CHURCH – Vestry Meeting of the Consolidated Chapelry of St. Peter’s Redcar

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea 22/12/1871.


            A meeting of the above Chapelry was held in the Infant School on the 18th inst, for the purpose of taking the necessary preliminary steps for obtaining the sanction of the Hall Secretary to the formation of a Burial Board for Redcar. The Rev. W. Milburne, vicar, presided, and opened the meeting by reading the handbill convening the meeting and stating the necessity which existed for a new burial ground, as the present churchyard is already crowded, the number of burials during the present year have been 24, and one the previous year – when a number of dead bodies had been cashed on the shore – the number interred was 34. The total number of burials which had taken place in the churchyard was 822. The following resolutions were then carried nem.con. :-  Proposed by Mr. Cowl, and seconded by Mr Lennard: “That a copy of the notice convening this meeting, which has been duly affixed on the principal goal of each church and chapel within the said chapelry and circulated by handbill, having been read by the chairman, be entered on the minutes of the vestry.” – Proposed by Mr. Lennard, and seconded by Mr. Watson ; “That the existing burial ground attached to St Peter’s Church, in Redcar, within the said chapelry, will soon be filled up and will have to be closed, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that immediate steps should be taken to provide a new burial ground for the said chapelry.” Proposed by Mr. Harrison, and seconded by Mr. Cowl: “that it is necessary and expedient that a Burial Board should be appointed for the said chapelry as early as possible, under and pursuant to the powers for that purpose, contained in the Burial Acts.” Proposed by Mr. Webster, and seconded by Mr Harrison: “That the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland, K.T., having in the most handsome manner signified his intention to gave it a site for a new burial ground at Redcar, and also to subscribe £1000 towards the cost of laying it out and providing the requisite buildings, the best thanks of the vestry be tended to Is Lordship for his munificent gift to the town.” Proposed by Mr. Webster, and seconded by Mr. Lennard: “That the chairman be requested to forward a copy of the last resolution to Lord Zetland.” Proposed by Mr. Pick, and seconded by Mr. Moore: “That a copy of the foregoing resolutions, signed by the Vicar and Churchwardens, be forwarded and notice thereof sent to one of Her Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State in accordance with section 1 of the Burial Law Amendment Act, 34 and 35 Vic.cap. 33;


Lol Hansom December 30, 2013 Churches