Up to 1800

C100AD  Coins from the early 2nd Century.
600  Occupation by Anglo-Saxons.
827  St Cuthbert’s Church, Kirkleatham. Viking hog-back graves.
840  Possible that a Church was founded around this time on the Coatham Marshes.
876  First mention of ‘Cleveland’ (the land of the cliffs) given to area.
1065  Encampment on Coatham marshes ‘Freedom Land’. 
1068 Redcar  – called Redcarre.
At West Coatham there is an earthwork which, it is thought maybe the remains of the camp of refuge made in 1069-1070, by those who held out against William Ref-Atkinson
1070 JAN,1070. William the Conqueror set out with a strong force of soldiers from York to disband rebels and camp on Coatham Marshes. Rebels fled before their arrival.
Pre- Doomsday Book A man named Copsi gave 50 acres of land REDKER to abbey at Durham. Salt from COTUM (Coatham) was provided to the local abbeys
1086 Doomsday – revealed the Redcar not mentioned but records show that permission was given for a church to be built on a portion of land in Redcar.
1071 Malcolm, King of Scotland, invaded area of the Tees.
1106 Robert de Brus came into possession of Marske & Redcar.
1150 Ivo De Grancetre gave a piece of land to build a church in Redcar (St Peters Church)
1165  Redcar called Redker.
1170 William de Argentein granted land at Redcar to Albert de Craster as the marriage portion of his sister Cristina.
1180 Redcar called Redcekerr

In or around this date, record of a windmill situated Coatham High Street (mentioned in deeds dated 1537). Windmill named Cotum.

1203 King Edward re-confirmed the charter for the market and fair
1206 Coatham Port (at the order of King John) charged 1/15th, tax on all goods anchoring in the bay or going up river.
1208  Peter de Brus II granted Langbaurgh Charter. Rights also to freemen of the Wapentake of Langbaurgh.
1231 Ivo de Redcar gave 43 acres of land in Redcar to Guisborough Priory. The Abbeys of Rievaulx and Fountains also held land in Redcar.
1257 Marmaduke de Thweng obtained a licence to operate a market in Coatham this year.
1257 Cotum market and fair imported coal and lime. Small boats brought goods ashore. Hence name port..

An act of Parliament allowed fishermen to sell their catch from open boats on the beach.

1271  Redcar  called Ridecar and also Reddker.
1272 From this time, the lands of Redcar followed the same descent as those of Marske.
1280 Forest
1280 Lord Walter De Faucenberg was granted a licence to hunt wild board, deer and elk in ye forest of “Reidcarre”.
1281 One of the earliest mentions of Redcar when a ship was wrecked off the coast
1308 Cotum Church vicar, Master. de Osington had to appear to tell why he had sold the vicarage without authority. The Archbishop replaced him.
1322  Robert the Bruce invaded area around the Tees.
1348  Lasting only a short time a chantry established at Kirkleatham by a Rector called Thomas de Thweng
1360  Redcar market for buying and selling fish, although it is almost sure, that a market was in existence before this date, but no records available. Fishing was Redcar’s main activity until the 19th century.
1400 -1600 The Redcar fishermen are described as venturing out to sea through the openings in the dangerous reef of rocks in ‘cobles’ and selling a boat load of fish for 4 or 5 shillings.
1400 May have been a small chapel in or around 1400 in Redcar as in there was a chaplain recorded for Redcar named John de Redcar
1407  Redcar  called Ridkere.
1407 The first recorded reference to Reddcar as a manor. It is doubtful whether it had a manorial existence separate from that of Marske.
1410  Redcar  called Rydcar.
1470  First written reference to chapel near to Marsh House Farm – Robert Taylor died and left 12 pence to repair of ‘St. Sulpitius’ Chapel.
1470 Cotum Mill was mentioned in a deed in this year
1545  Sulpitius Chapel – (Location believed near Farm House Todd Point Road, Warrenby).

Cotum miller William Crawe died and an application for the lease was made by John Glover.

1615 Redcar, however has the distinction of providing an early specimen of a huge fish on October 28th, 1615, as reported…  Arounde the Teese mouthe off Redcare yn ye countie of Yorke says an old Chronicler ” There came upon land a mightie fishe ye lengthe whereupon was above nineteen yardes. Yn colour thys hughe serpante off ye sea was lyke the blewe skye and noe man hadd seen the lyke of before thys daye.

John Turner appointed Treasurer of Hospitals for Wapepentake of Langbaurgh


The Turner family purchased Kirkleatham estate which included Coatham.

1629  John Speed said, “Air is subtle and piercing which causeth people to live long and healthily”.
1669 Sir William Turner, Lord Mayor of London – before this date he was Sheriff.
1676 Sir William Turner built a (hospitality home type hospital) at Kirkleatham.
1698 Yeoman’s Cottage, High Street West. Oldest house occupied by John Agar, tally man to the Turner Family on ships using Coatham Port.
1703  Stockton Hotel and Wheatlands Farm built.
1705  Thomas Brown, hero Battle of Dettingen born at Kirkleatham.
1739  Mausoleum built beside St Cuthbert’s Church, Kirkleatham by the well know Turner family.
1760 23/02/1760 Act of Parliament passed that common fields, comprising of 400 acres was enclosed by consent of all parties. Land referred to as the Stell near Westdyke Lane. See also Where & When A Redcar Right of Road Case)

Red Lion Inn. The oldest document relating to this old coaching inn was recorded this year.


1762 Sir Laurence Dundas purchased Marske Estate which included Redcar.
1764 17th Century Kirkleatham Hall renovated.
1770 Bathing machines were introduced by Sir Charles Turner on Coatham Beach.
1771  James Cook Senior came to live in Redcar.

Crown and Anchor built as private house, 1967 saw it demolished and built as a pub bearing the same name.


Captain Cooks father (James Snr) died on 1st April, and was buried at St. Germain’s, Marske.

1786  Friday, 24th November 1786. Records show that the smuggling trade upon our coastline greatly increased around this date. Many thousands of gallons of spirits were landed between Redcar and Robin Hood’s Bay.
1788 Sir William Turner – bored for coal, not a success.
1790 After Riedcarre, Ridekarre, Reddkerr, Redcarre, the village was called Redcar. (Saxon for marsh is ‘carr’)
1794  Lord Dundas – bored for coal, not a success.
1796  Sir Charles Turner married Teresa Newcomen in 1796.

Margaret (sister of James Cook) and married to James Fleck (Master Mariner) died August 9th. Aged 26, buried at St .Germain’s, Marske.


1800 Approximate date when present wide High Street came into being, and when town became a fashionable bathing resort.





dean September 12, 2009 Uncategorized