1887 01 21 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the Sea Gazette 22/01/1887.



           A special meeting of the above Board was held at the Board Room, on Friday 21/01), Mr. J. Marwood in the chair, first to receive a deputation from the ratepayers respecting the proposed amalgamation of the Local Boards of Redcar and Kirkleatham.

          Messrs. T. Watson, G. M. Clay, and J. H. Snowden attended as the deputation and presented a petition signed by 300 owners and ratepayers praying that the Board would take the necessary steps to hold an enquiry as to the desirability of amalgamation, and to ascertain on what terms, &c, it could be carried out. Mr Watson presented the petition stated that it represented about three-fourth the number of ratepayers and rateable value in the Board’s district, and urged the Board’s careful attention. In reply to the chairman Mr Clay stated that they were not there to prose any scheme, but simply present the petition and leave the details to be arranged at an enquiry.
The deputation then withdrew.

          The Clerk read the list of signatures. The Chairman remarking that he had taken particular notice that scarcely a single name of influence or in any way representative, was attached, but that they were mostly secured from the back streets and cottages. (Murmurs of applause to this assertion were heard from Messrs Wynn and Davison).  

          Mr Hudson then in a somewhat animated address called the attention of the Board to the statement of the deputation, which showed a ¾ majority of Ratepayers, and in reply to the chairman challenged him to find a dozen influential ratepayers of over £20 rateable value, who had not signed the petition, and pointed out that with such a list of signatures, the Board had really no alternative to accede to the request of the petitioners, winding up by moving a resolution to that effect, and that the Board take the necessary steps to hold an enquiry Mr. Bulman seconded.

          Mr. Davison moved an amendment that the matter be left over until the next election. Mr Wynn seconded. Mr. Hudson asked Mr. Davison his reasons for the amendment, Mr. Davison replied he had none, and on being put to the vote Messrs Davison, Wynn, Shieldon, Patterson, and Marwood voted for the amendment, Messrs Hudson, Bulman, and Hood against. The resolution was therefore lost.

          On the result of the above meting becoming known much indignation was expressed at the manner in which the Board had treated the request of such a large proportion of the ratepayers.


dean October 23, 2011 Redcar - Local Board