FARMS – Commencement of Harvest

Accreditation The Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 07/08/1868.


                The harvest has fully commenced in this district, and farmers are hard at work housing it. It is fully a month earlier than last year. On Yearby Bank several fields of corn, which were generally not ready to all in the district is stacked, were caught during the middle of last week. The yield is far above the average, and the quality can scarcely be surpassed, the ears are well filled, and the straw is strong and long. Spring:, oats, and barley generally are very small and of poor quality, but please, and beans, though not large, are well filled, and will yield an average crop; turnips are quite a failure. The hay harvest has been a very bad one. Potatoes and other esculents are all of small size, owing to want of moisture.


Lol Hansom June 11, 2013 Farms