1869 09 10 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation the Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 10/09/1869.


            The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday afternoon (06/09). Present -Messrs Lennard (Chairman), Cowl, Watson, Fairbridge; J. G. Thompson (Clerk) and M. Crabtree (Surveyor)

The minutes of the last monthly meeting having been read and confirmed,

The Chairman, said that a special meeting of the whole Board had been held to consider the terms offered by the Redcar Gas Company   for the supply of gas to the street lamps. At that meeting, the letter was read from Mr Garbutt, Chairman of the Gas Company, offering to supply gas at the rate of 5s per 1000, the board to pay so much per lamp for interest and deterioration. This offer was accepted subject to an arrangement been made with regard to the amount to be paid for deterioration and interest. This arrangement would only be for 12 months, in order to see how the new system acted.

The Surveyor read a correspondence which had passed between himself and Mr Garbutt on the subject, and said he had had an interview with that gentleman in order to ascertain the cost of the lamps, and to estimate an amount of interest to be charged on the value of each lamp per annum. The amount for deterioration was fixed at 2s.31/2d per lamp, and the interest (at 6 per cent) at 4s.71/2 per lamp per annum. Since the interview he found the lamps had been 12 years in use and consequently the interest after deducting twelve years depreciation would only amount to 2s.111/2d per lamp. He had written to Mr Garbutt mentioning this, but nothing more had been done in the matter going to the illness of Mrs Garbutt.

It was ordered that the matter be left in the hands of the Surveyor, to arrange with Mr Garbutt.

Resolved that a special committee of the whole Board meet and inspect the town in order to ascertain where new lamps were required, and especially to consider the lighting of Alma Parade, Portland Terrace, and Wilton Street.

With regard to the long pending question between the Board and the property owners on the North side of the Upleatham district, the Chairman, said the whole of the owners had now signed the agreement, binding them to pay for the use of the drain belonging to the Lord.

It was ordered that the agreement is signed and sealed.

The, clerk said he had received copies of bylaws from several bathing places, including Scarborough. He suggested that the minute having reference to the subject of bathing beach continuity.

This was greed to.

The minute having reference to the appointment of a committee to consider the matter of a new cemetery was also continued.

Order that the minute with regard to the contravention of the bylaws by Mr Nelson be continued, that gentleman having promised to prepare a proper plan for the inspection of the Board.

The Clerk said he had written to the clerk of the highway board, calling his attention to the bad state of the road between the Claredon Hotel and Craster Terrace. He had received no answer as yet. He had also prepared the annual Report of Accounts of the Board, a copy of which would have to be sent to the Home Secretary, and published in the local paper, each member being supplied with a copy.

It was ordered that the Report be accepted, and advertised in the Redcar Gazette.

The Clerk said he had written to the secretary of the See Wall committee on the subject of placing the Promenade under the jurisdiction of the Board. In reply, the secretary said the committee would be glad to arrange for the transferring of the Wall and Promenade.

It was ordered that a committee consisting of Messrs Watson, Fairbridge, Whitaker, and the Chairman, be appointed to confirm with the secretary of the See Wall committee on the subject.

Applications from J. Sexton, R. Adamson, and J. Coulson, requesting the Board to pave the footpath in front of their property in High Street, and the back Lead, were considered and agreed to.

The Surveyor was instructed to procure 50 tons of unbroken metal for the roads, the braking to be let by tender.

The foregoing resolutions were ordered to be sealed and the meeting terminated.


Lol Hansom March 14, 2013 Redcar - Local Board