EVENT – Entertainment in the Central Hall

Accreditation the Redcar, Saltburn News 02/04/1874


            The promoters of the entertainment given in the Central Hall, Redcar, on Friday evening last (27/03), in aid of local charitable institutions, may fairly be congratulated on its success. Though the whole was not crowded, there being, we regret to say, comparatively few in the second and back seats – yet the front seats were closely packed by a select audience. When we consider the attractive character of the entertainment, and the known talent of the ladies and gentlemen who had so kindly consented to take part in it, we need scarcely add that the audience, in addition to its respectability, was thoroughly appreciative- no less than seven of the fourteen pieces on the programme, having been encored. Financially, too, the result is very satisfactory, the sum of £7 being available for distribution amongst the local charitable institutions. The program opened with a pianoforte duet, between our townsman, Mr N. Johnson, whose musical abilities are so well known, and Mr W. Charlton, of Saltburn. Mr John Hart, the celebrated tenor, then sang “When the moon is shining brightly,” in which, owing to the strong wind that was blowing and the indifferent acoustic properties of the building, his clear voice was but imperfectly heard, and so for once this fine tenor failed to receive an encore. Mr Murray followed with a humorous reading, “The night and the Lady;” after which Miss Groves of Middlesbrough sang, with much taste and feeling, “When the bairnees are asleep.” In response to a well merited encore, Miss Groves next sang “The Joyous Spring.” Mr Price, baritone, of Middlesbrough will, for his rendering of when he gave the comic song of “The Twins,” which was evidently enjoyed by the audience. After a pianoforte solo, “March Funebre,” Mr N. Johnson, Miss Hobson, of Middlesbrough, in a deep, rich voice, gave the song “He thinks I do not love him.” Being rapturously encored, Miss Hobson favoured the audience with the song, “I love my love,” which involved the full compass of the splendid voice possessed by this lady. This concluded the first part of the programme. After a short interval the second part of the programme commenced by Messrs Ellis, Jordison, and Johnson, executing in concert a selection from “Faust” (Gounod). The perfect record of the various instruments (the mustel organ, pianoforte and violin), combined with the talented performance of the trio, gained them a fair share of applause. Mr Price, on his second appearance, received a cordial greeting: after singing “The Stirrup Cup” he was of course encored, and called into full play the risible faculties of the audience by a another comic song, “He, she, and the postman.” The solo all on the mustel organ, by Mr H. A. Jordison, was indeed a treat, bringing forth as it did the remarkable powers possessed by this splendid instrument, and well deserved the encore accorded to it. Miss Hobson’s re-appearance was hailed with loud applause, and on the conclusion of “Robin Redbreast,” which she sang with surprising sweetness, Miss Hobson complied with the inevitable encore by singing the plaintive ballad entitled “Millie’s faith.” Mr……………… line un-readable…………. Of his high reputation, and if there was any want of appreciation of his former song, it was now more than atoned for by the most enthusiastic encore of the evening, to which he responded with the ever welcome “Tom Bowling.” A skilfully executed duet on the mustel organ and pianoforte, by Messrs. H. A. Jordison and W. Charlton, preceded the last piece on the programme, the song of “O’er the Meadows,” by Miss Groves, for which she substituted “I love the merry, merry sunshine,” and only escaped and encore by the lateness of the hour. The “National Anthem,” concluded this most enjoyable entertainment stop Mr H. Hoggett, Jr., as accompanist, was all that could be desired.


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