience separated about ten o’clock in high good humour.
Lol Hansom January 16, 2015 Events, Redcar