Years 1860 to 1869

07/07/1860 Composer Gustav Mahler was born in Kaliste, Bohemia.
25/12/1860 River Tees froze over trapping ships in the river..
26/12/1860 The world’s first ever inter-club football match, between Hallam FC and Sheffield FC.
17/03/1861 The Kingdom of Italy i8s proclaimed.
24/05/1862 Westminster Bridge, London opened.
19/10/1862 Auguste Lumiere, French moving picture pioneer, was born. His Cinematographe system gave its name to the world cinema.
23/07/1864 Dr. Livingstone returned to England after years in Africa.
08/12/1864 The Clifton Suspension Bridge, over the River Avon, was officially opened.
14/04/1865 Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th president was shot in Ford’s Theatre, by John Wilkes Booth, dying the next day.
26/05/1865 The Confederate Army surrendered, ending the American Civil War.
04/07/1865 Charles Dodgson presented a little girl called Alice Liddell with a story she had inspired him to write. It was called Alice’s Adventures Under Ground.It later became known as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and was published under Dodgson’s pen name Lewis Carroll.
12/10/1866 Ramsay MacDonald was born. In 1924 he became Britain’s first Labour Prime Minister.
28/07/1866 Beatrix Potter was born in London. Author and illustrator created Pater Rabbit, Squirrel Nutkin and Jermima Puddleduck.
25/06/1867 Battle of the Little Big Horn saw Colonel George Armstrong Custer and 265 of his men killed as the launched an attack on the Lakota Sioux and Northern Cheyenne Indians.
01/10/1867 Karl Mark’s ‘Das Kapital’ was published in German, and later translated in to other languages. English version came out in 1887, but other volumes were not published until after his death.
17/01/1868 Redcar Police Court, William Simpson, cab proprietor, was fined for leaving his horse and cart unattended in the Street. He said the horse was 23 years old and would not have run away if it had stayed there a week, which remark caused much laughter.
17/01/1868 Redcar Police Court William Storrow, and estate Woodman of Kirkleatham, was fined 15 shillings for leaving fires burning on Western Banks during the night.
30/01/1868 The Cleveland Foxhounds met at Coatham, yesterday. There was a numerous muster of equestrians. After breakfast at the Lobster Hotel, the field proceeded to Kirkleatham Wood, where a fox was found, and in the neighbourhood others were started, and chased.
27/01/1868 Formation of a Dramatic Society Group for Redcar & Coatham. Committee formed.
12/02/1868 A flock of wild swans visited the neighbourhood of the Saltscar Rocks on Wednesday (14/02), and several sportsmen endeavoured to have a shot at them, but were unable to get sufficiently near. It is an event of rare occurrence for swans to be seen in the neighbourhood of Redcar.
14/02/1868 A tide of extraordinary magnitude was experienced on Saturday (08/02). The unusual phenomenon appears to have prevailed from the time to the Thames, and extensive damage to shipping and other property has unfortunately resulted from the great overflow of water.
14/02/1868 Several new members have joined the newly formed dramatics society during the week, and a meeting has been held to select the pieces, and appoint the day for their being performed. “Time tries all,” and ” To Paris and Back for Five Pounds” have been chosen, and Easter Monday fixed upon as the day for their being represented in public.
17/02/1868 We hear that an amateur dramatic Society for Redcar and courtroom is in a fair way of being formed solely will be expected that a treat of an unusual nature will be prepared for the residents before long, and by which some charitable institutions will probably be benefited.
17/02/1868 Concerts were given in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Thursday Friday and Saturday evenings (07/08/09) (Feb), by the Turner Family. The idiosyncrasy of this party is well known, and the audiences present were apparently much pleased with the sources of amusement provided for them. The family was assisted by Mr W. C. W Cruikshank and Mr J. T. Heaton.
21/02/1868 The Earl of Zetland has lent the committee for the forthcoming Museum in Leeds, a consignment of the celebrated Chinese porcelain; and Sir John Lawson Bart., An Anglo Saxon fibula, being a manuscript life of St. Bede, for public exhibition.

06/03/1868. Dr Mark’s Little Men gave to entertainments in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Friday last (29/02), and worth tolerably well patronised. The instrumental portion of the music was rendered very efficiently, though hardly to the taste, Redcar audience.
13/03/1868 The Harrington Family gave their entertainment in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Tuesday evening (10/03). There was a fair attendance.
13/03/1868 Nominations for the new members of the Redcar Local Board of Health expires tomorrow (14/03) It was noticed at the meetings of the Borough have been the best during the past year than others for a long time.
20/03/1868 On Tuesday (16/03). The Harrington Family gave their entertainment in the Central Hall, Redcar. There was a fair attendance
27/03/1868 Eleven persons have been nominated to fill the vacancies in the wrecked car Local Board of Health, caused by the retirement of Dr Horner, Mr William Whitaker, and Mr Lawrence Thompson.
29/03/1868 it was stated by the incumbent, that the York Diocessan Church Building and Endowment Society, had made a grant of £300 to increase the incumbency of Redcar, and that the offertories on Sunday next (05/03), by request of the Archbishop of York, would be appropriated for that useful society.
30/03/1868 Cleveland Foxhounds will meet on Monday, March 30th, Redcar at eight o’clock.
03/04/1868 Stated by the incumbent, on Sunday (28/04) last, that the York Diocesan Building and endowment society has made a grant of £300 to St Peter’s Church, Redcar to increase the incumbency of Redcar, and that the offer trees on Sunday next (10/04), by request of the Archbishop of York, would be appropriated for that useful society.
17/04/1868 On Monday, (12/04) a very serious accident occurred to you man named John Coverdale, of Coatham. It appears that he, accompanied by you will, that taking a drive down Redcar Lane. When at the top of the lane the vehicle overturned, and they were precipitated to the ground. Coverdale at his thigh bone broken, but young woman escaped without injury. He was immediately conveyed home, when Mr Locke, surgeon, was called in. He now lives in a fair way towards recovery.
17/04/1868 The annual vestry meeting for the election church wardens was held at St Peters Church, Redcar, last night (16/04). Mr Joseph Mallaby, Mr J. H. Webster, were unanimously elected parish wardens by the meeting.
24/04/1868 James Kitching, Farmer, Kirkleatham, was charged by Sgt Dickinson with being the owner of a wagon, and unlawfully allowing the same to be used on the highway without having his name painted thereon, as required by the statute. Ordered to pay 10 shillings, costs, and cautioned.
25/04/1868 The foundation stone of the new schools, near the Railway Station, Coatham, in substitution of the present schools at Kirkleatham, founded by Sir William Turner, was laid on Saturday (25/04)by A. H . T. Newcomen. Esq
08/05/1868 Mr Buckley’s dramatic company has been performing in the Central Hall, Redcar this week, with varying success.
08/05/1868 Thomas Hazlehurst, Esq., Of Runcorn, Cheshire, has given through Mr W. R Graham, of Redcar, but a nation of five pounds towards erection of the new Wesleyan Chapel and school and schools about to be built at Redcar.
08/05/1868 At an early hour on the morning of Thursday last, (30/04), during a strong wind, the “William and Sally,” a large Schooner laden with coals, from Seaham Harbour, struck the Saltscar rocks, and has since become a wreck. The crew at first declined to leave the vessel, but a few hours afterwards signals were made for assistance, and the crew then came ashore into cobles. Since that time part of the coals have been landed in fishing cobles.
22/05/1868 Kirkleatham vicarage – The patron of this living, A. H. Turner Newcomen, Esq., Of Kirkleatham Hall, having recently given £200, and Sir J. H. Lowther, part., £100 towards the increase of the endowment, the York Diocesan Society, at their meeting on the 16th ult., met the sums with a grant of £300 for the same purpose
22/05/1868 an estimate for a poor’s rate of eight pence in the pound, for the township of Redcar, was submitted to the justices. At Guisborough on Tuesday (19/05), and signed.
26/05/1868 Irish terrorist Michael BArrett was hanged outside Newgate Prison for causing an explosion in London which left 13 dead. The last public execution in England.
29/05/1868 Shortly a concert will be given by the Redcar Musical Society.
29/05/1868 The first excursion of the season arrived on Saturday, (23/05), from Middlesbrough or. The weather was unfavourable, and the number of excursionists was very limited. Since that day several heavily laden trends have been wrong to Redcar and Saltburn from the distance, and the weather has been more agreeable than on Saturday. (23/05).
29/05/1868 Convalescent Home. – Mr Kidd, of Saltburn, is the successful contract for the additional buildings to the home at Coatham. The storm will be laid at 11 o’clock on Whit Tuesday. When completed the home will hold double the number of patients.
12/06/1868 At Guisborough, on Tuesday (08/06), Joseph Wortley was charged with having his horse straying on the highway, on the (30/05). P. C. Simpson said that he found the animal in Redcar Lane about three o’clock in the morning, and took it to the pinfold. To pay 15 shillings and costs, or 14 days to prison.
12/06/1868 On Sunday afternoon (07/06). Mr William Smith, of Manchester, gave a lecture, with illustrations, on the Mimpriss system of Sabbath School teaching, in the Congregational Church, Redcar. There was a good attendance, and the lecture was listening to with great interest. The same lecture was given in the evening.
23/06/1868 Christopher Lathan Sholes received a patent for an invention called a ‘Type-Writer’
04/09/1868 More than £140 was realised by a bizarre held in the Central Hall, Redcar, last week, for its object the raising of funds for the purpose of clearing off the debt on the Congregationalists Chapel at that place.
03/11/1868 Republican Ulysses S Grant was elected president of the USA for the first of his two terms.
06/11/1868 On Friday evening last (30/10), the first social entertainment for the present season took place in the Lecture room, Kirkleatham. The chair was taken by A. H. Turner Newcomen, Esq. The entertainment, which consisted of readings, interspersed with music, was a very successful one. The choral pieces were rendered by the church choir with much spirit, competed by Mr F. Groenings. The room, which holds upwards of 300 people, was well filled.
13/11/1868 The first concert of the winter season was given on Tuesday evening (10/11). In the Central Hall, Redcar, by Mr H. Johnson, organist of St Peters Church, assisted by Miss Heatley, of Stockton, and if you of the church choir. The program was a good one, and, notwithstanding the threatening weather, there was a good attendance.
04/12/1868 On Monday night (30/11), and musical entertainment was given in the schoolroom by the members of the Christ Church Choir, and others. The room was densely crowded, and many could not octane admission. The programme was very creditably performed.
04/12/1868. A very numerously attended meeting for the proposed new pier at Redcar was attended by the property owners and others interested on Monday evening (30/11). It took into consideration the pier project that has lately been announced and to which we eluded last week. After considerable discussion committee was appointed to communicate with the promoters of the original pier, and also with the clerk of the Redcar Local Board, and report to a future meeting.
23/07/1869 Tonight (23/07) Friday, and tomorrow night (24/07), the “celebrated mimic and magician,” Du Cann, will give an entertainment in the Central Hall.
23/07/1869 The late William Sinclair, Esq., of Sowerby, Thirsk, has bequeathed £500 to the Coatham Convalescent Home, and £200 to the Redcar Lifeboat Institution.
23/07/1869 The newly constituted Marwood Lodge of Freemasons meets at the Red Lion Hotel the first Tuesday in every month, at seven o’clock in the evening.
23/07/1869 There were 22 British and foreign wrecks, of which 14 were British ( 4 being steamers), reported during the past week, making a total of 444 for the present year, an increase of 154 compared with the corresponding period last year. The approximate value of property lost was £3,000,000, including British £2,800,000. Eight vessels were lost off the coasts of the United Kingdom; 6 by collision. 30 lives were lost.
30/07/1869 The formal opening of the Coatham Grammar School will take place tomorrow, Saturday (31/07). There will be service in the schoolroom at 12:30 pm and lunchroom in the adjoining dining room 1 pm.
31/07/1869 . It is understood that it is proposed to erect a large hotel at Coatham on the Ltd Liability Principal. The building. If carried out according to present designs will be much more extensive than the Zetland at the neighbouring water place of Saltburn. (Darlington Mercury)
07/08/1869 The annual inspection of the first North York volunteer Artillery took place at Redcar on Saturday afternoon (07/08).
09/08/1869 The companies, composing of the 1st admin battalion of the North York Rifle Volunteers about 1000 rank and file, underwent review by Lieutenant Col. Wombwell, on Monday last (09/08), in a field near to the gas house.

13/08/1869 On Tuesday (09/08) next, the concert will be given in the Central Hall, by pupils of the Wilberforce, Institution for the Blind, at York.
13/08/1869 At a meeting of the Local Board of Health, held on Monday (05/08), it was decided to adjourn till Thursday (08/08) evening for the transaction of business.
20/08/1869 The services in connection with the dedication festival of Christ Church, Coatham, were brought to a close on Tuesday last (16/08). The whole of the services which were unusually hearty and impressive were attended by crowded congregations. The choir was strengthened by the addition of several gentlemen visitors.

20/08/1869 The sale of work for the benefit of the Cottage Hospital, North Ormesby, was held in the Central Hall, on Monday (15/08) and two following days. Upwards of £60 was realised, nearly the whole of the work being sold.
20/08/1869 The herring Fishery. The large number of boats went off on Sunday evening (14/08), and returned on Monday (15/08), with average catches of 2,000 to 3,000, some few getting as many as 5,000. Prices ruled high, ranging from 4s.6d to 5s.3d per hundred.
10/09/1869 Coatham Convalescent Home.
George Edward Street, Esq., Is engaged in making plans for this building, which is expected will be completed early in the summer of 1870. During the past week the sum of £100 was received from an anonymous donor for the decoration of the Chapel. Also, another gift was received of £20 for an altar cloth. Contributions are asked towards the building fund.
10/09/1869 The remaining part of the goods left unsold at the bazaar of the Wesleyan Chapel held in July last, were offered for sale in the old Wesleyan Chapel, on Wednesday and Thursday (01&02/09), when £71.14s.4d was realised, with the proceeds of the former desire making a total of £300.1s.10d. The amount raised for these events would be for the much needed new Chapel.

24/09/1869 On the 15th Inst., The Rev. Randall William Vickers was licensed by the Archbishop of York to perform the office of Assistant To rate in Christ Church, Coatham.
24/09/1869 We deeply regret to announce the death of C. R. Dawson, Esq., of Weston Hall, Otley, which took place on Wednesday morning last (22/09), after a few days’ illness caused by cold coat whilst out shooting. The deceased gentleman was well-known in Redcar for his kind and generous character, and his sudden removal will be greatly felt.
24/09/1869 The harvest thanksgiving services were held at Christ Church, Coatham on Sunday last (19/09). The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, and a wheatsheaf was placed before the altar. Offertories of about £10 were given to the North Ormesby Cottage Hospital.
08/10/1869 The velocipede mania, which appears to be spreading fast over the country, has reached Redcar, where it is raging violently, although it is at present, find to the youthful portion of the community. A velocipede club has been formed, consisting of about 20 members, of which Mr R. Adamson is secretary.
08/10/1869 On Sunday last (03/10) the local Church of Kirkleatham held their harvest thanksgiving where the offertories were in eight of the Cottage Hospital at North Ormesby amounted to 5 pounds.15s. The church was tastefully decorated with corn and flowers.
13/10/1869 On Wednesday night (13/10), about half past eleven, the schooner “Planet,” of Newcastle, Captain Campbell, ran on the West Scar. She is from the time, with coals for Schiedam. She now lives on the rocks, a total wreck.

22/10/1869 George Edward Street, Esq. the eminent Church architect, visited Coatham on Friday last (15/10), for the purpose of inspecting the side of the new chapel for the Convalescent Home, from which Mr Street is now preparing plans. The chapel is expected to be ready for use during next season.
22/10/1869 We have had the pleasure of inspecting a very elegant design for a water fountain, which it is proposed to direct in the high Street. The contemplated cost is about £30. This subscription has been set on foot to carry out this very desirable object, which we hope will be successful, for the great need of a water fountain in Redcar has long been felt.
12/11/1869 . We have pleasure in announcing that the Earl of Zetland, with his accustomed munificence, has signified his intention of contributing £10 towards the drinking fountain to be erected in High Street. The design is a very handsome one, and may receive at the office of this paper.
12/11/1869 Coursing meeting. A coursing was held at Coatham on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (08-09-10/11). On Monday the entry Jenner and draft took place at the Lobster Inn, and was remarkably attended. On Tuesday (09/11) the running was held at Essen junction where 1000 persons were present Wednesday (10/11) the meet took place at Sandy Lane End.
18/11/1869 This date H. E. Oakeley, Esq., M. A., Her Majesty’s Inspector, visited and inspected the Zetland Schools.
18/11/1869 The Earl of Zetland is about to resign the office of Ground Master of Freemasons; and the next meeting of the grand Lodge. It is expected that Earl de Grey and Ripon will be elected in his place.
18/11/1869 The river Tees was on Saturday and Sunday (12/11) (13/11) very much smaller, and also all the tributary rivers in the vicinity, the reason being the sudden melting of snow, which had been lying on the ground for three or four days, and which in the upper reaches of the river was very deep.
31/11/1868 Meeting held of property owners and other interested parties for a proposed new pier. Committee for Redcar Pier appointed.
16/12/1869 . On this date the body of one of the crew of the brig “Dawson,” which was run ashore on the 23rd ult., with the loss of two lives, was washed up on the beach. An inquest will be held on the body.
31/12/1869 This year we have experienced what of later years has been extremely rare—a very severe frost and a heavy downfall of snow on Christmas Day (25/12). In the district of Cleveland, there has been a heavy fall of snow and a cleaner frost than has been known for some years. At Redcar, a great depth of snow fell on Christmas Eve and the two following days. The Esplanade and in some places was almost impassable, from the large quantity of drifted snow, which had accumulated. The sea on Christmas Day was exceedingly rough
31/12/1869 This evening (Friday 31/12) there will be the usual watch night service consisting of litany, address, and meditation, in the above church, at 11-15 p.m.

12/11/1869 We have pleasure in announcing that the Earl of Settlement, with his accustomed munificence, has signified his intention of contributing £10 towards the drinking fountain to be erected in High Street. The design is a very handsome one, and may be seen at the office of this paper
12/11/1869 Coursing Meeting. A coursing was held at Coatham on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Monday, the entry dinner and draw took place at Lobster In, and was remarkably well attended. The running commenced on Tuesday morning at Eston Junction. The company was very large, although 1000 persons being present. On Wednesday the meat took place at Sandy Lane end.
19/11/1869 the Earl of Zetland and the Freemasons. The Earl of Zetland is about to resign the office of Grand Master of Freemasons; and at the next meeting of the Grand Launch it is expected that the Earl de Grey and Ripon will be elected in his place.


Chris Hansom February 1, 2013 Uncategorized