EVENT – Entertainment Redcar Central Hall

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 07/12/1877


            On the 30th ult, and entertainment was given in the Central Hall by local amateurs, the Rev. W. Milburne (vicar of Redcar) in the chair. The entertainment was intended to take place in the Redcar Infants’ School, but on account of the poor accommodation there, the promoters determined to change to the Central Hall, and the decision was endorsed by a crowded audience, who evidently enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Though two readings were announced, only one came off, and one recitation, hence the chief source of interest was the music, which was very successful, both songs and part songs being well rendered – The duet “Excelsior,” by Messrs. Coverdale and Harrison being especially worthy of notice. A pianoforte duet, “March of the Men of Harlech,” by Miss M. Bennett and Mr. Schmitz, was substituted for the sole all announced and this obtained a well-merited encore. The song by Mrs. Peat, “The happy dawn of day,” as well given, and narrowly escaped encore. Miss Hartley, who singing always gives so much pleasure sang with exquisite test and expression “The Flowers of the Forest,” a lament written to, commemorate Flodden Field, and in reply to a loudly demanded encore gave “ Hark! The Line,” and in responding to the encore after Miss Lindsay’s “Too Late,” gave to the great satisfaction of the audience that loveliest of old English ballads, “Home, sweet Home.” The evening’s proceedings terminated with a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman. If this more successful entertainment had any drawback whatever, it arose from the unavoidable absence through illness of Mr. Allatt, whose appearance will be expected at the next entertainment.



Lol Hansom January 16, 2015 Events