COATHAM PIER – Provisional Order Granted


Accreditation Redcar & Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 17/03/1871    

Provisional Order Granted
he Coatham Victoria Pier Company Limited, East Coatham Redcar, Yorkshire.

The Coatham Victoria Pier Company Limited, East Coatham, Redcar, Yorkshire

Capital £10,000 in 2000 shares of £5 each

Directors :

A.H.T. Newcomen, Esq. Kirkleatham Hall, Redcar. Chairman

Joseph Dodds, Esq. M.P., Vice Chairman.

Thomas Backhouse, Esq. Coatham, Redcar.

John Hardcastle Bowman, Esq. Darlington.

G.N. Duck, Esq. Coatham, Redcar.

Major Elwon, Skutterskelfe, Stokesley.

R.M. Jaques, Esq. Easby Abbey, Richmond.

Charles. M. Newcomen, Esq. Kirkleatham Hall, Redcar.

Captain Swan, Coatham, Redcar.

Henry Thompson, Esq. Coatham, Redcar.

Alfred Kitching, Esq. Elm Field, Darlington.

C.F.H. Bolckow, Esq. Marton Cottage, Middlesbrough.

With power to add to their number.


Dodds and Trotter, Stockton upon Tees and Middlesbrough.


John Fowler Esq. C.E. , Stockton upon Tees.


The National Provincial Bank of England, Redcar.


Mr James Rutherford, Land Agent, Kirkleatham, Redcar.


John Jones Esq. Royal Exchange, Middlesbrough.


Thomas Hall, Esq, Darlington.

The directors have much pleasure in announcing that, notwithstanding the statements to the contrary, put forth in the interest of the promoters of the Redcar pier, the board of trade have expressed themselves satisfied that as far as regards the interest of the public, the interests of navigation, and the efficiency of the lifeboat services, there are no valid objections to the Coatham pier, and that they intend to proceed with the order for it.

The whole of the capital having been subscribed and the land acquired, the directors begged to announce that the work will be proceeded with as rapidly as circumstances permit.

Copies of the various memorials to the board of trade on the subject will be published in the “Redcar and Saltburn News” of 16 March and may be had of Mr G Bates printer and publisher, Redcar.

Registered Office, Coatham.



Lol Hansom September 19, 2013 Coatham Pier