CRICKET – Redcar and Coatham Cricket Club Annual Meeting

Accreditation Redcar and Saltburn News 09/04/1874


            The annual meeting of the Redcar and Coatham Cricket Club was held at the Lobster Inn, Coatham, on the 23rd ult. G. N. Duck, Esq., in the chair. The report, which was read by the hon. secretary, stated that committee that great pleasure in laying their annual statement of affairs before the members. After paying all liabilities, there remained a balancing hand of £5, would be further augmented to about £20, when all the unpaid subscriptions are received. Mr Boothroyd, of Redcar, had very kindly given a silver cup for the highest average during the season, which had been one by the captain, Mr Duck, whose average is 20-11 runs per innings. The same gentleman and Mr T. Walker, had also carried off prize bats for scores over 50 runs, the former for 55 runs against the Stokesley Club, and the latter for 50 runs against Messrs Blair and Co.’s Club. For this ensuring season the first-class professional and grounds-man have already been engaged, and it is intended to revive quoit and croquet grounds, which it is hoped, will further add to the attraction and prosperity of the club. It is also intended to build a new pavilion, the old erection, having become inadequate to the wants of the club. Several handsome subscriptions towards this are already promised, and it is hoped the members, and all lovers of cricket, will come forward and contribute largely to the new building. The officers of the club were then elected, and are as follows:- A. H. Newcomen, Esq., Present and: vice presidents C. I’ Anson, jun., W. E. Walker, and T. Walker, Esqs.; captain G. N. Duck, Esq.; Committee, Messrs . N. Cadle, H. Groves, W. Nelson, J. Rutherford, T. C. Davison, and J. G. Robinson; treasurer, Mr J. Hikeley; hon. secretary, Mr J. Lowson Potts. Several matters relating to the coming season were then discussed, and the meeting closed with the usual board of thanks to the chairman.


Lol Hansom January 5, 2014 Education, Classes, Clubs & Organisations