EVENT – The Royal Poland Street Hand-bell Ringers at Redcar

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn News 23/04/1874.


            This celebrated troupe gave the first of two entertainments in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Tuesday evening (21/04), before a large and enthusiastic audience. This is the first visit these world famed artistes have made to Redcar, and we are sure that their pleasing and delightful performances will be held in lasting remembrance by all who had the privilege of listening to them. The entertainment commenced with “The huntsman’s chorus,” given with remarkable precision, and was followed by “Weel may the keel row,” so popular on Tyneside. The “Imitations of village bells and chimes,” introducing some well known hymn tunes, must have awakened memories of childhood’s days in the hearts of many present; nor must we all met to mention “The blue bells of Scotland,” in which the bells were handled with extra ordinary rapidity and dexterity. The first night’s programme also comprised the performance of the bells of “Home, sweet home,” entailing the manipulation of forth three bells; Handel’s “Harmonious blacksmith,” and the march from “Seipio;” a valse, “The Snowdrop;” the Spanish serenade, “Mando inata;” “The march of the men of Harlech:” “The West Minister Chimes of the Houses of Parliment, Big Ben, &c., and the rollicking Irish air of “Rory O’More.” All the pieces were loudly applauded and several would have be re-demanded had it not been for the exhausting nature of the work of the performers, and of the promise of the conductor that these should be repeated on the second night (Wednesday), with a number of new ones. The company also comprises some capital vocalists, and the performances on the bells were agreeably interspersed with singing in which the audience were invited to join. Mr Miller, the conductor, is a host in himself, and his witty and humorous remarks were much appreciated. We Hall, ere long, to see the Poland-Street Hand-bell Ringers again in Redcar, and advise those who can to avail themselves of the opportunity afforded of hearing them tonight (Wednesday 22/04).


Lol Hansom January 26, 2014 Events, Redcar