1868 03 27 Redcar Local Board of Health Meeting

Accreditation the Redcar and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Gazette 27/03/1868


            And adjourned meeting of the Redcar Local Board of Health was held on Monday afternoon (23/03), at the offices, West Terrace, Redcar. Present: Messrs E. W. Lennard (Chairman), James Johnston, W. Whitaker, H. Moore, J. Cowl, and W. Richardson. The Clerk (Mr J. G. Thompson), and the Surveyor (Mr Crabtree), were also present. After cheques for payment of the clerk’s salary (£35), and a quarter’s salary to the surveyor (£15) had been ordered, a report from the Finance Committee was read by the Surveyor, giving (unreadable from this point)


            “Since the close of the financial year, ending 25 March, 1867, the following rates and accounts have been collected:-

“The Special District Rate, made 25th June, 1867 amounted to £233.13s. 61/2d. Of this amount collected is £221.8s.7d; not recoverable, £7.11s.01/2d; excused on account of poverty, £1.8s.4d; recoverable, £2.15s. 9d; total, £233.13s.4d; recoverable £2.15.9d; total £233.23s.81/2d, or, less balance over paid, 1866, £233.13s.61/2d.

“The General District Rate, made 15th of August 1867, amounted to £514.s.8d. Of this, there has been collected £465.2s.31/2d; void property, £12.9s.2d; remitted on account of poverty, 17s; not recoverable £7.3s.2d; recoverable, £28.13s.0/2d; total, £514.4s.8d.

“The Water Rates, half year ending first of July, 1867, £80.8s.1d; half year ending 1st

January, 1868, £47.10s.10d; total, £127.18s.11d. Collected, £108.5s.1d; remitted for defective service, etc., £1.7s; not recoverable, £3.17s; recoverable, £14.9s.10d; total £127.18s.11d.

“Amounts collected special district rate, £22118s.7d; Gen district rate, £465.2s.31/2d; water rate, £108.5s.1d; private improvements, £36.2s.5d; streets etc., £4.3s; total, £833.11s.41/2d. The amount paid to Treasurer is a £835.11s.51/2d.”

The Chairman observed that he was glad to see the item of £4 from the streets, and he was glad to see that a balance of above £7 stood to the credit of the Board at the bank, besides the rates left to collect. Mr Whitaker added that there had never been anything received from that source before.


            Mr Whitaker asked whether the Board had not, to purchase stalls and Compel hawkers to use them, instead of going from house to house, which visitors complained of an annoyance. The clerk said it had often occurred to him that the Board might do something towards remedying the nuisance alluded to by Mr Whitaker, though the Board had no power to provide stalls unless there was a regularly established market. If locals act of Parliament was procured the Board might get power to charge for the use of the street as a market. Mr Whitaker inquired how the Board could charge for sure is attending, if that was the case.

The clerk replied that the Board could order their removal is a nuisance, if they thought fit. Mr Cowell thought the Board should not interfere in the matter at present.


            Mr Richardson asked if the board could not take the ash pits underhand, and make something by the sale of the manure. This was done by the Middlesbrough Corporation as a Local Board of Health, and he understood that £200 a (unreadable) was cleared, besides the advantage of having the manure under their absolute control. In Fishermen Square, the ash pits had been emptied by himself until he had been obliged to discontinue it, from the smell, and he thought the Board should take some steps to remove the nuisance. Mr Cowell: are you not a member of the Sanitary Committee? You should bring any nuisance there, to be investigated. You are only condemning your own conduct as a member of the committee. Mr Johnston: There is a great difference between Middlesbrough and Redcar. There are plenty here who will have land of their own to which they can apply the manure, and who do not create a nuisance. It would not be right to take away what many valued, because one or two allow it to become a nuisance. The Board have ample power to order the removal of a nuisance. Besides, it is not a very agreeable job for a man to half thrust upon him every morning. The Chairman knew of men in Middlesbrough, who had done it for years. I’m not suffered the least inconvenience. Mr Johnston: perhaps I may be under a wrong impression: it may be a healthy occupation. The Chairman: we have no place to put it. Mr Richardson: I will let the Board have a place. The Clerk added that the board had power to let to individuals the right of removing the night soil. But if there was any irregularity in the removal of nights I’ll, the board could proceed under the by-laws against the parties. It if not removed. It was not right to put the whole town to inconvenience for the faults of two or three persons. Mr Richardson said the reason he brought the matter forward was because the Board had a horse and cart, and it might be the means of earning a little money towards the expense. Mr Cowell: It is a very hard thing for the Board to go up and take the ashes out against people’s wishes. The Surveyor, said he found no difficulty in getting people to remove the nuisance. The worst things he had to deal with worm mussel shells. There was a heap near Fisherman’ Square, another in Mr Blatherwick’s yard, and another in Back Lane, close to Mr Geo. Whittaker’s house. The shells had very often been removed, and in other cases line had been thrown over the heap to destroying the smile. The Clerk said that the proper way, when a nuisance existed, was for the Inspector of Nuisances to report of the nuisance to the next meeting, and then for the meeting to order a notice to be served upon the parties, and then, if it was not removed, to take proceedings against them.

The minutes were then passed and sealed on the proposal of Mr. H. Moore


Lol Hansom March 8, 2013 Redcar - Local Board